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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Headache. Badbadbad headache. Medicine? As much as allowed. Lots of water. Not working. *clutches her head and sobs quietly*

    1. beachbabealways


      Hugs you. I have had the worst headache all day too. :(

  2. Hello everyone. Anything good/awesome/amazing happen to you? I've made it through week two & still have a job so far. So I'm feeling good!

  3. Hello there! Thanks for adding me as a friend. ;) Let's make it mutual. *adds*

  4. Hey there! *wave wave* Welcome to the forum!

  5. Hey there! Welcome to the forum!! :) Hope to "see" you around...

  6. Hi, I got your message about Sugar Cookie 08 but your inbox is full. Please lmk when you've cleared it and I'll send you my response!

  7. Hoy! Well, I've now crocheted all but the border of a small afghan/large baby blanket in two evenings. Evenings being 9PM-6AM. Now to sleep!

  8. I am kind of awful but kind of awesome. The heck kind of week is this, anyway? Also. My Grandma baked me cookies. Like, only-for-me!cookies.

  9. I can't believe I have to survive another twenty minutes of this before I can leave.

  10. I cap off all those links I sent my sister to baby bunny photos with a link to photos of baby hedgehogs. Because they're hilariously cute.

  11. I have a strange need to be really really dedicated and productive today. Perhaps to make up for lack of weekend productivity. Laziness...

  12. I have a theory that to become a senior UMBRELLA scientist, you have to be cleared for major firearms. It's self-preservation. #residentevil

  13. I just can't bring myself to tell my cousin that her boyfriend looks a little bit like the Doctor... well, at least that means he's cute!

  14. I just read an ad saying "we can direct manufacture anything you need!" as "we can Dark Mark anything you need." Huh. Where are my glasses?

  15. I know I'm misunderstanding more than half, but what little I am sure about is... really weird. Ugh. Plus I don't speak the language.

  16. I need to write so that my brain won't implode to punish me while I'm on vacation.

  17. I really need to figure out what I did with the Christmas presents. I know I put them somewhere safe so they wouldn't get lost, but...

  18. I should be working on "Things Change." Instead, I'm using improbable search terms. Then I'm going to watch an Elvis movie. #procrastination

  19. I think I am all done getting ready for Christmas. For a certain value of done. Let's be optimistic & call it 85 percent, okay?

  20. I think I need to get a dehumidifier. Stuff that was dry when I got home shouldn't be randomly damp after the fact.

  21. I think that all I can really say about this week is that the "I'm drowning!" checkbox on my "HELP!" userpic is way way too small.
