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BPAL Madness!
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like i really need another blog!

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space girl lost


current pending orders/items:

(from the lab)

• 5ml harvest moon 2006

• 5ml bewitched

• imp pack of: akuma, blood, kabuki, madrid, swank + obatala (for the mum)


(from astrid)

• 5ml hungry ghost moon

i am a wee bit nervous about the lust i'm feeling for oils right now. i cannot justify getting more when i have two body shop oils i never use in my medicine cabinet. i feel the need to be rid of them since i don't use them but who and how? i'm petrified of swapping and suches b/c, well ... my mind thinks, "who the heck would want those? this is bpal we're talking here!" plus i've got like two bottles of samhain 2005. true - i LOVE the scent. it's something much like i've always dreamed of, but my god! i just NOW got a tiny fraction below the label on the first bottle! the second will probably rot to the smell of death before i finish the first. should i sell the second? why keep it? and all the 8 or so imps i have. there's some i don't like to much. why keep them? b/c they're not nearly full enough to draw interest? i'm so damn ridiculous! why must i be so practical? why can i not just give in and allow myself pleasure in one of the few things in life i draw it from? :cry2:


i also cannot justify the price of the oils right now as i've got the monster electricity bill coming up (w/ deposit) plus my auto insurance. basically half a month's pay sucked out of the account right there!


oh but i want more. more more more. at least two chaos theory bottles b/c i'm feeling risky (at least today) and all this talk of a big update. then again ... i've sat through big updates before and thought "eh. nothing sounds good." i'm hard to entice. sometimes.


why why why? :dance:



on a retarded note ... i'm going to start putting all the oils in splashshopper on the pda so i can track what i like, what i want and what i have on order while i'm away from my computer. lame! :lol:



and on a random note ... i need some final fantasy gaming fantasy to escape into for the day. too bad i no longer have such access to things.

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