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BPAL Madness!
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--I know I’m evil, but I laughed out loud at the title of a thread in Get Personal, “Anyone ADD?” by “capricious.” I don’t know this forum member (who hasn’t logged on since March) and it’s nothing personal, but how funny is that? A word that means “impulsive or unpredictable” is starting a thread about Attention Deficit. Hee! I haven’t read it, but I want to hop into the thread and say, “oh yes, me too, I will be doing something and – ooh! Shiny! That reminds me, I need tinfoil from the store. What were we talking about again?” I’m going to hell.


--I’m not an Oprah fan, but now that my work schedule includes working from home, and afternoons are quieter than the mornings, I’ll have it on in the background sometimes. She had a great series last week called the Debt Diet which revealed what I have long suspected: many people are living way beyond their means and using credit to inflate their earnings. They followed 3 families, one of which seemed nice enough (2 schoolteachers), but the other 2 families were flat-out clueless. Seriously, one family ate out for every meal, they never cooked, they didn’t own a toaster or coffeemaker or dishes and ate everything off plastic plates and cups. They had 5 cars for 2 people!


So a big part of the series was not just saying “stop spending money” but asking why. At one point one of the women was saying how she didn’t even think about spending money, she just shopped. She didn’t know how much they owed for the second mortgage or credit cards, she just kept it out of her mind. When she was asked, “Why are you absent from your own life?” it was a lightbulb moment. “Oh, so this is my life? It’s not at the mall? It’s not in InStyle or Lucky? It’s not getting the jeans that Jessica’s wearing, or getting my glowing orange MysticTan?”


Celebrity culture is nothing new – I have a Photoplay from 1926, and in between movie reviews are “the latest fashions from Paris” so you could presumably throw out all your old clothes and run out to buy the new ones. But it’s so pervasive now. How do we know where Britney is shopping for baby clothes? Because the store manager is calling every news outlet to report it. Why should we buy the new $500 Louis Vuitton bag? Because they sent a free one to Lindsay Lohan to be photographed as she’s buying coffee.


So be like Chuck D and don’t believe the hype! Yeah boyeeee!

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They followed 3 families, one of which seemed nice enough (2 schoolteachers), but the other 2 families were flat-out clueless


I think I caught that episode! Is it the one where the daughter kept wanting new $200 jeans and the mother kept buying them for her? That part made me go :) I have no desire for a pair of $200 jeans unless they stuffed about $150 in one of the pockets.

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The Debt Diet? Wow I never heard of that, I know a lot of people live pay check to pay check, but I couldn't even imagine using plastic for everything... I would hate to have something like that hanging over my head.


Money sucks. We should just get rid of it all, because it would make life a whole lot easier. :)

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Yes, circe_blue, that was one of the clueless mothers. I did laugh when the financial advisor made her go into her daughter's room and count bras :) She had like 26 nice bras from Victoria's Secret. The mom just yelled, "You have 26 bras! You have two boobies!"


About a year and a half ago I had my credit card number stolen and used at a trendy jean store. What really floored me was someone paid $160 for a pair of jeans. I felt like adding that to my affidavit to the credit card company: "And I would never pay $160 for a pair of jeans! My wedding dress was $100!"

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