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Posts posted by Andalei

  1. Hi BPAL's fanatics !


    Does anyone know what is the "millésime" of "thirteen (Black Label)" on Etsy is ?






    From what I could gather from doing a search of the "thirteen" thread in BPAL chatter, my guess is February 2009. http://www.bpal.org/topic/54559-thirteen-13-february-2009/


    This thread seems to be a great place for info on all the thirteen blends: http://www.bpal.org/topic/87922-thirteen-past-and-present-incarnations/


    I have never had to pay fees (I get everything sent to my home address) even when I make a Lab order large enough to get free shipping. Now I'm worried, have I just been lucky? I have made numerous large order from the Trading Post as well, no fees there either. I did notice that the Trading Post is NOT using DHL now the way the Lab is.


    I'm quoting myself because right after I said this, we were charged customs fees on a large combined order! I jinxed us. It was only $19, which I hear is pretty low compared to the size of the order, but still, it had never happened before and I was shocked.



    Was it on an order shipped with DHL? Based on past experience (my mom orders fabric wholesale from the US), orders shipped courier (UPS/DHL/Fedex/etc) are much more likely to be hit with customs fees than orders shipped USPS. UPS especially also likes to charge a $35 brokerage fee on top of the customs charge (I think Canada Post charges a $5 fee). I wasn't very happy to hear that recent orders were being sent DHL because of this.

  3. I'm glad to see a few more recent reviews state that they find Edith to be more perfume-y than foody because I was starting to think my nose was broken!


    This is a gorgeous scent but leans more toward floral vanilla on me than foody vanilla. It lingers on my clothing *forever* but doesn't last very long on my skin sadly.

  4. Finally got to try this thanks to the amazing MuskWitch! I was actually afraid to try it because I didn't want to fall in love knowing I'd probably never get more. Luckily I'm safe!


    In the imp: Sweet, tiny bit plasticky vanilla.


    On my skin: Sweet, slightly powdery vanilla with a hint of musk.


    Dry: More of the same, but super faint.


    Overall, I definitely wouldn't complain if I ever got my hands on more, but I won't be stalking Ebay auctions. This has almost no throw on me and I like to knock people out with my BPAL.

  5. It's so funny you bumped this! I was actually coming to write that I was going through my backup box last night and for some reason decided to sniff both bottles of Dee that were "wrong". The oldest of the two now smells almost the same as the Dee I love, and the other one is getting closer as well. I initially fell in love with it from an aged imp, but the first Lab bottle I bought smelled the same as that imp, so I just assumed it didn't change much with aging. But now I'm wondering if somehow that first Lab bottle had already been aged when I got it and I just don't like the smell of fresh Dee?

  6. This sounds like the issue I had with Dee last year. :( I have an ancient 4oz bottle and a 5ml from 2012 that smell amazing, and 2 bottles from 2013 that don't remotely smell the same.


    Did that ever resolve? Dee's unavailable right now, I wonder if it will be as it was when it comes back...


    Sadly no. :huh?: They sent me a replacement for the bottle of Dee that I purchased last year but the replacement smelled exactly the same. Both 2013 bottles smell strongly of patchouli, which isn't a listed note and I was told by customer service that nothing had changed and no one at the Lab noticed a difference.

  7. Gnome update... It's true, the "official" Gnome is nothing at all like the first round of Gnome. :( Here's a side-by-side photo with an old imp and a recent imp so you can see the dramatic color difference:


    As mentioned above, the old, light-colored Gnome has lots of fizzy ginger. The dark-colored Gnome is a much deeper-feeling, brown-toned scent; the dark oily "gear lubricant" is most prominent in the imp, followed by a woody note and a hint of smoke. There is no detectable ginger in the dark-colored version.


    I don't care for this version at all, and am sad to have lost the Gnome I loved...


    I keep wondering if it's safe to order a bottle again in the hopes of getting the oil I actually wanted. This dark one seems like an error no one will cop to, frankly. It doesn't match the description at all, while the older one did. It would be nice if someone would acknowledge an official change and alter the scent description to reflect it, or acknowledge the mistake and fix it. I don't even begrudge the money, frankly, I just want the bubbly ginger.


    This sounds like the issue I had with Dee last year. :( I have an ancient 4oz bottle and a 5ml from 2012 that smell amazing, and 2 bottles from 2013 that don't remotely smell the same.

  8. I often do recommend both GC and LE, but I always try and distinguish which are GC and which are LE. Personally, I find BPAL's LEs to be much better than the majority of the GC, and they're usually easy to find on the sales forum. I try to stay away from recommending stuff like Banshee Beat and Gothabilly though, because that's not nice. :lol:

  9. So I got a replacement for the bottle of Dee I posted about in August (Lisa is the best! :wub2:). She said that all their bottles of Dee smelled fine to them, but they were happy to send another one. However...this third bottle smells pretty much identical to my second bottle which is nothing like my first bottle or the imp I had initially. So very strange because all three bottles are from 2013 so it's not like my original one is super aged or anything.


    But...I have a 4oz memento bottle with Dee in it coming from Ebay, so I will see what super aged Dee smells like and then maybe hide these bottles for years. :lol:

  10. Quick question, do the snakepits have different labels? I was going through past BPAL etsy sales and Cottonmouth looks a lot different than what the bottles I've been seeing on ebay. The bottles I usually see are hot pink with the snake on the right hand side. This is the BPAL etsy cottonmouth bottle I saw: http://www.etsy.com/...tion/132158804?


    My bottle of Cottonmouth is from '09 and it has the etsy label. I've had multiple bottles of a few other snake pits and haven't noticed any label variations.


    I've had bottles of Temple Viper, Death Adder, King Cobra, Western Diamondback and Australian Copperhead and they've all had the Snake Oil type label with their snake on it like that one on Etsy. Searching completed listings on Ebay for Cottonmouth all turn up that same label as well.

  11. So Dee is one of my absolute favourite scents, and I ordered a bottle in May because my first one was disappearing pretty quickly. I went to apply the new one the other night and it smells awful. The closest thing I can compare it to is potting soil, which makes me believe the culprit might be patchouli which isn't even a listed note. Regardless, there's no similarity at all to my beloved Dee. My first bottle was also purchased straight from the Lab and was lovely right from day 1, so I don't think this is an aging issue. I emailed the Lab a few days ago to see if they were aware of a batch variance or a mis-labeling maybe, but I haven't received an answer. I need more Dee, but I'm afraid of getting another bottle like my second one. :cry2:

  12. Huge thanks to Puddin' for creating this lovely spray and to sunshinedaisybliss for sharing it! :wub2:


    I'm terrible at reviews, but Sweet Barking Cheese is so lovely! It's got a real cinnamon kick to it, but I find it sweeter than Aphrodite Kypria which is a really harsh cinnamon to my nose. I'm not sure what is contributing to the sweetness of this - it's definitely not foody in a cookie sense, but something is sweetening up the cinnamon just a bit. It also resembles the Goblin of Yuletide Yet to Come atmosphere spray IMO, so I'm thinking maybe there's a bit of clove in this too?


    Whatever the actual notes may be, I know one thing - this is amazing and yes, it has incredible staying power which is good because I can make it last longer!

  13. Does anyone know what the label artwork looks like for Lil' Menes' Feline Entertainments?


    I know this is a super old comment, but I noticed the bottle hasn't been posted, so here it is in case anyone is still wondering!


    It's slightly blurry, apologies for that!


    I tried to get a picture of my Mopsfledermaus bottle, but for some reason every single shot turned out far too blurry to see anything. I'll try again tomorrow when I'm not so tired maybe!

  14. Thanks again to my wonderful fairy! :wub2:


    Sadly, this one broke my heart. :( In the bottle it's a lovely mix of creamy beeswax and rosewood with something herbal in the background. On my skin though, this was not good at all. It turned into a very strong, bitter herbal scent that actually made me feel nauseous. Not sure what note was responsible, but it was not a nice experience.

  15. Thanks to my lovely fairy for allowing me to own this! :wub2:


    I initially pounced on this one simply because of the bourbon vanilla and musk, and then I started having buyer's remorse before it even got here because I was afraid it would be too foody. Luckily, there was no reason to worry! This is definitely sugary and spicy, but it's got more of a sexy feel to it than a foody feel. When first applied, it smelled a lot like my mom's ginger snap cookies, but then the musk comes out and turns into this warm, slinky, sexy scent. I think this one will age amazingly too!
