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Back into the water ...

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Another day, another attempt at a blog ... I keep thinking bloggy thoughts lately and then end up surfing away all my internet time.


As it turns out, sharing a house with my boyfriend, best friend, & brother was The Worst Idea Ever. Pfui. Nobody gets along, and it is all very tense. And they all complain to me about each other instead of talking directly. Except for Chrissy, who apparently hates everybody now because we're all too noisy. C'est la vie ...


I am trying to embrace positive thoughts. For instance, I totaled my car in June during the move (it was a nice four months of car-ownership :cry2: ), but the house we're renting is two minutes walk from the bus stop, and by extreme good luck the bus route that runs nearby is the one that curves around & goes right by my workplace. Also, the bus is airconditioned, where the car was not, and I have forty minutes each way to read, so I've been going through books like mad recently. See? All positive.


This morning I dug through my to-try imp box and found Baghdad. There's the saffron note that works so well on me in Underpants! :dance: Days off are perfect for imp testing - I sit around & drink coffee while enjoying some new fragrance, and by the time I'm ready to shower & get all gussied up for the day, it's worn off & I can decide what known scent I'm in the mood for.

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Bus commuting is awesome! I love it! Except for when fights happen. But that doesn't happen too often!


I've read so many books in the last year... and knitting! Yup. I'm a huge cheerleader for bus commuting.


My old co-habitation rule was to Never Live with a Friend. Unfortunately, when The Mister and I started living in sin I had to kind of throw that rule out the window. And it was tough for a while... but eventually we worked it out.


Then again, I didn't also have family and other friend(s) co-habitating with me. Hope you get through it!

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The bus has a lot going for it, I admit (hey, I'm being environmentally responsible! :lol: ). Fights? Guess I've been lucky so far - the main hazard seems to be getting caught up in an exciting passage in my book & missing my stop. Must remember to look up more often ...


I thought this whole cohabitation thing might work out, because Chrissy & I have been roommates for ten years in August - since we were randomly assigned together freshman year. But I guess our quirks just happen to work out fairly well together, and introducing new people into that has wreaked havoc. I'm hoping we can talk things out soon, but she seems to be hunkering down into hostile mode ... sigh.


Thanks for the good wishes!

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