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Everything posted by rhubarbbear

  1. rhubarbbear


    i love london! it's one of the rose scents that doesn't go soapy on me, and it's just beautiful. i'm not sure what is particularly wicked about it, but that's probably my own short coming lovely tea roses, may be a big bottle contender!
  2. rhubarbbear


    when i first tried this i got lovely, lush, tropical blooms and bananas. so much fun and so unsual! unfortunatly, that seemed to be a fluke. in repeat wearings it was a humid, incensey scent. very pretty in it's own right, but i was so disappointed by the disappearing act the bananas pulled i was never able to quite forgive it.
  3. rhubarbbear


    i tend to think of sweet pea as a light, somewhat faint note. the sweet pea in juliet, however, is anything but! it pretty much takes over the scent, and only the lily can stand any chance against it. so what i get is pretty much straight up sweet pea and lily, with lots of throw! it's pretty, but i wish i got some pear and musk
  4. rhubarbbear


    i liked akuma. it wasn't anything special on me, but it was very pleasant. i think it would be a great perfume for my neice, actually...!!
  5. rhubarbbear

    Black Pearl

    oh, i love black pearl! it smells like summertime...i wish it were more coconutty on me, but it's lovely as is- iris with a slight coconut edge to keep it from being too floral. no idea why iris smells like summertime to me, but it does!
  6. rhubarbbear

    Two, Five & Seven

    i love roses, so thought i'd love this. the first imp i got left my house pretty quickly- it smelled of weird, candyish soap roses both in the vial and on my skin. then i was convinced to try it again, so i ordered it a second time. it smelled exactly the same. why do other people get lovely rose gardens and i get wacked out candy?? it's not fair, i tell you!
  7. rhubarbbear


    siren was really confusing to me. i love the listed notes, but don't smell any of them in the vial or on my skin! i'd think it was mislabeled, but i've had several imps pass thru my hands (i keep thinking they must be mislabled). furthermore, it gives me a headache
  8. rhubarbbear


    i read the ingredients on this one and didn't order it. i KNEW we wouldn't get along. then, at the january nyc meet n sniff, i actually smelled it . who knew?? (not me, obviously) i did not try it on. i went home and arranged a swap for a bottle. when the bottle came it did smell a little hairspray-y. as soon as it hit my skin it turned into a very grownup, commerical perfume. hmmm. it's nice, tho, just not very "bpalish". husband agrees that it smells perfumey and nice. dry this alternates between a sweet, warm, honeyed floral (YUM) and the way i remember smelling when i went clubbing in college and grad school. warm, perfumey, a little smokey. i like both options, but can't quite figure out how they decide who will get the floor. stardust lasts pretty well on me- my skin usually eats scents, so if i can wear it for a few hours without reapplying, that's great! pretty good throw, too. i love it! so glad to have a bottle (and am tempted to get another!)
  9. rhubarbbear


    i'm a slow learner. i love orange blossoms and vanilla. unfortunatly, bpal vanilla tends to go dusty on me, and the orange blossom note tends to give me a headache. but i get so excited when i see them, i'm sure THIS will be the time they work! sadly, hunger wasn't my magic bullet i don't know if the vanilla went dusty or not, bc i couldn't get close enough, due to the orange blossom. ah well.
  10. rhubarbbear


    this was a frimp from the lab, and another one i never would have tried on my own! thank you, lab! as it turns out, i love ouija! it's the first blend with wood in it (other than sandalwood, that is!) that i've been able to wear...usually the wood just overwhelms everything and leaves me smelling either masculine (not my thing) or like furniature. but not ouija! i smell like lovely roses and lilacs, grounded by the wood in the background. so very pleased
  11. rhubarbbear


    i mostly get peach from fae- peach and a touch of that white musk. i thought that i would love smelling like peaches, but for some reason i don't it's no fault of the perfume, tho, it's really lovely! so summery...
  12. rhubarbbear


    yep, gin and lemon! very clean, and kind of sparkely or maybe kind of clean and very sparkely! i don't drink martinis and the ones my family drinks are made with olives instead of lemon peel, so to me this smells a lot like sprite or 7up without the sugar.
  13. rhubarbbear


    butter! buttermints....is that what you call those little gold disc hard candies? this smells like a melted tub of those, with a bit of booze. it's really, really sweet and foody on me. maybe a better room scent than perfume for my taste...but for foody lovers, i think this would be great!
  14. rhubarbbear


    the rosewood and leaves really go nuts on my skin...i smell like a dresser with a bunch of leaves scattered on it. i think that most woods and i don't get along
  15. rhubarbbear


    this was a frimp from the lab- thank you! i never would have tried this myself, based on the description. "soft" is a very good description of this scent. it's not in your face, and it's blended expertly. it smells to me like soft outdoors- gentle weather, new flowers, the cool of the evening. it gives me a mellow, earth mama vibe. very nice!!!
  16. rhubarbbear

    The Apothecary

    this smells very green and clean in the imp. not too much tea, sadly. i liked it OK, but it seemed a bit masculine, so i tried it on my dh. his verdict: soap! (of course, he says the same thing about 50% of all scents, it seems....not the most sensative sniffer. still, worth mentioning here since i agree that it's "clean" smelling). the apothecary is nice, but not a real stand out on either of us.
  17. rhubarbbear


    very lemony. very soapy. bits of lavender. i have very little reaction to this perfume...i don't like it, i don't hate it. i doubt i'll reach for it again, but there's nothing offensive about it...
  18. rhubarbbear


    this was on my wishlist forever, and then a lovely swapper frimped with it! smells like heliotrpe in the vial to me. that and something green. i didn't try it for a few days bc it wasn't overly exciting. on, its definitly heliotrope. goes powdery on me, that and amber. maybe amber? but then...a few minutes later it starts warming. now it's a beautiful, glowing light spice scent! amazing! it's gray and cold here in brooklyn today, and ra is like having a mini little space heater on my arm (but not in that red welt buring way)! amazing! i love it!
  19. rhubarbbear


    apparently, leather is a very strong scent on my skin! the rose, wc is lovely and present (with a bit of darkness from the leather) in the vial disappears instantly when it hits my skin. instead of wet roses and leather, i smell of wet leather.
  20. rhubarbbear

    Lucy's Kiss

    i love roses, and spiced roses sounds neat-o. i bat about .5 with bpal roses- good vs soapy...unfortunatly, lucy's kiss is the soapy variety. soap, soap, soap
  21. rhubarbbear


    i must have been REALLY nice, because although i missed the inquisition ( ), a lovely forumite swapped me an imp of fee in the imp it smells super sweet- like melon candy! so good! after a few minutes on my skin it's turned to...dorian? i didn't read the notes before i tried this, how can that be? (looks at notes- ah, vanilla and tea, yes, i see...). i'm one of the loonies who doesn't really like dorain. crap. minutes 5-10 or so are excellent- back to fruity goodness! but then dorian returns my skin does funny things with vanilla, i imagine that on others this would be sooo amazing! the perfect spring/summer blend...
  22. rhubarbbear


    ok, so in theory, this should be one of my favorite blends EVER. i love all the notes, esp sandalwood reality, however, is somewhat less cool (drated skin!). loralei smells like...oh, kind of like a burning orange orchard. it's very sharp, rather masculine and sadly, the sandalwood never comes out at all of course, it lasts forever...in the immortal words of the young mc: "the ones you like only seem to hate you, and the ones you hate only seem to date you".
  23. rhubarbbear

    The Peacock Queen

    i LOVE this perfume. love, love, love it. as others have said it's this incredible red rose scent...not green at all! so lush and wonderful. sadly, i seem to be in the "my skin eats this scent" club, too happily, i should be getting a scent locket soon and peacockqueen and i can be best friends!
  24. rhubarbbear

    Rose Cross

    in the imp i smell frankinsense, and virtually no rose. kind of green/evergreeny. nice, but makes me hesitant to try it. i'm more into roses than frankinsense. on my skin the frankinsense still predominates, tho the rose peeks out a bit. what rose i do smell stays true, not soapy, so that is excellent! i like this one much better than i would have thought at first sniff. it seems very calm, centering and powerful. definitly has big bottle possibility!!
  25. rhubarbbear


    i'm on a quest to try as many bpal roses as possible harlot was a risk, as i'm usually quite sensative to cinnamon, tho i love it soooooo....anyway, in the vial all i smelled was cinnamon. on my skin it went: cinnamon only....roses only...and finally settled on soapy roses with a hint of cinnamon. no welt, tho!