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Posts posted by Ondine

  1. I really liked this one. Strawberry Moon 09 is one of my favorites, and I can definitely smell the dandelion in it--which smells just like the Dandelion SN to me. In other words, I think if you liked the green notes in Strawberry Moon 2009, you might like Dandelion SN too. It's fresh, green, and not soapy on me at all.

  2. This is pretty amazing. It's what I wanted Rum-Soaked French Tonka to be. Whereas the tonka single note smelled like Anne Beany/Grog on me (all butterscotchy rum), this smells like sassafras or birch. It smells like the sassafras/root beer note in blends like The Anti-Saloon League and Phyllocrania Paradoxia v1 on me. If you like those two blends, you would probably love this one. I'm actually a little sad I didn't order two bottles!

  3. Like several others upthread have said, this is like Midway Res on me, but lighter and softer. Maybe that makes sense, right? After all, mice are Very Small and so a perfume based on a mouse circus would be little-bitty.

  4. Bummer. I love rose scents and almost every one that BPAL has put out has been great on me. I have loved Victorian Rose Milk v1, Hope, Red Rose, etc. but this does not smell like any of those on me, unfortunately. Something in it goes extremely baby powdery in a way that the Victorian Rose Milk proto does not. It also doesn't smell much like Pink Snowballs on me. The baby powder note (maybe that's the "cream" note?) overwhelms the rose and makes this extremely disappointing on my skin.


    Darn it! I wish that this had been better on me, but I'll stick to Looking Glass Looking Glass for my rose-scented baths.

  5. I found this to be quite different from Strawberry Moon 2009. It's nice but it's pretty different and ultimately I like 2009 better.


    2009 was all bright fresh strawberries, grasses, and overtly fruity. It is sweet and quite natural smelling on me: not a plasticky strawberry but really realistic.


    2012 is darker, deeper, and richer somehow. If 2009 is a bright fresh spring strawberry, 2012 is like one of the deeper red strawberries you might get that are slightly sour and puckery in your mouth. It took me a little while but I figured out what it reminded me of after wearing it for a few hours: Berry Moon. Berry Moon had a sort of deep, rich berry scent to it. This is like Berry Moon minus the red musk on me and more strawberry than other red berries.


    Like I said, pretty in its own way but I like the freshness of 2009 to the darkness of 2012, at least for now.

  6. I didn't love this--it was mostly berries and a cream/milk note like in Phantom Cow, Glowing Vulva, etc. For some reason that milk note doesn't work on me and smells sort of like curdled cream. If you like those kind of scents, you may like this!

  7. I guess I got one of the cocoa-light bottles because mine is pretty much all patchouli all the time. I like it, but I was hoping for something a little less single-note, more like one of the Urban Outfitters protos or Banshee Beat with cocoa. There are no discernible bits of cocoa in mine. Oh well.

  8. I have tried two bottles of this now. The first I bought directly from the Lab: It was harsh, astringent, no lavender. This was before I realized there was a batch variation. Once I found that out, I tried another bottle because at first I thought it must have been my skin chemistry. The second one is lavender and cheesecake. Bizarre. I have had batch variation type bottles before but never QUITE like this.

  9. So very interesting on me; I love the wine/grape scents and didn't get much of the wine or grape notes on this one, sadly. It had a little bit at the beginning along with something dark and earthy. But after a few minutes, it smells like roses! I don't know what happened, but as I love rose scents, I will be keeping this one and just burning through the first few minutes each time, waiting for roses to appear.

  10. When I first got this, it was heavy on the red musk and was pretty complex and well balanced.


    Weirdly, now that I've had it a while, it smells like Eat Me with popcorn. The red musk is pretty much gone, there's a heavy popcorn note, and then there's a cakey/slightly fruity note like Eat Me. It's pretty but much less balanced and complex than before. I've never had a red musk blend that aged like that!


    EDIT: I have now acquired a second bottle of this scent and the second is far more straightforward red musk, very little popcorn or cake in it. So your batch mileage may vary! I prefer the popcorny version personally!

  11. Grrr. I have a 10 mL bottle of Anathema that I got straight from the lab in an eBay auction. I'm wondering what's up with it though because it smells exactly like Dragon's Milk. It's all dragon's blood all the time and nothing at all like either of my fresh bottles of Anathema (very vetivert heavy) or my aged 5 mL bottle (opium and incense). I wonder if it might have been filled with the wrong thing? It's really off; it smells fine ... for dragon's blood. It smells wrong for Anathema!

  12. Has anyone else bought a bottle of Eat Me recently and found it incredibly low on the currant/fruit note? I just got a bottle for aging and it arrived today; I tried it on and it's all cake/scone with no fruit! My other bottles of Eat Me are nicely balanced fruit and cake scents. Maybe I just got a wonky bottle?


    Edited to add: I realized what it smells like: Cake Smash v6 prototype. If you've smelled that, it's a lot of vanilla cake, kind of dry, not much spice nor fruit to be smelled. So weird that my Eat Me smells like Cake Smash v6!

  13. I had tried this back in the day and didn't like it, marking "no" on my spreadsheet. But then I got a frimp from the lab in a recent order and gave it a go once more--just in case. I'm glad I did! Because in the meantime, I've tried and loved Anti-Saloon League and The Girl and that birch/sarsaparilla note I love from both of those is very prevalent in here! So at least for me, I'm recommending this for others who like ASL and The Girl: See if you get a similar feel from them too!
