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Everything posted by LadyLuckless

  1. LadyLuckless

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    Okay, so I just discovered through Lush's shower gels (suspected in Tramp, confirmed in Blue Skies) that patchouli on my fiance is like naughty evil catnip to me, and I want to douse him in it. Any suggestions for yummy guy-friendly patchouli scents? Pretty please?
  2. LadyLuckless


    Samhain 08 I couldn't wait to try this, I was born on Halloween night so I really wanted it to work for me... Oh my gosh, it's Halloween in a bottle! It starts out feeling very dark and cold, and different facets reveal themselves during drydown. The cold note mellows, and the high scent of Autumn leaves take over. Sweet apples (maybe pumpkin as well, I'm not so good at picking it out) and a dash of patchouli come out to play. Sweetish tangy smoke and spices swirl through the whole thing. Then the scent gradually changes and notes switch places and intensities: the warmer notes are in the forefront, and the cool smokey air plays backup. The leaves are always present, and breathtaking. It's like a journey- like walking through a crisp Halloween night, and ending up on your cozy front porch with your treats. Unbelievably beautiful, I love it beyond words! But seriously, it's a story in a bottle! How does she do this!?
  3. LadyLuckless

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Oh no, by all means weigh in, I'm completely lost with this kind of scent! Sunrise with Sea Monsters sounds like a possibility, and so does Olokun! Lol, the description definitely did not put me off, it sounds great. Jolly Roger was already on my list for my fiance, but that doesn't mean I can't dip into it to try! Lightning sounds more likely than Tempest, I'm trying to avoid the overly fresh dryer-sheet ones... I'm listing all of these to figure out orders for imps/decants when I have the cash. Thank you so much!
  4. LadyLuckless

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Singing Moon: It's a LE, but I see it around the forums fairly frequently and it perfectly captures a sort of damp, bonfire night touched by salt air feeling. It starts out really woodsy but the salty drydown is amazing. From the GC, Dragon's Tears might be a good bet. To my nose it smells like White Rock beach near Vancouver at low tide. I grew up landlocked so I mostly find it perplexing but I could easily see it being comforting if you're used to the salt air smell. Cthulhu from Picnic in Arkham is a dark, mossy aquatic. R'lyeh is a bit brighter with some citrus. And finally, The Isle of Demons might bring you a bit closer to home. It's more gritty, musky and tropical than Singing Moon. But it is available from the GC so that's always awesome. See now, this is why it pays to ask! Thank you so much for the recs, and the thoughtfulness, I've never even noticed Isle of Demons! I also completely forgot I have an imp of Cthulhu, which I washed off quickly because it seemed too fresh and cologney back when I first tried it. I'm giving it a better shot now and I think it's starting to darken and get saltier. Anyways, it's helping. But Singing Moon sounds so very home-in-a-bottle, I have to try and track some down! Would you happen to have any thoughts on Tempest or Lightning? Thank you again for the fantastic input!
  5. LadyLuckless

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Any recs for someone who has never tried an aquatic, but is feeling very homesick for the Atlantic Ocean? I'm a Cape Breton Islander, if it helps... I've been living in the mountains all year and I dearly miss the ocean.
  6. LadyLuckless

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    Mmmm... I'm wearing Hope right now, and it is such a perfectly decadent, sweet, blooming rose. I always feel like I'm carrying a huge bouquet of impossibly sweet-smelling flowers when I wear it! Anyone looking for a sweet rose should snap it up while they still can! It's actually the first rose perfume I've ever had, but definitely not the last. I hope other BPAL roses work on me as well. I can't WAIT to try Rose Red, I hope it comes out again this Yule!
  7. LadyLuckless

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    You need Morocco!
  8. LadyLuckless

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oh look at Katrina van Tassel! So pretty. And lilacea, I had no idea that's what the TKO label looked like! I doubly want a bottle now, sigh. Personally, I'm over the moon with anticipation about how gorgeous the Lady Lilith label is going to be! I've been in total squee-mode since I saw it offered, it's one of my favorite paintings.
  9. LadyLuckless

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    Thank you tons, Ivyandpeony!. I really had no idea where to post this one, it seemed it could go anywhere, I was getting all kerfuffled! Thanks so much for the recs too, I don't think I even knew Baobhan Sith and Nostrum Remedium had tea. I was actually looking at Daiyu, but I don't want to give my heart to any more of these Carnival floozies, they'll just up and leave you with a broken heart!
  10. LadyLuckless

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    To the Mods, I wasn't sure if this question was too specific to put into the Tea recs, or the LE/Discons=GC threads, so if I was wrong, please merge with my apologies! I've only tried one tea blend so far -- Gennivre. Which is so heart-breakingly gorgeous on me, it makes me want to cry that she'll be leaving soon! Seriously, I treat my precious single bottle (gotta get another) with all the reverence of a vial of sanctified liquid gold! Since I haven't tried any of the other teas yet, I'm wondering if maybe tea notes in general are things I should be looking for. How do other BPAL teas compare to Gennivre? When looking around for something similar, things like Shanghai, The Dormouse, Embalming Fluid and Phantasm have caught my attention. Even non-tea BPALs would be great, (for example, similar honey or orange blossom notes, same general feel, etc.) I just want Gennivre-ish recs if that makes sense. Lol I haven't tried many scents yet, so for all I know the GC is SWIMMING with them! For the record, Gennivre on me is a really summery mix of tea, sugar, honey, lemon grass and orange blossom. I don't think I really get any mint. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'm sorry for the novel!
  11. LadyLuckless

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    I have my scent all picked out for seeing it, but I'm going for a Batman/Gotham feel instead of Batman himself. It's Wings of Azrael for me! For Batman himself, I'd have to agree it should be leathery.
  12. This isn't about similarity really, but I just slathered on some Gennivre after showering, and have to announce how amazingly it layers with Flying Fox. Carry on.
  13. LadyLuckless

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    That's hilarious! I got mental pictures of Ariel in a fruit hat, and people chucking truckloads of lemons into the ocean! And zenvodunista, I can't believe I didn't think of layering! What I want is basically a lemon+vanilla sort of thing, so I should probably go for the straightest lemon, and it sounds like Phobos is it... maybe something like Eat Me with a drop of Phobos? That would add a nice cakey aspect, and the berries might be really nice with it. Or maybe Phobos and Antique Lace? I think what I'll do is get a couple of likely mix-and-match imps and experiment! I really can't believe I didn't think of layering, I'm such a newb!
  14. LadyLuckless

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    It turns out nothing in the realm of my growing perfume addiction would delight my fiance as much as me suddenly smelling like lemon pie. For something different, I was musing to myself that maybe I'd try a "lemon meringue pie" sort of scent and his eyes just lit up! I'm usually pretty take it or leave it with a side order of "meh" citrus-wise, but apparently he has it bad for lemons! Who knew? Anyways, what I'd love is a sweet, lemony GC scent that is sugary and/or creamy. I've been eying Zephyr and Phobos, leaning more toward Zephyr. What do you think? I want a nice lemon scent that'll make my guy happy, and make me a happy citrus-lover. I want to embrace the lemon meringue!
  15. LadyLuckless

    Viking or Norse-themed scents

    How about a bottle of Mead Moon, for the Mead of Poetry? That is just plain awesome!
  16. LadyLuckless


    I tried this on my fiance, and it turned into a bizarrely sexy stack of syrup-slathered pancakes enriched and twisted by the tobacco and musk. I couldn't stop sniffing him, I half wanted to take a bite!
  17. LadyLuckless

    Wings of Azrael

    Oh how beautiful! I'm not familiar with many of the notes in this one, but it all adds up to one gorgeous, sophisticated scent. It actually reminds me a bit of Crow Moon, but this blend suits me much better than CM did. It calls to mind being alone in the deepest part of a violet-carpeted forest just after sundown, as the dusky violet of the flowers, shadows and sky all blend together. The edges of the notes seem to blur together so that the edges are imperceptible: is that myrrh doing that? If that's the case, I have a real liking for it. The icing on the cake is when I held out my wrist for my fiance to sniff, he grabbed it and made a little "nom nom nom" sound while nibbling! And he's a hard sell as far as scents go! I can see this being a signature scent of mine, I actually love it as much as Faith. What a frimp!
  18. LadyLuckless


    Oh the heartbreak. I was so anticipating this one, but it seems caramel is not going to play nice with me. In the imp, she smelled like a too-rich dessert topping, and I was intrigued to see what skin chemistry and a few hours would do. Upon applying, sweet little Agrat screamed bloody murder from my wrists with an ear-splitting pitch akin to the whistling of a teakettle hooked up to the sound system at the Super Bowl. This went on for the better part of an hour. Then she collapsed into a heap of dirty apple-flavored burnt something or other. Sigh. Oh Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht. Away with ye, she-devil, you are clearly just too much woman for me. ADDED July 8: That is exactly what happened to me! I've never tried Beth's apple/apple blossom note, but I could smell it under everything else and I could tell it was gorgeous. I wanted to dig through all the other notes to get at it like a dog trying to get to a bone!
  19. LadyLuckless


    Oh sweet merciful SUGAR, yes!!! Oh wow. On me this is a mix of the sweetest violets ever grown on this good Earth of ours, swirling around in a vat of Lush's American Cream, with a dash of Jone's Cream Soda thrown in just for kicks. I was hoping to love Faith near as much as her glorious sister, and oh, do I ever!
  20. LadyLuckless


    It isn't listed in the notes as sugarcane, but both Hope and Faith are gorgeously sugared. Faith in particular had a note that reminded me a bit of Jones Soda's cream soda, which uses sugarcane.
  21. LadyLuckless

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    As embarrassing as this is to admit, one of the reasons why I had to try this one is that I'm a redheaded artist. I tried a small dab of this the other day, and honestly, it did nothing for me. I tried it on again, and through accidentally splashing it on myself I realized why---Gennivre is a SLATHERER! And man, is she lovely. That's the best word I can come up with to describe her. Utterly lovely. Picture being out in a wild, but well-groomed garden, having afternoon tea. You are sitting at an elegant little white bistro table as the scent of sun-warmed orange blossoms and greenery waft around you. It's the height of summer, but the air is fresh and breezy, and you are completely comfortable and at ease as you sip your honeyed tea- just as you like it with a tiny sprig of mint and small slice of lemon. Perfection. That's Gennivre. It doesn't smell like perfume at all, it smells like a place, a moment. It smells completely real and natural. ETA- I've fallen twice as hard for Gennivre, and WILL be needing another bottle before the Carnival moves out. She's just the perfect summer scent!
  22. LadyLuckless

    Sweet, sweet florals

    I'm bumping this, if that's alright. I just got my first order, which included Hope, Faith and Fairy Market. Oh. My. Gods. They're completely mindblowingly delicious! As I hoped, sugar and flowers are indeed my friends! I only ordered some bottles, but I got Wings of Azrael and Regan as frimps and loved those too. More sweet floral recs please! Oh, and if you have any sugary recs in general, I'd love those too!
  23. LadyLuckless


    Oh my goodness this is staggeringly hateful on me! On my skin it turned to Irish Spring soap buried in something putridly rotten and burnt. And it wouldn't let go! I washed my wrists twice, then again using a combination of Lush's Lily Savon soap, Dove soap, St. Ives Apricot Scrub and followed with Dream Cream. That finally killed it.
  24. LadyLuckless


    My first try with BPAL roses. Fingers crossed, I NEED some rosey goodness! Smells gorgeous in the imp, but I've read in reviews how quickly things can go south On: Mmmmm... sweet, enveloping rose. I get a mental image of thousands of pink and white rose petals raining down on me while licking super sugary vanilla icing off my finger. Pure, unadulterated bliss! If Hope is any indication, I'll get along beautifully with both the Lab's rose (YAY!) and sugar notes, and I couldn't be more thrilled about that.
  25. LadyLuckless

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Lol thank you, I just wanted to make sure! Starting Monday I go back to haunting both the tracking page and my mailbox.