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BPAL Madness!
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Tree Dimes a Mady

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(WARNING: Disjointed metaphors ahead and underfoot!)


Ever since she became conscious of the differences between boys and girls, Snarky has been trying to figure out that line between the feminine and masculine. She's unsure of not only the coordinates of the various demarcation points, but also where she stands in relation to those teetering little points in the shifty sand.


She vascillated between Girly-Girl (ballet training coupled with a near drag-queen level obsession with her mother's 1960's wardrobe) and Tomboy (tusseling with the neighborhood boys in the snow, wading waist deep in creeks in order to catch minnows) as she grew up. The advent of body hair and the constant battle to eradicate it was an absolute nightmare (tutus and 'pit hair don't mix) but she also became sporadically lacksadaisical about maintenance (surely Snarky isn't the only girl who has "winterized").


Snarky was lucky to have either indulgent or equally laissez-hair paramours during these experimental times.


Thusfar she's developed a duality fluctuating between the extremes. Some days she does the full get up: make up, matching shoes (as in: shoes that match the outfit, Snarky usually has presence of mind enough to match the shoes to eachother on any given day girlie or no... most of the time), matching underthings, matching BPAL, matching earrings... just matchy matchy all over the place. Other days she's lucky if a shower happens, let alone color coordinated not-nekkidness. (The Mister has been known to serenade her with "Ebony & Ivory" on the days that her bra/panty choice is chromatically challenged.)


For the past year Snarky has evolved away from platform heels and slinky skirts to Mary Janes and corduroy pants due to working closely with contractors, engineers, and ginormous, filthy machinery. This practical work wear attitude has bled in to her off hours as well.


On top of her sartorial schizophrenia is the concept of the masculine and feminine in attitudes as well. Snarky is constantly battling it out between her perceived dominant/submissive, Asian/American, intro-/extrovert, and male/female halves.


(For example, body hair is a Big Issue for Snarky. How does a self-proclaimed feminist explain her need to eradicate naturally occuring body hair to suit some wholly unrealistic sexualized pre-adolescent imagery?)


Then the cherry on top of this sundae of textbook gender identity woe are the emotional eggshells Snarky has been treading upon since The Mister's recent health scares (more honestly, these eggshells have been cropping up for as long as the Snarks have known eachother). She's been swathing their weekends in safe, neutral tones and non-aggressive, granny pantied conversations to keep things bland as oatmeal at home. She's been more mother than wife lately, and that sort of extreme imbalance can skew more than just the one boat in the marriage flotilla. She can't help but think that a wave of equal amplitude in the other direction is needed to put everything back on course.


The Snarks have been recovering long-buried and forgotten portions of their wardrobe as they are expanding into their house. Almost single handedly Snark's hootchie-mama arsenal increased ten-fold (OK, more like two-fold, but ten-fold is so much more impressive) just by finding and liberating the right tub of clothing.


So she's easing herself back into more feminine attire. Perhaps with the physical donning of her old "split up to there" skirts and flirty ankle strap heels, she will also be able to also mentally shed the metaphorical sweatpants. Time to Wake Things Up a little and return to feeling completely human (and girly, and ROWRy) again.


And if she needs to wear the pants for a little while in order for The Mister to get back on track, she'll do that too. But they'll be tailored and leather and just the right kind of snug. :cry2:

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Goodness, what an interesting read! Not a "viewing your life under a microscope like you are some sort of amoeba or one celled organism" interesting, just interesting and wonderful how you can take all of these disparate issues and tie them all together so well. Clothes and marriage, body hair and emotional issues...wow, I had to read this twice.


I do hope that it doesn't come to donning the (leather) pants and weilding the whip, but if it does I am sure you will be up to the task...and you'll look great doing it :)


...my positive thoughts are with you and The Mister!

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:) Snarky has to admit your summary is much kinder than it could've been... she thinks of the above ramblings as the scattering of all the loose mental change that has been collecting in her mind's pockets. They go together just because they happen to all be in her head at the same time... Snarky's glad it made some modicum of sense.


Snarky did have a flash of realization this morning in regards to The Mister: she hasn't been courting him like she did when they were in the early stages of wooing each other (is Snarky the only person who gets a cartoonish mental image of two people standing at either side of a giant chasm, hands cupped around their mouths, alternately shouting "WOO!" to the other across the distance?) and has been mostly taking him for granted.


They haven't had one of those Two O'clock in the Morning Philosophy conversations in a very long time... maybe she needs to work toward bringing some of that mental stimulation back in to their interactions (sans the "school night curfew" breaking).


Thanks for your support! (And now Snarky has gone to a strange Ernest and Giulio Gallo place...)

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