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Update scoreboard and forum name

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Oh hell. I wasn't going to order Harvest Moon, the scent, until I read the update thread and someone commented that it was her birth moon, so she just had to get it. Well, it's my birth moon also, and while I'm not sure it will smell that great on me, it has all sorts of things in it that I hold near and dear, because I do love those late summer smells. Anything with Russian sage in it is worth owning, in my opinion. So I ordered a bottle. If it doesn't work on my body, it might make a wonderful scent locket or room scent.


And the t-shirt, I simply must order the t-shirt! Macha's design is astonishing. A bit of a Celtic/Gothic/Georgia O'Keefe quality, and who but Macha could weave all of it together so perfectly? I'm just really, really fond of the design, and hey, it's for my birth moon, so I simply must.


So the scoreboard says:


Update: 2

Resolve: 0


OK, the other matter at hand: I have enough reward points to cash in and change my member title to whatever I want. I love all the self-titled names, they are all so damn clever. I'm having problems coming up with anything like "rapscallion in fuchsia tights" or "1/32 too few" or "part-time ninja" or "fae fatale." Sookster just changed her title to "p-town's naughty sea monkey." :cry2:


In a prior entry, I'd commented that I could call myself "Phantom of the Prairie Phallus," a reference to the building where I work. But it's not that funny, unless you know the architecture of my state's capitol building. I thought about calling myself "The Jean Genie" (as in the Bowie song), since it's a reference to my real name. Then I thought I could call myself "The Jean Genie in Joe Perry's bottle" because we know my feelings about Joe Perry. Or I could say I was "The Jean Genie in Bob Schneider's bottle," but very few people would know who I was talking about. (Bob may get famous yet!)


Then I remembered that in my review of Sacred Whore of Babylon, I was bemoaning that exotic flowers like jasmine and orchids are hardly indigenous to where I live, so I'm not exactly familiar with their exact scent. And I further postulated that exotic florals smell icky on me due to my geographical location somehow influencing my body chemistry (I don't really believe this), but if Beth ever made a scent called Sacred Whore of the Prairie, it would probably smell good on me. Now, "Sacred Whore of the Prairie" might be a good forum name, and it amuses me. (Some might heartily agree that I'm a whore, the sacred business is no doubt highly debatable; but the part about the prairie is indisputable.)


Any ideas, reactions, comments?

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Do you live in the Little Whorehouse on the Prairie? :P


Seriously, though, I think Sacred Whore of the Prairie is pretty damn funny. I think there's a 30 character limit for titles, so some of the others may be too long.

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That's good to know about the character limit, I don't want to get my heart set on something that's too long. I think "The Jean Genie" is better all on its own anyway. I believe I'm down to that and "Sacred Whore of the Prairie." BTW, the place where I work can sometimes seem like the "phantom little 'ho-house in the prairie phallus!"

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I like Sacred Whore of the Prairie, personally. Remember, too, you can put whatever title you want in your signature! How about "Phantom Joe Perry's Ho-House on the Prairie in the Phallus"?

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I'm feeling sort of guilty about not getting this oil, due to the fact that it's my birth month, as well... and I know it's an excuse I'm feeding myself! But I still want it. I'm consoling myself with the knowledge that I'll probably be able to swap for it. :P I don't have any clever thoughts for your member-title. It's a lot of pressure! I know I'll fret over mine when I have enough points.

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Do you live in the Little Whorehouse on the Prairie? :P




It's the Best Little Whorehouse on the Prairie if it is!


I like "Jean Genie"... though it makes me think of Barbara Eden in boot-legged hip huggers as well... ;)


Just passed the 100 point mark myself. I was thinking "Nekkid Ninja" but didn't want to spread the ninjitsu mojo too thin on the forum. Then there was "Nekkid Luncheon" but I've discovered I don't really care for Burroughs so much (though I really relate to him in a non-smack-addicted way).


I'm bound and determined to incorporate "nekkid" but the rest just falls apart.


PS "Scoreboard" had me thinking of entirely different things before I read your post, btw. :) I blame Dawndie and Dick Cheney and all y'all's dirty minds for setting up that mental cue.

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Nekkid luncheon! :P


I'm picturing nekkid ladies wearing pillbox hats and white gloves sitting around eating dainty cucumber sandwiches and sniffing BPAL (of course!) How about Nekkid Tea Party?

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"Scoreboard" had me thinking of entirely different things before I read your post, btw. ;) I blame Dawndie and Dick Cheney and all y'all's dirty minds for setting up that mental cue.





We have further corrupted darkity's mind! Dawndie, I wish there was a high-five emoticon, because I'd be using it! This is way too many characters long and it's a really disgusting image that I hesitate to suggest, but a forum name like "Dick Cheney's exhausted jockstrap" sure would get attention, eh?


ETA: For darkity, I keep coming up with bright colors and "Naked Lunch" variations, like "Nekkid Fuchsia Luncheonette." :)

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