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Sole Mates

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The Mister got in touch with a childhood friend just before his and Snarky's wedding with the intention of asking him to our Best Man. They had lost touch during their college years and in that time DeathRockGuy had married DeathRockChick, who was twelve or thirteen years his junior.


The Mister explained that DRG's father was significantly older than his mother (he was sixty when DRG was born), so such an age difference was not shocking.


And over the years, the Snarks and the DeathRockers got to know eachother as couples and became comfortable "couple friends".


The one thing that always caused a bit of unease for the Snarks was the fact that the DRs were almost too well matched. They were of one mind. Always in agreement, and always together. Save for work, they did everything together. They had no hobbies, did not leave the house except to eat out, and were thisclose to developing their own twin language. If ever a living, breathing example of Plato's theory (as Snarky understands it from watching "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" anyway) about soulmates existed, it would be these two.


However over the years, DRC has also exhibited a tendancy to absorb the personality of those she hung out with most: her sister, her co-workers, and of course, her Mister.


After the birth of their baby (DeathRockBaby! Oh, the dark and spooky knitted goods Snarky made for that child...) they seemed to make the perfect (albeit dark) young family. New house, new car, new jobs, new baby.


Then, after DRB was weaned, DRC fell into a severe post-partum depression. She started going out two and three (possibly more) nights a week with work friends, getting so drunk she couldn't recall the evening. Snarky remembers listening with growing horror as DRC proudly announced that she never had to pay for anything but her first drink.


The last time the Snarks visited Back East, DRG confided that things were not going well for them. DRC was leaving him at home with the baby to go to the gym for hours and then to bars, then complaining that he never wanted to do anything with her. His argument was that she suddenly wanted to do things that they never wanted to do together to begin with, and also she needed to give him more advanced notice so that they could arrange for a babysitter.


Y'all can see the trajectory this relationship is taking, but the Snarks were still a bit shocked to find out yesterday that DRG and DRC are now on a trial separation. She has moved out to an apartment and they are taking turns caring for DRB.


Snarky wonders if DRC is trying to re-establish her own personality after her perceived removal from being a mother once DRB was weaned. What the Snarks thought was mature self-possession when they first met DRC might have been what she developed from being around DRG.


It's... upsetting and confusing. This is not the first separation in the Snarks' small circle of acquaintences, but it is the first one that will affect a child.


They are working to be equally supportive of both parties, though it's probably apparent just from this recap that they are more sympathetic to DRG's plight.


And all of this sudden drama and upheaval has Snarky wondering about soul mates and the influence of those with whom we have entrusted our hearts/minds/lives.


Snarky firmly believes with the faith of secular scientific types that there is more than one "soulmate" out there for everyone. She finds more romanticism couched in the actions of the people that finally settle down and commit to make lives with the one(s) they choose rather than in the pining, angsty search for The One. But how much of making small changes to accommodate this whole other person (or persons) in one's life is just making adjustments before it becomes major shifts in one's basic... well "one"ness?


DRC married DRG before she turned 21. While she was mature for her age at the time, perhaps she's feeling now like she hasn't had a chance to figure out some things on her own.


The Snarks hope that this separation will help both of them to see what makes them unique, but also how that uniqueness and their similarities complement and enhance the whole... both for their sake, and for the baby's sake.


What they fear is that she will realize that she wasn't meant to be this woman (wife, mother) all along. If that is the case then permanent separation would be best for the child, but the Snarks still ache for the consequences.

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My take on the whole "the one" matter has always been a bit more pragmatic. (This is also the advice I have always given my friends, though I do at least practice what I preach)


In my opinion, the secret to finding a life partner is to remember that all people have faults, and the secret is finding someone whose faults complement your own.


My parents will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in September, and are still very happy and very sweet together. My father is an absent-minded professor who can barely pick out an outfit without help (What do you mean sandals, green socks and white shorts don't go together?) My mother, on the other hand, is a total Virgo control freak (When did I let you buy green socks? Take those off, I'm throwing them away right now!) Under her iron fist, the household runs smoothly, and he doesn't get in her way. I mean, they are also very sweet and caring to each other. Usually pretty respectful and stuff. That, and at least when I was in high school, I know they were still getting it on, and I doubt they've stopped. But the point is, if my mom was with another control freak, they would drive each other nuts. If my dad was with another careless absent-minded type, nothing would get done. They complement each other.


I think a lot of times, people think they've hit the jackpot when they find someone who is just like them, but I think it's harder to make that work in the long term.

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Those symbiotic relationships are always a dicey matter, because while there's always a certain amount of symbiosis at the beginning of a relationship, that normally changes and matures into a different sort of commitment. I think when a child enters the picture, it's difficult to sustain the weight of child-rearing duties with the demands of maintaining 24/7 symbiosis. I hope the snark's friends can find a way to let the relationship evolve where they can each be their own person, still be in the relationship, and parent their child under the same roof.

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In my opinion, the secret to finding a life partner is to remember that all people have faults, and the secret is finding someone whose faults complement your own.


[snipped sweet description of Antimony's parents... who sound a lot like Snarky's own parents - who celebrated their 34th anniversary last month]


I think a lot of times, people think they've hit the jackpot when they find someone who is just like them, but I think it's harder to make that work in the long term.


Snarky has always shuddered at the thought of meeting her own male twin. It would be like crossing your own timeline - or when matter and anti-matter collide - or crossing the streams or something equally science fictiony and time continuum tearing.


Having said that, Snarky and The Mister have exactly the same Myers-Briggs profile except for the fact that she's extroverted and he's introverted. So maybe a giant black hole will still rupture the fabric of time and space just above the mesosphere yet. :P


I hope the snark's friends can find a way to let the relationship evolve where they can each be their own person, still be in the relationship, and parent their child under the same roof.


What Snarky failed to mention in her lengthy recounting of the DeathRockFamily is the fact that they underwent a month of hormone therapy to bring about DRB. This child was definitely wanted and is deeply loved. No matter how things turn out, Snarky has faith that DRB will always have both of her parents upon which to rely. But yes, everyone's hope is that their separate evolutions will still align enough to keep them together in the same home as well.

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