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Posts posted by Ondine

  1. This is definitely in my top 10. While White Chocolate and Strawberry was like candied strawberries, or like straight-up candy, on me, Strawberry Moon '09 is like fresh strawberries from the farmer's market, complete with stems and greens. Unfortunately, it lasts very briefly on me, maybe 5 minutes, but that's ok: for this smell, I will re-apply as much as I need to!

  2. One of the few moons I've tried that I haven't been able to equate to another blend. This one is unique on me. Spicy, cinnamon spicy, and definitely very "fall" smelling. The bottle I received is quite light, so I have to slather a lot on, but once on, it wafts around me at unexpected moments with a lovely cinnamon scent. I really enjoy this one :wub2:

  3. I was hoping for something lemony and magical. I love lemons, so this sounded perfect. Well, I get lemons, all right, but so much lemon that it turns (like others noted) to Lemon Pledge on me--an artificial lemon rather than freshly cut lemon.

  4. I tried a decant of this when it first came out and I didn't like it--it was too sharp, too cloying.


    However, I just came into possession of an aged bottle and it has smoothed out and become, like many others noted, a lot like LUSH Rock Star or even possibly Creamy Candy, and I like it a LOT better now. It's sweet, mostly currant-y to my nose. I'm glad I got to re-try this!

  5. This is very pretty on me, and I can pinpoint exactly what it smells like on me: Sand & Sable. Which is fine, because I used to wear Sand & Sable quite a bit when I was really young, and I always liked it. Here, Black Moon smells sweet, with light gardenia, and not a hint of pear or cucumber. I am enjoying this blend on me!

  6. There are two scents in the catalogue that I love the smell of, but my skin hates (and I don't want to wear them in a locket, so they're pretty much out).


    Those are Inferno and Tanin'iver. Both burned my skin immediately on application and caused itchy red welts for days after. It's a shame, because both would have been full-bottle purchases in an instant.


    Weirdly, other blends with cinnamon/cassia don't do this, so I believe these two must have a lot more than them.

  7. I was very happy to see motherofchaos post the same review as me: Vice = Coppertone!


    I actually really like Coppertone, so I may end up with a bottle at some point, but it does seem to fade kind of fast on me.


    But yeah. Chocolate covered cherries turn to Coppertone on me. Weird :yum:

  8. I don't know what the numbers are on this one. The previous owner described it as "heavier, it has patchouli/herbally vibe to it, sometimes I think it has a bit of lemon sharpness to it. ... I had someone else smell it and they said the first thing that came to mind was herbal, then patchouli and then a bit of pine. She thinks what I call the "sharpish note" is pine, I thought it was more lemony like lemon balm (an herb)."


    It's so weird. When I tried it on, it honestly smelled like just straight Snake Oil to me (which is fine!) Then I thought I could smell just the slightest hint of something like pine in the background--maybe. It seems to last a little less than regular Snake Oil, fading quicker on me. On sniff from the bottle, it smells less like pine + Snake Oil and more like a sharp edge of something like menthol. [EDIT: Upon smelling it today, I can kind of place it. Imagine Snake Oil plus Tiger Balm!]


    Really strange. Anyway, I like it, but I'm not smelling much that's patchouli/lemon at all in it. Ah well, that's what makes the Chaos bottles fun! :joy:

  9. I wish this smelled like smoke, beer, or treacle on me.


    It is incredibly evocative. It smells EXACTLY like a bunch of fresh carrots on me, carrots with the green tops still on them. I used to juice carrots and this is just like smelling them as they are chopped up and put into a juicer.


    Amazing. But I don't want to smell like a bunch of carrots.

  10. XXII


    Previous owner said "Snake oil, with lots of lemony goodness on top."




    This bottle screams yellow (the oil is yellow too!). It says defiantly I AM LEMON. It's like the white "rind" of a lemonheads candy--or am I the only one who peels the lemonheads to get at the sour part? ^_^


    And I love it.


    Snake Oil? I can't even smell it. But I do get mega-lemon throw and pretty long lasting too. I'm super-happy I bought this cause I love lemon!! :wub3:


    P. S. I wore this and it stained my arm yellow, like I'd rubbed dandelion heads on my wrists! :blink:


    Previously reviewed by Emu Nymph.




    Previous owner said "This one is baffling wet, it's not herbal, citrus, clean, or foody; dry down is sweet smoke + Snake Oil and a tinge of something I cannot place - and 20 min into drydown I get grape/wine?"


    Ah, body chemistry.


    I was so hoping I'd get grapey goodness and smokiness. I wanted a smokey, wine-like snake oil.


    Instead, I get flowers. It smells like a clean laundry detergent smell--"mountain fresh" or "country breezes," something like that. It makes me think of the Snuggle bear! :lol:


    It's pretty and light and there's a touch of Snake Oil in the background, but not too much.


    I do get the tiniest hint of grape in the drydown. Incredibly tiny, like if I weren't holding my hand up to my nose and huffing it, I probably wouldn't notice.


    People who like light florals would probably love this! Alas, I don't think it's for me.

  11. CXXXV:


    The previous owner said this was like "lime Lifesavers."


    There's an initial blast of lime on application, definitely, but on me (sadly!) it fades very quickly, leaving a layer of something herbal. I can't pick out what it might be.


    And, maybe there's some mint or something similarly cooling in there because it definitely feels slightly cool on my hand.


    At the very end, there's just the slightest hint of O, which is fine by me because I don't like O that much. This blend barely smells of O. (Well, edit to say that the light scent of O lasts a lonnnnng time on me, so it ends up being a very O-like scent in the end anyway).


    I wish the lime stage lasted longer!

  12. VII:


    Previous owner said it was like "spicy grape soda" and I think that's an apt description. I've never smelled Penitence straight, but this indeed smells very like grape, that sort of grapey-wine note that many BPAL blends have. It burns off quickly but it is an awesome initial blast of FROOT.


    And it's beauuuuutiful.


    And I have only 1/4 of a bottle :(


    Anyone who doesn't like Penitence VII, I'll take more!!

  13. LVI:


    This Snake Oil is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s.


    Why hello, Snake Oil mixed with banana Laffy Taffy! The previous owner had said this smelled "sweet, floral, kinda fruity. Very little SO." I don't pick up on any floral, but I definitely smell the fruity!


    The initial blast is BANANAS, but definitely banana candy, not like fresh banana. It's like opening a fresh banana Laffy Taffy or biting into a banana Runts candy.


    After a short while, the banana simmers down and you can smell Snake Oil hidden in the background. EDIT: Actually, it dries down to more like Bastet. So maybe it's bananas + amber + Snake Oil?


    This is pretty cool and I'm glad I got the chance to try it. I only wish the banana lasted a little bit longer.




    The previous owner had said "Snake Oil with less spice, more fruit- not citrus but very wet fruit." I couldn't place it at first but I've figured it out--Snake Oil and Yule mixed, heavy on the Yule!


    I can smell the heavy fruity berries of the holly and the mistletoe behind it and just the barest little bit of Snake Oil dancing around in the background.


    This isn't a great summer scent but this will be awesome to pull out in the fall/wintertime. Tonight I'm going to pull out my decant of Yule and test them side by side because they seem really close.


    Previously reviewed by Nidaba.



    I like both of these Snake Oil chaos Theories, made even more interesting to me in that they don't smell much like Snake Oil at all (and I like Snake Oil quite a bit)! :smile:
