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Everything posted by rhubarbbear

  1. rhubarbbear

    The Unicorn

    when i first sniffed the unicorn i was a bit taken aback. it didn't smell at all like what i had expected, and it didn't smell particularly good to me. i put the imp down for a couple weeks and thought about it. i finally worked up the courage to try it, and boy am i glad i did! its sweet, but not cloying, fruity, but not candyish, floral, but not old lady. its luminous, and just lovely!!!
  2. rhubarbbear


    in the bottle this smells fabulous! its sweet and dark and bitter and just so cozy. the minute it hit my skin tho...celery! so disappointing with someone else's chemistry tho, this would be a winner!
  3. rhubarbbear


    thunderbird is indeed a wet scent! i love the ozoneyness of it, but found it to be too sweet on my skin. i gave my brother an imp of this, i'll have to see how it sits on him! i think on me thunderbird was more of a thunderstorm over a field of flowers than a thunderstorm over the grasslands. still lovely, in its own way!
  4. rhubarbbear

    Rose Red

    rose red is beautiful. so rosey. i get more pink than red from it, but i'm not complaining! i love this scent. i used to wear rose scents and i stopped a number of years ago, but rose red has brought me back...i feel the love...i love that i can smell the whole rose, not just the essence of the petals!
  5. rhubarbbear

    Queen of Diamonds

    to me, queen of diamonds is a very sophisticated, grown up scent. i find the florals to be the dominant notes, but they are lovely! its cool, its a bit hard, a bit like a skyscraper, actually... this probably won't be an everyday perfume for me, but it is certainly one i'll enjoy wearing! and i can think of several occasions where the queen would strike just the right mood....
  6. rhubarbbear

    Sugar Skull

    oh sugar skull, can't we just be friends? i get the brown sugar/maple thing, but its overwhelmed by cinnamon. i can even smell cinnamon in the bottle, and when it hits my skin there's no room for anything else. after an hour or so it resembles nothing so much as cinnamon potpourri it does last a long time, tho!
  7. rhubarbbear

    Sugar Cookie

    i love how sugar cookie smells in the bottle. so yummy, so edible, so fresh baked...i've tried it 3 times so far, my hope winning out over my memory. cause on m, it goes bad first the cinnamon takes over and i smell like a red hot. then that hightails it out of here, and i smell like a really old, musty, dusty thing that maybe, once, used to be a cookie, if you squint and sniff it at just the right angle. so sad about this. i can't quite bring myself to swap it yet, as i keep hoping it will work one of these days...
  8. rhubarbbear


    zephyr has so many notes that i like, i was really excited to try it! plus i'm always on the hunt for the perfect, elusive lemon scent- one that will stay true on my skin, not turn to furniature polish, and will possibly remind me of delicious lemon baked goods- lemon merangue pie, lemon bars, etc. i thought with the vanilla in it, zephyr might fit the bill. sadly, it didn't quite make it. the vanilla didn't really come out on me, so although the lemon stayed true, it didn't have the slightly sweet edge that i crave. and then the musk and flowers came out and took over, relegating poor lemon to the background. so, in closing, i like zephyr! it just wasn't quite what i was hoping it would be. (not zephyr's fault, i know!)
  9. rhubarbbear

    Bon Vivant

    this totally reminded me of a strawberry shortcake doll. i think it was the champagne note! on my skin the champagne really took over, and what strawberry could fight its way through ended smelling kind of plasticky. not really a great scent for me, but one i've thought about sending on to my neice...
  10. rhubarbbear


    kool-aid! powdery, red, kool-aid. i don't know what a pomegranite martini smells like, but this is what i smell in swank! its a very upbeat scent, and very strong. it does explain the candy scent i get from persephone, but doesn't really remind me of pomegranite (the fruit) at all.
  11. rhubarbbear


    i was very excited to try jack, as it sounded like the perfect fall scent (plus the pumpkin thing always makes me think of the pumpkin juice in harry potter ). i'll admit i don't really know what a pumpkin smells like, other than a jack o lantern, or pumpkin pie. jack didn't smell like either to me- in fact, it smelled very fruity (the peach) and buttery. as i'm typing this i'm thinking 'gosh, that sounds pretty good!' but for whatever reason it didn't work for me. it reminded me of a very sweet candle, and not of fall at all
  12. rhubarbbear


    i think that mostly-green scents just don't work on me. i hardly get any rose out of this at all, and what i do get is a very old lady-ish rose. and rose and i are usually friends! otherwise its a lot of green- moss, damp forest, maybe a little decay. i can see how this would be very pretty on someone else, but it just doesn't work for me.
  13. rhubarbbear

    Machu Picchu

    machu picchu is a scent that has really grown on me. i was dying to try it for ages, and finally got a hold of some in a swap. at first i was rather disappointed- it smelled mildly sticky- like film left over from candy on a desk. i didn't get anything tropical, no insence...just sticky and a little green. i stuck it out, tho, and kept trying it, and eventually (change in skin chemistry?) i grew quite fond of machu picchu. i still get the stickiness, but now it reminds me more of jungle-esque humidity. and its combined with tropical blossoms, and wet jungle leaves. i'm still missing the incense, but overall this is a lovely scent!
  14. rhubarbbear


    neo tokyo is a very fresh, light scent. i don't really get the metallics, but the ozone is there, and the bamboo and the blossoms...i don't get the fruit, either. still, its a very fresh, green, floral, and i love it! it's calming. i can see it being a great summer scent, and i'll probably order a big bottle in a couple months. i do wish it had more staying power- as caitfish said, its gone quickly! its a good bedtime scent, too, and that way i don't notice it fading quickly
  15. rhubarbbear

    New Orleans

    this is a very lush, humid scent. it isn't a light floral! i do find that the spices and lemon take the edge off the heaviness of the jasmine and honeysuckle, even though i don't find my nose picking them out individually. i like to wear new orleans in muggy or rainy weather- when its dry and sunny out it just doesn't feel right to me. it is a strong scent- a little dab goes a ways on me!
  16. rhubarbbear


    this is definitly a dry scent. i'd hoped it would be a sweeter kind of dry, like hay, but it turned out to be a not sweet dry, more masculine. tho i suppose hay isn't uber feminine anyway, i thought it would be lovely on husband, and it was. unfortunatly, he failed to see that, but really, it was great on him!
  17. rhubarbbear


    this reminds me SO MUCH of the hippie/new age shop i used to go to with my mom! amazing. i hadn't smelled that in years and then whoosh! here it is, in a bottle. its a warm scent- i don't get much of the cherry (good thing, as it usually turns to cough syrup on me), but i do get sweet, and some mild spices. it doesn't remind me of blood, but of containers of crystals, velvet skirts, incense, tarot cards and wind chimes hanging in a sunny window.
  18. rhubarbbear


    this is a very wood-y scent, as others have mentioned. i don't get sandalwood from it, but boy is that cedar wood alright! cedar and patchouli are the dominant notes on me. cedar reminds me of hamsters, and the lovely old chest i use to store woolens (an odd combination, i know!). aureus does have a kind of sunlight attic scent to it for this reason...it brings up images of childrens things, stored away, and pulled out from time to time to remember. if you like warm, wood scents, this one is a winner!
  19. rhubarbbear


    delirium was a scent i was considering for my first order. i ended up going with something else, but the clever labbies gifted it to me! so generous and really lovely i love roses and lemon, and they are so pretty in combination! the apple lends a fruitiness that i love in the vial, but am less fond of on my skin. still, i like this scent! its one i can see wearing the the early summer, when its warm, and slightly humid, but not yet dog days...bees buzzing around, and flowers in bloom, sipping lemonade on the lawn...
  20. rhubarbbear


    i loved the description of this! saffron is one of my favorite spices, and i love the middle eastern spices (whatever they are!) in queen of sheba. unfortunatly, it turns to pure incense on my skin. and while i like incense reasonably well, i don't much want to smell like it. i'm starting to think that i don't know myself very well, since many of the scent descriptions that i *love* just don't work for me as perfume. still, i can see how scherezade would be gorgeous on someone else! it's very rich and deep.
  21. rhubarbbear


    when i put this on, it reminded me of a sweeter version of queen of sheba (which i love). yum! the visual i get from this is of the temple at luxor- very golden, dry, desert, warm sun, powerful statues, regal bearing. the almond fades rather quickly on me, but the sweet amber touched with mild spices lingers for a good while. i'm very fond of this scent, and am considering it for a big bottle
  22. rhubarbbear


    i ordered an imp of this as part of my brother's imp gift pack- but once i sniffed it i knew i had to keep it for myself. yes! HAD to i tenochtitlan. love, love, love it. its one of a handful of scents i've put on and immediatly wanted a big bottle. its light, floral (the tulip comes out on me), fruity (definilty cactus apples!), and somewhat honeyed. the herbs are just present enough to keep it from being super sweet on my skin. beth, get down with your bad self!!!
  23. rhubarbbear

    Has No Hanna

    i don't know what this is, but i like it! i'd been hesitant to try the voodoo blends, since no notes are listed, but the super awesome lab threw this one in with my last order i think its floral, and vanilla? i'm torn about how it works as a luck-changer...i put it on at our hotel this morning, bc we've been staying in a hotel for 2 days waiting for the power to be back on in our house. and i was hoping has no hanna would lend a hand! i daubed some on my wrists, then went to hand the baby wipes to my husband (who was chaning baby, lol) and promptly spilled the imp all over the hotel floor, and the baby wipes. however, when we stopped by the house to drop the dogs off, the power was on! even tho AEP said it wouldn't be on til tonight! so if it stays on, i'll be searching for a new imp of has no hanna for sure....
  24. rhubarbbear


    athens made my mouth water on first sniff. i smelled grape juice (the wine, i expect!) and honey- very sweet and almost drinakable! on my skin the myrrh comes out and the grape notes go into hiding. the florals come out, too, and for a little while (45 min or so) its a bit floral for my taste, even with the honey and myrrh. luckily the florals fade a bit, and i'm left with a sweet, resiny, homey kind of scent. interestingly, the grape notes will peek through every now and then, but if i actually sniff for them, they're gone! its like they are following me, and i can see them out of the corner of my eye, but when i turn around- nothing. athens has decent staying power on me, its faint but detectable 6 hours after application. i really like this one!!
  25. rhubarbbear


    tamora is sweet, fruity, and sweet!!! i don't really get the heliotrope at all, and the sandalwood is just a bare hint- this is pure peach and vanilla on me! its yummy, it reminds me of peach cobbler (thats due in part to the sandalwood, i think, which gives a slight earthy tone to it). i love foody scents, but most of them don't seem to work on my skin. when i want to smell like dessert, i grab tamora!