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Just put on a happy face (dammit)!


Snarky has been in a three day Very Bad Mood that has been interrupted by bouts of happiness, contentment, and countless uncomfortably sweaty naps.


She's sure things will turn around soon, but just wanted everyone to know she's avoided updating her blog in order to minimize the bleed through of her psychic pollution.


On a slightly better note, she's really starting to fall in love with her (mangy, crispy, slug-infested) garden.


Carry on. (Snarky :heart:s Tim Gunn. Just so you know.)

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If you're Grouchy, then I'm the Harpy, and I haven't been posting much for similar reasons. May we both see the bright side soon! (Actually, just looking up a photo of Harpo made me smile!)


ETA: I put up a smaller photo of Harpo. I don't think in real life, that he was as big as the first photo!

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Well if blogs aren't for bleeding angsty psychic pollution and drama, then what the heck are they for?? Ha, but seriously folks! If it wasn't for abject misery I might only have two posts :)


I do hope that your funk peters out soon, I mean how could it not with all those mangy slugs around?

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Hooray for falling in love with the garden!


You need to post plant pictures! My tomatoes want company! They want plant blogging buddies to hang out with :)

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May we both see the bright side soon! (Actually, just looking up a photo of Harpo made me smile!)

Aw, that photo (and the bigger one before) gave Snarky a smile too! What a great expression of angelic mischievousness. She knows things will come around eventually. Just as she is prone to swooning fits of blissful fancy, she has to deal with these jagged moments of self-doubt and supposition. Part of the fun of struggling to be more self-aware.


Hope you're feeling better soon! If you need to talk, drop me a line.



Somehow, this one strikes me as most appropriate.

Thanks, dear and likewise. That's one of Snarky's favorite smileys evah!


Well if blogs aren't for bleeding angsty psychic pollution and drama, then what the heck are they for?? Ha, but seriously folks! If it wasn't for abject misery I might only have two posts :)


I do hope that your funk peters out soon, I mean how could it not with all those mangy slugs around?

Well... there are the knitting posts too, right? That'd be, like... four... five posts tops, yeah? ;) If anything, Snarky surely could spin some sort of far-fetched analogy between pond-slugs and encroaching middle age or ... something... damn. She almost had it.


Hooray for falling in love with the garden!


You need to post plant pictures! My tomatoes want company! They want plant blogging buddies to hang out with ;)

Snarky was just thinking this. It's almost tolerably toasty enough in the evenings to allow for some artful camera work. Her 'maters aren't nearly as far along as Antimony's, but they are all starting to show signs of bearing fruit! Very exciting. Snarky might just break down and fry up some green tomatoes in about a week or so. :)

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It's hard to be peppy and perky when it's brain-meltingly hot outside. Bah! :)


True that. The Snarks absconded to their cooler basement last night for cheesy pizza and glass after glass (after glass) of boxwine sangria. Snarky doesn't want it to become a crutch anytime soon (and it shouldn't given her "Asian Flush" type allergy to it) but the alcohol combined with the cooler climate and scatalogical ramblings of Anthony Bourdain (another member of her fantasy himem - manly harem. Geddit?) did much to elevate her mood.

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