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Parden the Garden

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Eat your heart out, Bellagio!


So the ancient running joke is that Snarky is in possession of two very black thumbs.


The Mister made a habit of gifting her with a potted orchid (of the Lowe's/Home Depot variety) every Valentine's Day, knowing that she would eventually find a way to kill it. One year he gave her a companion cactus thinking that it would outlive the orchid which seemed extremely logical at the time.


Snarky deflated it. :cry2:


Back in May, some good friends of the Snarks came out to visit. The wife is a master gardener and the husband is the handiest of handymen. They both have done amazing things to their triple wide trailer (and 5 acres of property) nestled in the Appalachians.


The Snarks were able to give them a tour of their soon-to-be house for hints/tips/praise/approval. She did a careful evaluation of the landscaping (somewhat over-exotic for the Snark's taste, but really quite impressive) and even gifted them with a regional resource (which has since been packed and lost, but will be found again, by gum!).


If it weren't for their words of encouragement, Snarky might've considered a scorched earth approach to the existing landscaping. So... they're trying. Most of the bordering landscaping has been weeded (Snarky suspects she "accidentally" took out some "decorative" thistle, but it was annoying and leggy) except for the corner with the roses... which are choking and trying their darndest to continue despite her efforts to destroy them.


She harvested a fistful of lavendar blossoms which are being artfully displayed in one of their many "why did we register for all these?" vases.


They've got a miniature garden (mostly for sammich makin's - tomato and cuke) fighting it out with the clover.


They are doing their best not to destroy what was left to them. Besides the curly willow, which had to go. (Much to the shock of the neighborhood.)


Cross your spades and pointy weeder thingies (Snarky likes to call it "The Probe") for them... pictures of the carnage results soon!

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The not-too-distant future: Snarky the anti-gardener will turn into Snarky the uber-gardener. Then we will see that she'd going to be a guest on Martha Stewart's show, talking about knitting in her amazing garden, which she redesigned and rebuilt herself. It's gonna happen!!!!

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Wow, lavender, tomatoes, cucumbers - sounds like you are not doing as badly as you think, Snarky! Keep up the good work :)


Thank you. The tricky part, of course, will be to see all these veggie bearing plants all the way through to... what's the vegetable version of fruition? Vegetation? Snarky had some "accidental" tomatoes a couple years ago that went from huge, firm, promising green to rotten black without stopping off anywhere near ripe and red in between. She's a bit phobic about the same happening to these intentional ones.


The not-too-distant future: Snarky the anti-gardener will turn into Snarky the uber-gardener. Then we will see that she'd going to be a guest on Martha Stewart's show, talking about knitting in her amazing garden, which she redesigned and rebuilt herself. It's gonna happen!!!!


"Our next guest hails from the Pacific Northwest and has authored the best selling memoir/manual 'Home-on-the-Rangelove: How I learned to stop worrying and love my black thumb'. She claims to all her fans that if she can do it, anyone can, and I think that is a good thing... " :P

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I think gardens are a lot more forgiving than people think... The key is doing a little research beforehand. (And don't count on the people at Lowes or Home Depot to be any help at all)


Figure out which USDA Zone you are in, and use that to help pick your plants. Also, where it says on plant tags full sun/partial sun/shade/etc, those are not set in stone, but a lot of shade plants thrive in partial sun, but when they say a plant needs full sun they probably mean it. So match the plants to the conditions, but don't feel too restricted.


Finally, it sounds like your previous tomatoes had blossom end rot... sprinkle some crushed egg shells around your plants, and kind of rake them into the soil to prevent it on your current tomatoes.

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[snipped other useful tips]

Finally, it sounds like your previous tomatoes had blossom end rot... sprinkle some crushed egg shells around your plants, and kind of rake them into the soil to prevent it on your current tomatoes.


Snarky loves this kind of stuff: coffee grounds mixed with water, crushed eggshells, all that stuff. It's like kitchen witchery to her. Thanks for the tips!


And if she can just find that blasted book the Master Gardener friend gave them (it's the Sunset something-or-other for their region) they'll be good as gold. It coveres a lot of information about regional plants and how to maintain them, as well as general tutorials for stuff like proper composting.


The previous homeowners were ambitious, but a bit ill-informed. The Snarks have a "compost pile" in the back corner of the lot that resembles more of a fire hazard/stick pile than anything actually useful. :P

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