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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Well, apparently I don't get to sleep tonight. Thank you, allergies, for the amazing headache. And the sneezing. Can't forget the sneezing.

  2. Keep thinking that I should write something today, but am feeling vaguely lazy & uninspired and sorta sleepy.

  3. Oh, hi there, 8:30 AM. Think I should err in favor of sleep over staying awake and possibly collapsing at random? Yeah, I think so too.

  4. Hoy! Well, I've now crocheted all but the border of a small afghan/large baby blanket in two evenings. Evenings being 9PM-6AM. Now to sleep!

  5. I have a theory that to become a senior UMBRELLA scientist, you have to be cleared for major firearms. It's self-preservation. #residentevil

  6. Ohh, whoops. Apparently I managed to stay up all night again. Man, I am seriously getting too old to be doing this kind of thing so often.

  7. OMG. I am soooo happy! Also, today is awesome. You are all awesome. What am I saying? Everything in the universe is awesome! I GOT THE JOB!!

  8. Okay, sleep now since I am going for work/moving goods with mom later in the day. Plus dad's coming home from Canada this evening. :)

  9. figuring out how to bring everything I need for training in OR + stuff I want for the ride there without making bag too heavy to lift.

  10. I just read an ad saying "we can direct manufacture anything you need!" as "we can Dark Mark anything you need." Huh. Where are my glasses?

  11. So. Naruto. Either it'll be a bittersweet ending or everyone's going to end up dead. That's right. No sunshine and unicorns for these folks.

  12. Ordered my ORCA pass, almost done packing work clothes. Waiting to bring my computer to the house til I can stay in my room there, though.

  13. Um. Apparently 1/5 of the stuff on my iPod is off of soundtracks. But that's only the ones labeled as such, so... actually more like 1/4.

  14. The HR director sent me all my training info, but not information on what time to arrive for work on Tuesday. I'll give her a call for it.

  15. Okay, this would be easier if I hadn't cleaned recently. Seriously, I can't find anything in this room anymore.

  16. What have I accomplished today? Crocheted tribbles. Radioactive-looking crocheted tribbles, out of fun fur yarn. Shut up.

  17. I have a strange need to be really really dedicated and productive today. Perhaps to make up for lack of weekend productivity. Laziness...

  18. Whyyyyy are all of of Ryoma's character songs "you can't beat me" or "i'm gonna be sweet now and make you feel wistful and melancholy," huh?

  19. Woke up again an hour ago and crocheted an octopus... Yeah, I know. WTF, brain, what's up with you this morning? Huh? Going back to sleep.

  20. So, yeah, after tonight I will be out of touch until next Saturday. Training & first week of work!

  21. Exhausted. Awesome. Should sleep. Back to the other house later today, and work week two on Monday. Ohyeah. I've survived one week so far.

  22. Hello everyone. Anything good/awesome/amazing happen to you? I've made it through week two & still have a job so far. So I'm feeling good!

  23. Yes, I do respond to not recognizing people b/c they changed their pic... by changing my pic. Not enough ANBU on your ceilings? Call Konoha!

  24. Tired and have a bad headache... Getting sick explains why I was so off-kilter and short-tempered on Friday. I should apologize for that

  25. Concert tomorrow. Dir En Grey! Apocalyptica! I have awesome family who remember that I'm into things. Then they surprise me with cool stuff!
