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Posts posted by Ondine

  1. #526--Very full bottle. When I look at it in the light it is a clear liquid and no distinct layers to it. On skin: I can hardly tell there is vanilla in here! It is a fresh greenery smell. Pretty, but it's not really my speed. If you like Planting Moon or oils of that ilk, you'd probably really love this one.


    #547--Also very full. In the light: Dark. Really dark! And the bottle itself feels oddly heavy! Oooh, musky. It's like a cousin to Mme. Moriarty or Smut. There's a slightly dusty note in the background that tempers the musk and makes it not too heavy. It's not a foody musk, really--maybe an ever so slightly fruity note, like plum, that makes it similar to Mme. but nothing really heavy. I like this one a lot! EDIT: Definitely it's Smut Chaos!

  2. This smells like waiting in line inside a Six Flags ride, one that has wooden hallways that are kind of damp and dark and they just smell old and sort of mysterious.


    It also kind of smells like a coconutty version of Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel. There's a hint of something that's almost like curry, something coconut, and that deep, dark, wooden scent too.


    I can't tell if I like this or if it just reminds me of younger days.

  3. Apricot, lemon sugar, coconut, red currant, and vetiver.

    Actually, the vetiver's not so bad on me here (I mean, it is overwhelming, but it will age out, I am sure), it's the fruits underneath--they turn into cheap shampoo or room freshener on me. Like a Glade spray or something. This would probably be lovely on someone with different skin chemistry.

  4. I have #352, received in a swap from devilot :D


    This baby is super-full, wayyyy up into the neck. And it's separated into two very distinct layers, a whitish-opaque layer on the top (the vanilla maybe) and a bit more clear layer on the bottom. I had to gently shake it to get the layers to mix--rolling it wouldn't do it!


    It had been previously described as dry and incensey but I'm not getting that much. It's sweet on me, not like candy or cookie sweet but sweet sort of like some kinds of incense can seem to be (like to me, Nag Champa is a sweet incense). It's not heavy at all, so no musk or thick resinous notes seem to be jumping out at me. But it's not floral either. I think I can only really describe this by saying what it isn't! :P In any case, I quite like it!

  5. Bizarre. I was expecting tea and sweetness. What I am smelling on me is something akin to warm hay. It's like Hay Moon, somewhat sweeter, and a very "warm" scent on. It's probably some sort of spices that are creating that impression.

  6. This is pretty sexy, but turns very quickly into super-heavy perfume of doom on me (despite the fact that I only put one teeny tiny drop on my hand). This could be wonderful on the right person though! It really does evoke an old-timey gangster moll's perfume.

  7. Interesting--and totally unlike the Lamia prototype! It's a "thick" scent. Creamy base like Albedo v5 has but no citrus like Albedo. It does have a coconutty note to it. I don't pick up peach or vetiver.

  8. It was the cake note from Left His Nurse While in a Crowd and cucumber on me. No lovely Earl Grey, no tasty cake. (The cake from Left His Nurse was bad on me, like dry stale chocolate storebought cake. This was like that but with a weird cucumber overtone.) This actually made me a bit nauseous :(
