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Posts posted by livingdead71

  1. In the bottle, it's a little high pitched and sharp and gives me a headache. I can smell the fruits mixed in there too. It's better on the skin, but I think I'm smelling mostly the fir, cedar, and juniper berry, when I really want to be smelling the black cherry, plum, and wine grapes. I can definitely detect those fruits, but they're overpowered by the other notes on me. I smell just like a candle actually...but at least it is a pretty Fall candle. :P

  2. Coconut blends don't always work on me as well as I would like, but this one is lovely. It's a very smooth, creamy, cuddly scent. It's a soft scent, but doesn't fade too quickly. So glad I got this frimp. I'm always happy when a Lovecraft scent works on me. :P

  3. I was lucky enough to have a friend pick this up for me at the Comic-Con. I looked so forward to this because I love apple scents, I love cold scents, and I LOVE Neil Gaiman. SGA did not at all disappoint! It is absolutely beautiful and now one of my favorite scents. If you love apple scents like The Hesperides and Verdandi or cold scents like Snow White and The Snow Storm, you should love this as much as I do. I can't really think of anything that different to say than what other reviewers have already said. I just can't pass up the opportunity to rave about this scent. It's very pleasing to have all your expectations exceeded! :P

  4. This is a very pretty, feminine scent. The one note I can really pick out is sweet pea, but I definitely like the way it blends with the other notes. This one works much better on me than Juliet did. The scent stays close to the skin. I can't stop compulsively sniffing my arm. :P

  5. In the imp and wet on the skin, this smells like some sort of banana berry gum or chewy candy. On drydown, it reminds me of this currant tea I like a lot, because it smells very purple. Jester is a very cute oil, if that makes any sense. I don't think I need a bottle, but will definitely enjoy my imp, especially in the Summer.

  6. I think this smells just like Skittles in the bottle...which is what sold me on it. It's actually a really pretty wine scent on the skin. One of my co-workers said I smelled like grapes. I really like grapey candy wine scents though. This is my favorite of the Poe collection.

  7. I love it! It smells just like Froot Loops! I see I'm not the first to come to this conclusion. :P My only complaint is it wears off pretty quickly. Much like Tweedledum, it is a happy, fruity scent. I think I may need bottles of both!

  8. I only ordered a decant of this last year because I feared the patchouli. It turned out to be one of my all time favorite scents! It smells just like apple cider and is to me the embodiment of Autumn. I ordered a bottle this year! :P

  9. I ordered an imp of this, along with Tweedledee, mainly because I love all things Alice. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I love this! The mango, fig, and tea are a yummy, delicious combo. The patchouli isn't troublesome at all. The scent is very familiar, like some kind of candy, maybe. I absolutely love it!

  10. For some reason, this is is pure orange blossom on me. I can smell the chocolate a little in the scent locket, but that's it. The orange blossom is lovely, but I really wanted this for the chocolate cherry goodness. My skin chemistry is punished. :P

  11. I LOVE apple scents and Verdandi is no exception. I keep smelling myself! I'm not sure what else I'm smelling with the apples...maybe the herbs. Whatever it is, it's warming the apples. This will be a great Autumn scent! :P

  12. Mmm...this is the most wonderful cupcakey scent ever! I smell mostly vanilla cupcakes, with only a hint of the cheesecake, both in the bottle and on the skin. This scent has great throw and long wearlength as well. I didn't have to refresh it midday like I usually do with other scents. It is absolutely gorgeous! I live for scents like this! :P

  13. My first review! Yay!


    CCXXXIV(234) - My guess is lavender and eucalyptus in the bottle, a very pretty green scent. Then it dries down on the skin to a powdery marshmallow vanilla scent.


    DCCCXXXII(832) - This one smells strongly of orange peels and tea, with maybe a touch of lavender, in the bottle. Then mostly citrus on the skin.



    Both of these scents are lovely and unique. If finances allowed, I could play this game forever! :P
