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Bad Days and Disney World

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When Todd gave me the choice of Vegas or Disney World, the choice was easy. Disney!


I really wanted to go back to Disney World as an adult. I'd been there twice before - once when I was 7, and once when I was 16.


But Todd's been there 4 times (the last time he was about 17), so he always said he didn't want to go back there.


Todd pretty much made my birthday this past year into Todd's Day (he bought a truck for himself, and got a dog I didn't even want on the day we were suppose to celebrate my birthday - he was suppose to plan something special for us to do, and obviously didn't), so I think he wants to make it up to me... so that means I get my trip to Disney World!


We are also going to do something he likes - his favorite wrestling company, TNA, tapes their weekly show at Universal Studios in Florida, so we will be getting tickets to go see that. Plus we plan on spending a day at Universal anyway, since I've never been.


All in all, I'm really excited. It's going to be a wonderful mini-honeymoon.


Unfortunely, my mind always goes to my headaches when I think about doing fun stuff. I will have to make sure I have plenty of time to rest, so I don't get worn out and hurting.


I have good days and bad days when it comes to my headaches. Today is a bad day, because the pain is hard to ignore. It's a cold pack day, and I worry that I don't have enough to get me through the whole day.


Plus, Todd's still sick, so I'll have to go home and do housework, instead of resting myself :cry2:

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I have never been to Disney and I so want to go. Hubby has been out to the one in California and Florida, though he was just a kid when he went. I think it would be nice to go during Halloween, but I have to wonder if it would be any more crowded than normal?


I've been to Vegas twice and would love to go back, there is just something about that place that I love.


I hope you have fun at Disney!

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I have never been to Disney and I so want to go. Hubby has been out to the one in California and Florida, though he was just a kid when he went. I think it would be nice to go during Halloween, but I have to wonder if it would be any more crowded than normal?


I've been to Vegas twice and would love to go back, there is just something about that place that I love.


I hope you have fun at Disney!


Thanks :)


I doubt it would be more crowded... I think the prime times to go are over the holidays and in the summer, since it is a place for families. October school is in full swing, so I doubt it's a big vacation time.


I'm sure it will be crowded, but hopefully not overly so.


I'm really excited :)

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