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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Ondine

  1. Not like I'm saying much that hasn't already been said, but ... cinnamon and floral (dragon's blood, most likely). I saw a description somewhere of "Wrath lite--cinnamon and creamy floral" and I totally agree.

  2. Sex in a bottle. Fabulously moisturizing and smells of aged Snake Oil. However, my husband smelled cedar predominantly on me, so it may amp of certain notes/smell different to others. I would love to roll in this, please.

  3. This smells a lot like something I have smelled before and just can't put my finger on! It's not strawberry on me at all, nor does it come across very pink. It's more peach-like than anything. The best I can think is that it's like Josie without magnolia.


    I figured it out: It smells a *lot* like Pediophobia!

  4. Sadness. I wanted to like this so much. When I put it on, I can really smell the smoky sweetness of the vanilla but the lilac is overpowering. It's one of those weird scents where I don't like it, but I can't stop sniffing it. If this had been just the smoky vanilla with a lot less lilac, it would have been fantastic!

  5. At first I was super-excited about this one. I love anise and licorice and hoped this would be similar to Humbug. I think the florals screwed this one up for me, though. I put it on and the licorice was prominent--yay!--than all of the sudden, the florals amped up, drowned out the licorice, and it was floral doom :(

  6. The label on this one is adorable :D The scent is fairly consistent on me--warmed grass (kind of the like the grass note from A Blade of Grass, only lighter) and flowers, but not uber-heavy flowers--just like the faintest hint of flowers. It's a light, springtime scent.

  7. I think I like this better than the released version, though I like that one too, simply because it helps me sleep better! It's probably because of the heavier lavender in it. It smells much more like a lavender herbal sleep remedy than a sweet perfume (like the regular TKO does to me). I like both, but if you want something that will really help you sleep and lavender does it, then this is the blend for you!

  8. I used to use Fresh's sugar cubes in my bath. I love the Lemon Sugar scent that Fresh puts out. Well, Crib Girls smells a lot like that to me. It's the cubeb, which is also a note in the Fresh fragrance. It's tart, lemony, and fresh. I don't smell the honey very much and that is okay by me. Yay for cubeb!

  9. Wild plum, pomegranate, raspberry, Siamese benzoin, plum blossom, patchouli, frankincense, and mahogany.

    This has aged into mostly patchouli on my skin, but a dusty, deep patchouli. It smells like a dusty incense at a new age shop. Very little plum left, not fruity at all.