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BPAL Madness!
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Yeah, it's ages since I've written in here...


I need to find a way to keep myself occupied on Saturday evenings now that Doctor Who has ended. OMG what an ending as well...I was almost crying. :cry2:


HERE BE SPOILERS! (for anyone in the US that is)


DALEKS V. CYBERMEN!!! The ultimate deathmatch! But I think that extermination is much worse than mere deletion...I thought the Daleks were destroyed by the time vortex-possessed Rose at the end of the last series but it seems you can't exterminate all the Daleks!


And Rose's final fate-that was really emotional. I won't say it all but the bit where the Doctor seemed all lonely and where his speech got cut off was very sad-we never got to hear him say he loved Rose, that almost got the tears going...until Catherine Tate (awesome British comedienne-of 'am I bovvered' fame) appeared and I almost cracked up. Roll on Christmas!!


Ok, other news. Crete was amazing, and I would love to post some pictures here-I may do so soon.


I also hope France win the Cup tomorrow. I can say that because I'm half French and I think the French team rock.


I've also got myself a bit of voluntary work if I don't get the job I'm hoping for this summer-well, sort of. I get to work at the nearby cat shelter! I don't care if it's non-paid work, I love cats and being around those gorgeous furry things makes me very happy indeed. I get to work with some of the most beautiful kittens-some of them were climbing up my trousers and sucking my fingers! So adorable. And then there's the 'hugging cat' who jumps on the chair and puts its front legs around my waist, like a hug. These cats are either donated to the shelter or are found on the street and are nurtured by the staff and volunteers until they find new homes-and if I ever want to get another kitty, I can go and get one here! :D


I really can't wait to get my Lotus Moon order as well. So much new BPAL on the way. I should technically be a very happy bunny right now but PMS is preventing that :( stupid pre-menstrual headache!

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