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Flowers hate me.

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I just can't wear them!!! I have tried and tried. They smell wonderful for about 15 minutes then they go babypowder or worse on me.



I love the way they smell in the bottle. I need a freaking scent locket. this sucks....*sighs* Why oh why can't i find my one true floral...Hymn works...and So does Grandmother of Ghosts but that is it so far. :whip:

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The only one that works for me is Stardust, everything else is vile.


stardust works pretty good, but it seems pretty perfumey one me...by that I mean..it smells to me more like a regular department store perfume. But it is pretty good though

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poisonapple, I'm the same way. :smile:



It's alright! We just can't give up. There has to be on out there. I tried one today that actually had me gagging. It was horrid.

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