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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by evanesce

  1. If you bring the grey kitty in, you need to do a few things: #1 is quarantine him. Put him in a room that no one really uses too much. Give him a box, a bathroom, food and water, etc. The quarantine in VA to make sure an animal doesn't have rabies is about 10 days (At least that's what the guy from the health board told me when I was scratched by a stray I rescued). After that period, take him to the vet and have an ELISA test done (It checks for Feline AIDS), as well as FELV tests and all that, get it a rabies shot, and get it spay/neutered... Don't delaw it unless Star is (it's cruel but, well.. grey kitty could kill star if it's equipped and star isn't.. ).


    After you know he's clean, etc... Slowly introduce Star (if star has his own "spot", put a blanket or towel there when you bring grey kitty in).. Switch their bedding, play with one, then the other and back again.. so they get used to one and other.


    If you, like me didn't really have time for this: Make all kitty visits monitored by you and Todd, and wait until the hissing and spitting ends before you let them roam the house (with you home) alone.. and once that calms down you can then leave them alone.


    It took Sandy and Sam 3 weeks to be friendly to eachother and they STILL aren't friends. :)


    As for the quarantine and all that, that is all information I learned from the lady at Cat Rescue here in VA Beach (and of course the health board guy)... It's a feral at rescue org that is home-based. They don't have an office or a shelter.. so all that comes from people who deal with ferals.


    Grey Kitty might be friendly, but don't assume it's just a lost pet - Ferals can be *very* friendly to people... The stray I brought in, Cheeto, was feral and the friendliest little guy I ever met.


    His mom is still having Kittens too :pics: I found another one last night when I almost hit him with my car and sadly he ran away before I could get him... Jody and I are going to contact cat rescue to see if we can get the Mommy and take her to get spayed on their dime.. *sigh*


    P.S Good luck with the in-laws....


    I'd kill mine if they visited for longer than two hours *snarl* :)

  2. I like William Gibson's work and some of it has an appeal in the "cool gadgets" sort of way... Of course the whole dystopia (sp) thing, big corporation control, and inequity parts struck me as a bad idea.


    You can't escape it, and if you wanna see how *stupid* and *addicted* people have come to be on technology, come work with me for a day. :D I've had grown men almost crying on my phone... because email is down. I've had people lose their minds, like drug addicts being told there's no more heroine, when I tell them there's an outage of the internet, or TV, or both. People around here bitch like mad if they're in a place w/no TV.

    It's scary and when people on the phone ask me if I like computers and technology I have to bite my tongue cause I'm likely to go off.


    Do I like TV? yes. Do I like the Internet? Yes - without it I'd never have met Jody or all the people here...


    Do I sometimes want to run for the hills? Yes :lol:

  3. :ack: I don't care if you like me or not, cause I like you and that's all that matters. :)


    And you're completely right.. Under the cloak of being anon we can say anything we want. Hell, we're all pretty anon here. Of course, you know I'm Carly and I know you're Jennifer... But we never have to face each other.. Ya know? But that's no reason for me to be nasty to you and no reason for you to be nasty to me... because you're still a person and so am I and we have feelings and even if we are sarcastic bitches, we still have feelings ;)


    But fuck 'em. I don't hang out with people like that, and every time this shit happens, I'm all the happier about that. :)
