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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. You know all those things your mom did when you were sick as a kid? Remember them for when you're on your own with a raging fever. *dies*

  2. If I'd realized I'd feel like this now, I'd have stayed home when I felt "funny" this morning. Tomorrow is busy though so I can't stay home.

  3. Four words: Neil Gaiman is amazing. (and really a kind of beautiful and awesome and a bunch of other things, but it's impossible to sum up.)

  4. No, no, it's not that I can't sleep. I just can't think because there are too many universes in the way.

  5. The new IS hire in our PDX office has the same name as Spock's mum. I kid you not. I don't know if that's a good sign or not. #StarTrek #wtf

  6. I think there needs to be more yarn in this room. It makes great insulation, or at least really great scarves.

  7. OMG. I was RIGHT. kid!Edgeworth and Conan do have the same fashion sense. Or, well, Edgeworth and Shinichi's parents did. Heeh...

  8. I know I'm misunderstanding more than half, but what little I am sure about is... really weird. Ugh. Plus I don't speak the language.

  9. As far as weekends go, this one isn't the greatest. Passable, but that's about it. Ugh.

  10. My brain, it is melting. No, wait, that would probably hurt less. Tea, I need tea! Also, chocolate.

  11. Things Yoake did today? She tripped over nothing. Fell out of bed. Tripped over something which was technically too big to trip over--Twice.

  12. Trying to decide if it would be wholly inappropriate to name my new eBook reader Arsène Lupin. Yes? No? Weird with my ninja-named laptop?

  13. Still trying to balance this week's fail/no fail factor. Not looking particularly great. And my favorite anime shop? Might close in 2011.

  14. Today wasn't a total loss, which was kind of awesome. Also I've just been gifted with this thingy coated in sugar. A contributing factor...?

  15. By noon, I had already spoken the seven words that sum up this day: "Oh god, I can't do anything right."

  16. This week was Not Good in an extremely not-good way. So exhausted.

  17. I think I need to get a dehumidifier. Stuff that was dry when I got home shouldn't be randomly damp after the fact.

  18. The ink in my fountain pen here froze while I was at home. $^&%^&*****!

  19. I think that all I can really say about this week is that the "I'm drowning!" checkbox on my "HELP!" userpic is way way too small.

  20. I think I am all done getting ready for Christmas. For a certain value of done. Let's be optimistic & call it 85 percent, okay?

  21. I really need to figure out what I did with the Christmas presents. I know I put them somewhere safe so they wouldn't get lost, but...

  22. Something is knocking, knocking at my chamber door... What could it be, I wonder? ...Hah. It's Thor (the dog), trying to get into the room.

  23. Work is closed today - meaning I had oatmeal for breakfast and that I get to stay here and NOT play in the very chilly snow and wind combo.

  24. It is really really cold. :( Everything hurts if I move too fast-- A sure sign I did not get my coat zipped fast enough this morning.Owww...

  25. That "random mental voice narrates every move" thing happened today. Narrator? "Incredibly Bored Nt'lGeo Guy Narrates Lions Eating Zebras."
