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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Ondine

  1. I've tried many of the BPAL and BPTP apple scents before and none have worked on me (sadly, because I love apples, especially tart green ones). But this perfume--something about it works for me. Maybe it's the "candy corn" part? But I really like it; it's sweet slightly tart candy apple. (And I had tried Sugar Slathered Candy Apple previously and it didn't work.) So if you haven't been able to handle some of the other apple perfumes, try this one ... it might work!

  2. Weird. I don't get anything like the "smells like" references earlier: It's not at all like Underpants, Glowing Vulva, Antikythera Mechanism, or Antique Lace on me.


    Instead, what it smells like--almost exactly--is The Girl. So, fans of The Girl who want something that smells like it, try this! It's amazingly similar on me.

  3. Gelt

    2010 version:


    I will preface this by saying that I really love the 2008 version, which is a dry cocoa on me, nicely chocolately.


    This year's version is amping super-floral on me. It must be the amber, which in the 2008 version plays nicely and isn't too crazy. These two years smell quite different to me; I really love the 2008 but the 2010 is almost no chocolate, all floral.

  4. #560. Previously reviewed by Livejournal owner as "Resins, black musk, opium, amber. Definitely a dark scent on me, I get some powderiness from the black musk and a bit of a 'perfumey scent' which I think is coming from the amber. I feel it has a similar 'feel' as Romanti. Goth (not as sweet or smokey though) and the Butter Arsenic proto, but with vanilla."


    I agree with the resiny/smokey aspects. I couldn't wear Romanti.Goth because something in it went sour on me. This is similar--opium, smoke, etc.--but without that sourness. There's an oddly powdery note but it's not overly potent. Very nice for fall!

  5. Tea, tea, tea all the time. Which is fine by me! I love tea and drink it constantly. On my skin, Severin is lemon herbal tea, and Lilith's Tea Party is Earl Grey-ish tea with not very much bergamot. I'm not getting the cakes or strawberry and actually no flowers either (which would have been fine by me). It's really like "tea single note."


    Wow. I got a half decant from a decant circle and that one is like the antithesis of my bottle: strawberries plus Teatime in Roswell! I actually like my bottle better but it's interesting how different the two are.

  6. Bizarre. I was expecting to amp the jasmine in this, as I usually do, and that's a deal-breaker note for me. Instead, I am getting almost exactly The Anti-Saloon League. It must be the birch and vanilla! I like it, but then I like ASL and I really can't smell much of a difference in them. Really weird, skin chemistry! :)

  7. A lot of my reviews end up being "this reminds me of X" and this one will not disappoint! This reminds me of the Valentine's Day LE Dark Chocolate and Pepper Smoked Caramel. Dark, rich chocolate and a peppery bite, but still sweet. I really like this one!


    EDIT: Blerg. For some reason something in this makes me nauseous in a way that DC&PSC does not :(

  8. Hm. This was pretty nice but not amazing in terms of throw or staying power. I used three capfuls in my bath along with putting some directly on my skin. I shook to make sure I got chocolately goodness, too, but I really had to stick my nose up close to the water to smell much. Either I have a dud nose or I have a weak bottle o' Gula.

  9. This is really interesting. I can definitely smell the star anise and so it reminds me of Pink Mood, but deeper and more fall-like.


    ....annnnnnnd then I tested it on my skin and washed it off desperately after five seconds. It was absolutely awful on me! :huh?:

  10. #658. A partial from a decant circle. Previously reviewed as "fresh-squeezed lemons; tart and juicy. Evocative of hot summers with refreshing lemonade (but hold the sugar- this is more tart)."


    I agree--nice and lemony, very little vanilla that I can smell in it. There's maybe a bit in the drydown, but up front it is fresh, juicy lemons with a zing! Just up my alley :)

  11. #398. Previously reviewed from a decant circle as "shortbread cookies to me. It's got that dry/flaky cookie scent. Not overly buttery, but pretty rich" and "caramel corn on this one. Totally overpowered the amber, too."


    I get buttery caramel or kettle corn with very little amber. This is amazing and perfect for me. It's like what I wanted Shill to be. Buttered popcorn, but sweet, not salty. It smells exactly like movie theatre popcorn on me. The only downside is that it's a light, brief scent. It's gone pretty quickly. But while it's there--man! It's wonderful.

  12. #575, previously reviewed by claudia6913:


    There's a dark layer of sediment on the bottom (not very much) and a much lighter, almost clear probably, layer at the top. After mixing them together I get an almost-masculine, Yule-like scent that is quickly replaced by vanilla/resin incense--something like Fred Soll might make. This is definitely a fall scent and very pretty!


    #543, previously reviewed on Livejournal as "slightly sweet, dark-ish vanilla, tart, zesty, zingy lime, a little booze (possibly rum), and something grassy/herbal, perhaps lemongrass and some fresh ginger."


    Pretty much all clear here--no layers. It smells kind of like an evil Tiki Bar scent! I smell something greenish and herbal, but it's not a planting or floral type green, more like a herbal green as noted above. I do smell something citrusy and maybe it's lime or lemon. Not much lemongrass coming through. It's a really interesting, complex scent.
