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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. I think there needs to be more yarn in this room. It makes great insulation, or at least really great scarves.

  2. I'm off for an interview~! Here's hoping no buses or trucks or bicycles unexpectedly lurch out and get me this time!

  3. If I'd realized I'd feel like this now, I'd have stayed home when I felt "funny" this morning. Tomorrow is busy though so I can't stay home.

  4. Internet access at the House, I has it! Also, it's not freezing in my room here today. Weird. How am I supposed to tell it's not home now??

  5. Ironically, while there is very little I require a spinning wheel do, there is a great deal I require it not do. Need a new bottle of oil.

  6. Is anyone else getting this weird impending doom feeling? I feel like I shouldn't go to sleep even though I'm exhausted. Ugh, shield better.

    1. backthatelfup


      I had that last night as well.

  7. Is it too much to ask for a true-to-form book of Norse myths? I mean, if the Greco-Roman myths get them, why not?

  8. It is really really cold. :( Everything hurts if I move too fast-- A sure sign I did not get my coat zipped fast enough this morning.Owww...

  9. It looks like I'm going to have to build the damn hobby horse. I wonder if we have any chicken wire?

  10. Just finished the FMA manga. *sobs* perfect! Or as close thereto as one could get, and strangely fanon. For canon, anyway. But this IS FMA.

  11. Keep thinking that I should write something today, but am feeling vaguely lazy & uninspired and sorta sleepy.

  12. Knitting a plain scarf while waiting for my laundry to dry... Left my other size 8 needle somewhere; substituting a pencil.

  13. Knitting: Exercise in Intentional Knots combined with Exercise in Not Putting Out an Eye. See also: Sewing, attaching, detaching, injury.

  14. Mind: "Oh, there was that thing we were--" Body: "I got you something." Mind: "Oh...?"Body: *Critical strike! Incapacitating Head Cold!*

  15. More accurately, I wanted a book of translated and annotated Norse verse (which I have found,) not creatively interpreted/rewritten stories.

  16. My brain, it is melting. No, wait, that would probably hurt less. Tea, I need tea! Also, chocolate.

  17. No door to sundeck today. In fact, no sundeck. Must remember not to go out that way... or lean on the tarp. There's a bit of a drop there.

  18. No, no, it's not that I can't sleep. I just can't think because there are too many universes in the way.

  19. Noooo, shoulder, I don't want to turn into Sephiroth! I'll never be able to fit a gigantic wing under my winter coat! Stop torturing me...!

  20. Oh god, this show. LOL what is WITH the random shirtlessness, for srs.

  21. Oh my god. If I were willing to spend that much on a spinning wheel, I think it would need to come with it's own SOUL, for goodness' sake!

  22. Oh, hahahah. He's so short next to Tezuka-buchou and the other 3rd years it's ridiculous.

  23. Oh, hi there, 8:30 AM. Think I should err in favor of sleep over staying awake and possibly collapsing at random? Yeah, I think so too.

  24. Ohh, whoops. Apparently I managed to stay up all night again. Man, I am seriously getting too old to be doing this kind of thing so often.

  25. Okay, it appears further consciousness would not be appreciated by this body of mine. Off to sleep now, despite this hideously early hour.
