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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by etherealchild

  1. etherealchild

    The Coiled Serpent

    In the Bottle kinda sharp, earthy...... Wet REALLY strong patchouliwood. Like whoah. Drydown It's all fire, smoke, patchouli, earth...... I smell like an old hippie. lol. I dunno, once again the possible appeal of patchouli is lost on me. I just don't get how anyone can like it. Two Hours Later It's an interesting smell, I'll give it that...... but it's the patchouli..... it ALWAYS smells bitter, DIRTY, and overly masculine to me. Verdict I guess it does kinda help with the chakras, and more open sensuality...... but god damn, it stinks!
  2. etherealchild


    In the Bottle Yum YUM, I am salvating slightly at the smell of this Wet Vanilla. It's not overtly sweet though. This smells similar to Snake Oil, but darker...... more complex........ Drydown It's gettin' smokey people. The honey seems to temper it though. Ahhhhhh ::drools:: if I was a guy, I'd be all over me right now. Fuck Snake Oil, O is the sexiest scent I've some across yet! Two Hours Later I can smell the amber more..... and I hate amber...... It was rather yummy before. Bah. Another scent ruined by amber Verdict I really like it, even though I am not a Vanilla person. The amber kinda ruined it at the end though....... not bad altogether.
  3. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Gorgeous..... just gorgeous Wet The pear is musky and filmy.... this one is so pretty. The pear is gradually getting stronger. It's never been one of my favorite notes, but here I like it. It's so beautiful and wistful...... utterly feminine and soft... the lillies and roses are a quiet refrain in the background..... I often have a hard time with "white" fragrances.... but this is gorgeous. Ahhh Drydown It's gotten a powdery layer and the pear has faded somewhat. This is really beautiful. It's such a delicate scent. I'm about to go to bed. This one is going to give me lovely dreams, I know it! Several Hours Later This one got more lovely as the night went on. It wafts sweetly around you. It's never strong, but I randomly get hints of it throught the night, and it's such a lovely thing. I can't believe how closely it stayed to the smell in the bottle. that NEVER happens for me. Verdict Immediately became one of my top 3. ::swoons:: I love this one!
  4. etherealchild


    Let me preface this by saying that I loathe vertiver, but a friend recommended this one so highly that I had to try it. In the Bottle Rather musky, warm, and sultry WetBitter vertiver. I have never smelled anything quite like this. The smell is morphing. Hmmmm, almost smells like sage. I can’t place the note, but there is something very familiar in this. DrydownVery woodsy. A vanilla like warmth underneathe. Hmmmm….. I kinda smell like woodchips. It’s continuly changing Two Hours LaterI am vaugely getting a musky floral in here; still a bit woodsy. Now let me tell you something. The description says “Unrestrained revelry, unchained licentiousness” Can I tell you people that after the drydown stage, when the violet starts making an appearance, I got very frisky. Horny. I had to “call someone” and have just had the most “fun” I’ve had in an entire day in a long time. I ended up skipping class. Holy crap. This one should be renamed all night long. Whew. I’m pooped. VerdictThe smell dries, nicely, but it’s not me. However, the effect it had on me sexually…… god damn, I’m keeping this one near my bed. Rofl.
  5. etherealchild


    Wolfsbane..... not somethng that would ever peak my interest.... but it was a freebie, and I like to try everything atleast once. In The BottleMusky, smokey masculinity...... tempered by something green and herbal...... Wet Accckkkkkk! yuck. bitter. very sharp and bitter. quickly calming down though, within seconds it falls back.... still has a bite...... ::twitches nose:: kind of a bitter pine sol? There is vertiver in here somewhere...... I know it. My skin is screaming for immediate removal. ::sniffs:: Nina's skin DOES NOT like this one. Nor does her nose. Drydown It's gotten a lot better. I am still not a fan... but a lot of the bitterness has disolved..... herbal and musky...... reminds me of fog and smoke in the woods..... a guy might be able to pull this one off..... but I can't with my skin chemistry or tastes..... Two Hours Later Smae as before..... but wait...... there is a sneaky floral trying to poke it's head through the vertiver..... several people have said rose.... but on me I am getting more of a pansy...... some sort of wildflower maybe? I still don't liek it though. No ammount of florals is going to fix the vertiver. Verdict NO.NO.NO. lol.
  6. etherealchild


    In the Bottle Sweet musk and patchouli Wet Thank god the patchouli disappeared instantly...... this is musky and incensey on me. The rose is very sexy. Woah. lol. Drydown The sandalwood is really lovely. It unfurls on my skin and becomes smokey...... compliments the rose quite well. As usual the palmarosa is nowhere to be found. This smells like quite a few other BPALs I have tried....... I can't remember which ones off the top of my head. Two Hours Later It stays so close to my skin I almost forgot I was wearing anything. It's not faint, just doesn't drift or waft at all. Very sexy in a very understated way. Verdict I like it, but it comes off almost generic. And doesn't waft off like I like my perfumes to do.
  7. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Warm fluid yumminess Wet Overflowing with hot damp blooms; sweat and heat...... Reminds me of the south in late summer...... Wow. The lilac is really heady and voluptuous. Yet it is not syruppy or sugary. I like this one. Drydown Sultry florals, than a movement of lightness and soft air above the florals that allows the fragrance not to become weighed down or too heavy. It must be the airy lilly. It's really pretty. I've never smelled anything quite like this. Two Hours Later It has pretty good staying power. The sandalwood gives it a depth, and becomes the belly of it all, the lingering end note. I can't get over the simultaneous lightness and roundness and heat of it...... I never caught any of the palmarosa; it tends to evaporate on my skin.... ::sniffs:: yup, it's nowhere to be found. lol. Verdict Very pretty.... not exactly me, but still very pretty. It's a very unique and offbeat floral.
  8. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Milk and honey sweetness Wet The bergamont has a tea like quality that is coming out verrrrrrry strong on me. Almost a cinnamonny vein. The honey is somewhat spicey. How funny, my chemistry is making Alice an almost spicey scent! Drydown Ahh it's gotten slightly powdery. I can barely make out the rose. How pretty! It's swirly and creamy and faintly spicey. Like the most delicious cup of tea. This isn't somethnig that I would pick out for myself, but it has such a lovely fragrance..... reminds of this creamy tea shower gel I used to have..... this is a great scent for spring. Something you would wear aroung young childeren. What softness and warmth and childlike playfullness it conveys! Two Hours Later I smell of sweet tea and creamy roses....... very soft and pretty...... has a definite effect on people around me....... calming and alluring...... puts me at ease, and makes me feel warm and sweet. It's such a good girl scent!!!! Verdict I like it a lot, even though it isn't ME . I'll keep the bottle to break out when I'm in the mood. All in all, quite pretty and yummy.
  9. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Another spicey floral, courtesy of Beth Wet OOOOOHHHH..... mmmmmmm I am having a perfume induced stupor. WOW. this is sexy as shit..... spicey and firey cinnamon tempered by wet full bosomed roses. Drydown I wanna hump my arm. rofl. Omigawd this is cum-hither (lol) sometimes it strikes me as more cinnamony other times more rose.... it comes over you in delicious waves...... This is so yummy and warm and round and lusty. Two Hours Later It got very very very faint. But while sleeping last night I had the strangest dreams about past lovers.... hmmmm..... They weren't sex dreams, but they were very sexual and emotional. I haven't dreamt like that in soooooo long. Verdict In general I don't like cinnamon, but I really like this one as a prfume for specific ocasions. I.E. next time I go to the bars I plan to be wafting harlot from the naughtiest of body parts.
  10. etherealchild


    In the Bottle spicey clove Wet spices and herbs....... something creamy tucked away underneathe trying to come out. Don't know where I stand with this one. Hmmmmm it's becoming more resiny as it dries.... it's interesting, and I can't tell if it's in a good way or a bad way....... somewhat smokey, dark, rich.... Drydown There's a note in bpal that makes the perfume smell exactly like a roaring fire in a fireplace...... wood burning..... I don't know what it is, but it's here. It gets strong for about 20 minutes, then fades away like dying embers. Two Hours Later It's settled back to a warm melting spice...... ::sniffs:: it's okay, not bad...... Verdict Not big on cinnamon...... ehh...... this one was okay.
  11. Ahathoor is pretty damn clovey. I haven't tried the other ones mentioned.....
  12. etherealchild

    Midwinter's Eve

    In The Bottle Grape/plum cough syrup? Wet really cough syruppy. kinda artificial ::coughs:: Drydown MUCH BETTER. lol. Yummy sugared plums. I wanna lick my arm. It's a very simple scent on me. Sugared plums, nothing else. Purple yumminess. Two Hours Later Aww...... it got more grapey again. Those grape push lollipops..... I forget what they are called..... I wanna taste this one damnit! lol. Verdict Yummy, but not me. I just don't do food smells, and I don't like fruitiness. Not the "aura" I like to surround myself with. lol. Yummy none the less.
  13. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Watery aquatic floral Wet It's similar to Blue Moon. The watery floral, minus the cucumber and alluringly sweet blooms, and that sparkle factor. Blue Moon was an aquatic floral that was like the sparkling crests of ripples on the surface, that shimmer when the moon is full and the city litghts are glowing playing off the water. This is a colder version, more subdued and less complex. Danube is that water in the shadows under a bridge with moss and vines reaching into it...... Drydown Tulips. Attention nostrils, tulips have arrived. Two Hours Later Faint. Less tulip, more original version. I can hardly smell it though. Verdict Didn't really do anything for me. It was nice, but kinda boring.
  14. etherealchild

    Dove's Heart

    In The Bottle Clear, cool water Wet I want to plunge head first into this scent. wowowowow. How did Beth do that? I've never smelled anything that actually smelled like clear water. Invoked, but never such a pure and fluid note. The smell cannot be described by anything I have ever come across in my life. If you ever cried awhile and then finished and took in a huge breathe and exhaled the most satisfying exhale ever.... that's the smell. I'm encredibly calmed and quieted by this one. Drydown When I find myself in the middle of maddening and hectic days, trying to find a few seconds peace to center myself and pull it together..... This scent is it. It also has an effect on the people around you. My coworkers are a rowdy bunch, but today, everyone was a softer version of themselves, and my boss, a classic typa A, has never acted this way around me. EVER. Two Hours Later Lovely. ::breathes in deep:: the scent has revealed a sweet translucent floral note, ever so faint. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. I am a fan of the subtly beautiful, and this is it. So calming and centering. There is an underlying sadness, but a beautiful one, none the less. Verdict A new favorite. This is what Water of Notre Dame is trying to be. Beth you are feaking amazing.
  15. etherealchild


    Before I even pick up the bottle I have to say that I don't like chocolate, orange blossom or cherry in my body products. However since Beth is so fabulous I am gonna give it a go anyways. Int The Bottle Chocolate and faint cherries, cocoa .... ehhhhh Wet WOAH. choc-o-lat-ay. damndamndamn....the cherry is taking over the whole thing. I don't mind the musky cocoa so much...... but cherry? bleeehhh. Hopefully the chocococoamuskiness will win. lol. must say..... this one makes me feel dirty in a very good way. I never thought of chocolate or cherry as sexy, but this is damn near horny..... I wish the cherry would go away..... lol. It's one of those I don't like the smell, but I sure do like the way it makes me feel. lol Drydown Cocoa muskiness is gone. I smell faintly of cherry cough syrup. Two Hours Later I can barely smell it now. I smell like I spilled oough syrup on my shirt...... Verdict Not a fan...... but I wasn't expecting much to begin with. At least I didn't HATE it. lol.
  16. etherealchild

    The Hesperides

    In The Bottle Apples... dark winding greenery, warm resiny note.... I'm intriuged! Wet Apple always does a disappearing act on my skin... and here it is doing it again.... I am getting resiny smoke, dark woods, midnight woods..... there is power and force here....... raw mastery .... I'm getting that fire smell that have shows up in other bpal notes with resiny smells..... heh...... I like this one though.... interesting.... woulda made a great autumn fragrence....... too bad it's crappy january Drydown Apple is trying to come back.... this one is so interesting.... makes me feel ornary and mischevious..... but when don't I? lol...... mellowing out, but there is still a very swirling warmth and playfullness....... 2 Hours Later It's gotten prettier...... it's a scent that makes you feel comfortable and playful...... I have never liked an apple fragrence before...... Kudos to Beth. Verdict Although lovely, it's ultimately not me. It didn't have that wow factor, or the need to keep smelling myself that I have in my favorites...... not bad though...
  17. etherealchild

    Silentium Amoris

    In the Bottle Light powdery rose Wet It is a cool solem scent, frigid white florals with gentle ylang ylang in the background..... doesn't quite shake the powdery dryness however. This is a dusty rose....... Drydown There is a sense of calm release........ peace...... it has gotten quiter and softer....... a powdery waver of faint floral a hint of inscence and a touch of ylang ylang Two Hours Same, but less floral and inscence...... almost completely soft powder and something else lingering..... not sure what Verdict Beth really captured a distinct emotion in this one...... I had the sense of closure and release in relation to death...... there was something very funeral-esque...... not a scent I'd wear, but I'm glad I got to experience it
  18. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Cool, clean, and wet Wet The scent has completely changed. It has a warm, almosty foody smell to it........ some kind of almondy cake with spice....... wtf? Drydown The aquatic note has come back, but the food smell remains...... how strange..... I have never smelled anything like this before. Ever. I can smell the aquatics, but how this is wearing, I would never refer to it as an aquatic scent..... Two Hours Later Can't smell it....... faint powdery afterthought....... but pretty much nothing left. Verdict REALLY disappointed. I lurrrve aquatics and how it smelled in the bottle and the description was great. My skin apparently had somehting else in mind.....
  19. etherealchild


    I was unable to do my usual bottle/wet/drydown/2hours blah blah review The moment it got on my skin it went sour. Ewwww amber gingery sour. And it got STRONG. I had to wash it off. Apprently my skin does not like muguet. And it had smelled kinda pretty in the bottle, a faint kind of tropical warmth. I am kinda disappointed
  20. etherealchild

    Snow White

    In the Bottle Buttery white softness...... ahhh. so yummy.... Wet Perfect combination of comforting warmth, delicate white blooms, and complex and subtle layering of scent. You get the sense of Snow White being a snow flake that when touching your bare skin, melts into warm fluid yumminess......... there is pear or white grape making an entrance right now..... mmmm. I love this the way I love Blue Moon, Juliet, Queen Mab, and Ullalume....... the way Beth has blended such lovely florals is breathtaking. Drydown The floral notes are hard to single out and identify. I think I got my finger on jasmine. I also detect notes that smell like mimosa, hydrangea, orchid, and heliotope, but I could be wrong. There is definetly pear and white grape, but it is subtle, therefore not disrubting the fragrence by making it bitter or fruity. It has softened further...... I wish I could drink it. It smells good. Damn good. Two Hours Later Lighter and softer still. A bare whisper of what it was in the bottle. It is one of those tightly wound forals that unfolds on your skin...... Yet you don't need to really reapply. It is simply staying closer to my skin...... ::sniffs arm and drools:: Verdict This is now one of my favorites. What a shame it is a LE.
  21. etherealchild


    In the Bottle Oceanic darkness Wet Deep watery depths, cold angry waters..... wow the first aquatic I have ever smelled the wasn't light or airy...... Wow, this is WOW. Powerful. Not in the strength of the fragrence but in the weight of the feeling it conveys. It's the destructive powerful side of water, tidal waves, typhoons, and hurricanes..... Drydown I don't pick out grapefruit on this...... more like swirling dark water and evil salt water taffy if that makes any sense. lol. The emotion it conveys is akin to that of being a very small child playing in the ocean and you see a large wave rising and coming towards you. It's part fear and sense of a power bigger then yourself, and at the same time awe at the beauty of it.... Two Hours Later It's pretty without being sweet. Dark swirling blue has faded a bit. Still powerful, but the scent is in the background...... there is an underlying spice or musk that could make this one gender neutral. Verdict Interesting fragrence, but ultimately not for me....
  22. etherealchild

    Van Van

    In The Bottle Something is bristling my nose ::sniff:: the way a strong citrus does, but this isn't a true citrus ::sniff:: and a green vanilla intermingling Wet It is warming up immediately...... anise or almonds and vanilla in the foreground, still something slightly antiseptic in the mix. Reminds me of a slightly citrus Pinesol... It's a strange blend when wet..... almost seems like the notes are curdling together... Drydown AHAA! It's lemongrass that has my sniffer perplexed. Hmmmm...... I feel like the vanilla and lemongrass are trying to quietly push one another out of the spotlight. There is that same smokey note that is in Snake Oil emerging...... I mean literally smokey...... Two Hours Later The lemongrass has faded away, and it's mostly just vanilla now. Smells really, really similar to Snake Oil, just more intense and minus the sexiness..... Kinda giving me a headache to be perfectly honest. It's really strong. Verdict Didn't really care for this one too much...... ehhhh.....
  23. etherealchild


    In The Bottle Musk......mmmmm Wet I literally smell sweat. Crushed petals are coming through. Oh wow, this smells like a woman's perfumed skin right after sex. Very lusty. ::slathers on more:: This is what I imagine le Petite Mort smells like.... vauge wiff of leather in the background.... Drydown Wine is coming through....... I smell boozy..... which is something I'm usually trying to cover up but in this smells rich and sexy....... The myrtle and the rose smell lovely, it's an indulgent floral. The musk is faint and breathy..... Two Hours Later This is a dizzying, seductive scent...... strangely I get the sense of submissive love from it..... I feel like I should be pressed face down into bed linens, not standing over a man pressing a stiletto into his chest...... I don't think that's what Beth was going for but it got interpreted on my skin that way..... Verdict pretty scent, but not really me..... one of those as-the-mood-strikes-me kind of fragrences........ gorgeous none the less......
  24. etherealchild

    Feu Follet

    In the Bottle A hot wet floral. Wet A syruppy floral. It's very sweet. Wet sticky hot floral. I am mostly getting jasmine right now. On me, jasmine always takes over a fragrance, and it's either really good, or really bad. In this one it is a hot honeyed sweaty feel on me. It's pretty good. This scent is fleshy and sexy. It reminds me of Maggie from Hot Cat on a Tin Roof. To be quite honest, this one is making me a little randy. Drydown Awwwww. It's fading to just a fleshy unnamed floral. Still nice. Just faint and very close to my skin. I sprayed a little Rose from L'Occitane to add some sweetness. It is blending well. Two Hours Later Now all I can smell is the rose damnit. Verdict It was fabulous wet, and then faded away. I wish it had more staying power. Still nice though.
  25. etherealchild


    In the Bottle Clean, apple and rose, slight hint of lemon. Gorgeous! Wet Woah! It is all lemon baby! I smell like dishwashing soap. Drydown Still lemon. It's giving me a headache. Two Hours Later Still lemon. Just lemon. No rose or apple. Verdict Apple and rose sounded so wonderful, and they just simply disappeared on my skin. I am so disappointed. I really wanted to like this one. However, I put a few drops on a lightbulb and it made the most delightful room fragrence. I love it. If only it would smell good on me.