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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Ondine

  1. Hi Marlena,

    Could you please check in with me regarding the swap we set up recently? I haven't received your end, and I figure from Denver to Durango, it should be here by now.

  2. Hi Marla!

    I just wanted to let you know that I got your package today--thank you very much! I appreciate the extras you sent, especially the imps. I really haven't tried much BPAL yet so it's a good way for me to check out some new scents. So far it's been hit or miss with me on the few bottles I do have, so I like to try things out first. Anyway, thank you again for

  3. Uh-oh, your inbox is full! Anyway, I wanted to say I'm happy the package is safe and sorry about the customs charge. I am happy to split that with you. PM me if you would like to split the customs fee and I can paypal you. Did you need my address again?

  4. Hey! It was nice to meet you at the Cobwebs show ;) I hope you had lots of fun!

  5. Hey! We met at the Trunk Show :) I am bad with names/avatar names so I'm glad I figured out it was you (I read your Parker Lily review and remembered you equated it to Snake Oil and lily). Anyway, hi! :)

  6. Thanks! I love little black kitties, and this one is sassy to boot :)

  7. Yay for stripey-sock love! :)

  8. I'm wearing my lovely carwoman bracelet today and already received a compliment! :)

  9. Ha! I have a tiny decant of Perilous Parlor, so I think I'll still be whining for Antique Lace. I'm hoping it miraculously comes back from the dead. But PP is really, really close on me. They could be exact!

  10. *hugs* from your Switch Witch! :)

  11. Thank you so much for the knitted kitty you made on behalf of my witch--he is ADORABLE! :)

  12. Holy whoa, congrats! :)

  13. Aww, thank you! :) Scorpios DO rule ...

    I hope you have fun in the Valentine's shotgun round! I'm too busy to participate this time, sadly :( But I'll be back later ... mwahh hah hahhhhh.... ;)

  14. I just have to say I love the combination of your avatar and the tag line "but I've chosen darkness" :) Makes me smile when I see it!

  15. I love your username! Do you like Caerphilly cheese? It's one of my favorites.

  16. Hi! Can you check your PMs, please? Thanks!
