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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Book club was... If I weren't so scared of offending people all the time it'd have been a lot easier. I thought the book was deathly dull.

  2. Sometimes the only cute for a headache is propping your head against a gigantic teddy bear.

  3. Sometimes I get distracted when my hair actually behaves. Like today. It's all shiny and silky and just... ugh if it had a face I'd hate it.

  4. I cap off all those links I sent my sister to baby bunny photos with a link to photos of baby hedgehogs. Because they're hilariously cute.

  5. Still not very good but marginally less miserable. The lack of oxygen makes the random dizziness make sense. Also makes me sleepy.

  6. Mind: "Oh, there was that thing we were--" Body: "I got you something." Mind: "Oh...?"Body: *Critical strike! Incapacitating Head Cold!*

  7. *breaks handle of hairbrush* ... *sighs* .... *fixes it with nail polish*

  8. Dammit, Dad, if I've wound up with your headcold I am so coughing on you when I get home on Friday.

  9. I need to write so that my brain won't implode to punish me while I'm on vacation.

  10. I should be working on "Things Change." Instead, I'm using improbable search terms. Then I'm going to watch an Elvis movie. #procrastination

  11. Wherein I literally growled at the customer service rep during that call. I feel bad for the person, justified in relation to the company.

  12. I can't believe I have to survive another twenty minutes of this before I can leave.

  13. I just can't bring myself to tell my cousin that her boyfriend looks a little bit like the Doctor... well, at least that means he's cute!

  14. More accurately, I wanted a book of translated and annotated Norse verse (which I have found,) not creatively interpreted/rewritten stories.

  15. Is it too much to ask for a true-to-form book of Norse myths? I mean, if the Greco-Roman myths get them, why not?

  16. Knitting a plain scarf while waiting for my laundry to dry... Left my other size 8 needle somewhere; substituting a pencil.

  17. So sleepy, but if I go to bed now I'll be up again by midnight.

  18. What did I post earlier? That makes no sense at all... Totally my own fault, though, I forget I actually have a full-size keyboard on this.

  19. For some reason, I thought it was much later than it actually area.

  20. Saw #FrightNight today. Oh, man. I laughed at completely inappropriate times, because I am sometimes too geeky for my own good.

  21. Why would anyone link from a grey-on-black mainpage to a pale-grey-on-white subdirectory? MY EYES, they weep real tears!

  22. It looks like I'm going to have to build the damn hobby horse. I wonder if we have any chicken wire?

  23. Accidentally hit resend instead of delete and sent a REALLY OLD text msg to a friend (who is in disneyland and was understandably confused.)

    1. aleciarivas


      LOL IT's ALL GOOD!!! It's always nice to hear from you- no matter how strange it is!

  24. Okay, it appears further consciousness would not be appreciated by this body of mine. Off to sleep now, despite this hideously early hour.
