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One of my better ones

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I came up with a descriptive line today that I felt was one of my better ones -- I was talking to a friend about how I'd been in an insanely bad mood a couple of weeks ago. In hindsight, I realize that it was because I was coming down with a bad summer cold, but at the time, all I knew was that I was not a happy camper. I characterized my mood in this manner:


"I wanted to shove kerosene-soaked tampons up everyone's butt and walk around with a flame-thrower."



Maybe TMI, or maybe a visual you'll enjoy. It probably depends upon your mood.

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That is a good one! I'm eternally grateful to my buddy pranashakti for sharing the phrase "zen as a jackhammer" with me. And it's pretty much how I expect to feel for the next month leading up to our move. :)

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You know... "Flaming Anus" (or maybe plural? "Anuses"? "Anii"?) would be a great band name. I'm just saying!


Also, it amuses me more to image you running around with a Bic lighter rather than a flame-thrower for some reason... maybe because it seems more personal and precise, and the sound effect is amusing: Chkt! Chkt! <--- 'tis the mileadingly gentle sound of impending dooooom!


So apparently my mood is: absurdist misanthropy. :)

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I'm enjoying the mental picture of valentina lighting the tampon string and smirking as the person tries to outrun the fuse :)

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Wasn't Asses of Fire the name of the movie within the South Park movie? :)


You know, I have that movie on DVD and I still haven't seen it all the way through. Sacrilege, I know!


But you are correct. "Asses of Fire" is the movie within a movie... and now I've got a heliumed Canadian voice saying it over and over in my head. That and the "Uncle F***er" musical number. :)

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I often find myself humming/muttering the Uncle F***er song to myself. It's the perfect mantra for someone as zen as a jackhammer. :)

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I am weak with laughter.


A coworker says her husband mutters "anus breath" at people that he's rather disgusted with.


South Park has permanently scarred me. I have picked up entirely too many Cartman-isms. I especially like yelling "BEEFCAKE" at a guy in my office who goes running on his lunch hour.

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