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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Ondine

  1. Aww, thank you! :) Scorpios DO rule ...

    I hope you have fun in the Valentine's shotgun round! I'm too busy to participate this time, sadly :( But I'll be back later ... mwahh hah hahhhhh.... ;)

  2. Hi Marla!

    I just wanted to let you know that I got your package today--thank you very much! I appreciate the extras you sent, especially the imps. I really haven't tried much BPAL yet so it's a good way for me to check out some new scents. So far it's been hit or miss with me on the few bottles I do have, so I like to try things out first. Anyway, thank you again for

  3. Hi Marlena,

    Could you please check in with me regarding the swap we set up recently? I haven't received your end, and I figure from Denver to Durango, it should be here by now.

  4. *hugs* from your Switch Witch! :)

  5. Ha! I have a tiny decant of Perilous Parlor, so I think I'll still be whining for Antique Lace. I'm hoping it miraculously comes back from the dead. But PP is really, really close on me. They could be exact!

  6. Hey! It was nice to meet you at the Cobwebs show ;) I hope you had lots of fun!

  7. Hey! We met at the Trunk Show :) I am bad with names/avatar names so I'm glad I figured out it was you (I read your Parker Lily review and remembered you equated it to Snake Oil and lily). Anyway, hi! :)

  8. Hi! Can you check your PMs, please? Thanks!

  9. Holy whoa, congrats! :)

  10. I just have to say I love the combination of your avatar and the tag line "but I've chosen darkness" :) Makes me smile when I see it!

  11. I love your username! Do you like Caerphilly cheese? It's one of my favorites.

  12. I'm wearing my lovely carwoman bracelet today and already received a compliment! :)

  13. Thank you so much for the knitted kitty you made on behalf of my witch--he is ADORABLE! :)

  14. Thanks! I love little black kitties, and this one is sassy to boot :)

  15. Uh-oh, your inbox is full! Anyway, I wanted to say I'm happy the package is safe and sorry about the customs charge. I am happy to split that with you. PM me if you would like to split the customs fee and I can paypal you. Did you need my address again?

  16. Yay for stripey-sock love! :)
