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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!! Guess who's going to see Dir en Grey & Apocalyptica in September...?! With @ftngrave & @MitsukiNori ! Yeah, that's right. :)

    1. cyanidenoir


      I saw Dir en Grey in Vegas maybe a year ago? It was awesome ^_^ Congrats to you.

    2. HighPriestessIce


      Lucky! I'd kill to see Apocalyptica!

      And Dir en Grey is awesome live :D

  2. I'm off for an interview~! Here's hoping no buses or trucks or bicycles unexpectedly lurch out and get me this time!

  3. Headache. Badbadbad headache. Medicine? As much as allowed. Lots of water. Not working. *clutches her head and sobs quietly*

    1. beachbabealways


      Hugs you. I have had the worst headache all day too. :(

  4. Is anyone else getting this weird impending doom feeling? I feel like I shouldn't go to sleep even though I'm exhausted. Ugh, shield better.

    1. backthatelfup


      I had that last night as well.

  5. Ahah. Interview on Thursday!!! Yay.

  6. Accidentally hit resend instead of delete and sent a REALLY OLD text msg to a friend (who is in disneyland and was understandably confused.)

    1. aleciarivas


      LOL IT's ALL GOOD!!! It's always nice to hear from you- no matter how strange it is!

  7. Had a shower and am squeaky clean + awesome smelling. Feeling much refreshed, and will now be off to seek a cup of tea.

  8. Ironically, while there is very little I require a spinning wheel do, there is a great deal I require it not do. Need a new bottle of oil.

  9. Should have nixed the chili mangos (ugh) and gotten more of the dried tomatoes, which are super delish. Yummy!

  10. Oh, hahahah. He's so short next to Tezuka-buchou and the other 3rd years it's ridiculous.

  11. *stumbles in* So, still with the headache but going to try to sleep since I can't take anything else til 9 tonight. Back later on, I hope.

  12. Hah. Today sucked so much. Sitting up to take medicine then back to huddling in the darkness for a few more hours so my skull won't explode.

  13. Oh god, this show. LOL what is WITH the random shirtlessness, for srs.

  14. Well, my day has improved a bit. Crow-colored yarn!!!! Also, a parcel full of awesome.

  15. Just finished the FMA manga. *sobs* perfect! Or as close thereto as one could get, and strangely fanon. For canon, anyway. But this IS FMA.

  16. Distraction would be less of an issue if I didn't tend to treadle so fast while spinning... equaling subsequent need to untangle the flyer.

  17. Things that are bad for your spinning wheel (but only caused mostly cosmetic damage this time) : 1. Tripping over it. 2. Dropping it.

  18. Well, the fever certainly explains why I've felt like such utter crap all day. STFU, body, I know you hate me. At least we agree on that.

  19. Still not up to much today. Got up, wandered around for a couple hours in the house, then promptly collapsed into bed again. Exhausted.

  20. Why do people call them "Original/Old!Trek" and "Nu!Trek"? In my head, they're differentiated as "Star Trek: TOS" & "Star Trek: Fangirl AU"

  21. No door to sundeck today. In fact, no sundeck. Must remember not to go out that way... or lean on the tarp. There's a bit of a drop there.

  22. Oh my god. If I were willing to spend that much on a spinning wheel, I think it would need to come with it's own SOUL, for goodness' sake!

  23. Trying to find my allergy meds before the dose lapses and my brain tries to explode. *flings dangerous looking stuff around haphazardly*

  24. Sleeeep, since that interview is tomorrow and I really think being conscious at the time would help. Good night!

  25. So, Yoake in interview clothes? = people referring to her as "ma'am" instead of "miss/Ms." So now Nice Yoake = Respectful teenagers. WTF?!!
