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Blind Ambition

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Snarky is mostly blind.


Granted, she's still a few (scant) steps away from being legally blind, but her eyesight is bad enough that sans glasses or contacts, she's pretty much waving her arms Frankenstein style and doing the nervous Don't-Crush-My-Toes-Slow-Dance/Tippy-Toes-Sweep-Walk that extreme myopia choreographs.


Given all this, Snarky just wanted to take a quick moment to praise Chez Snark to it's blessed little rafters for having just enough square footage to allow for all the Snarks' crap to be spread out all over the place and still have enough room left over to maintain clear, blind people walkways.


It has gotten to the point that The Snarks can't remember a time when All This Stuff fit in to a less-than 800 square foot apartment. How'd they do it? Maaaagic!


Snarky also wants to bless Chez Snark's little anthropomorphized heart for having an added bonus accessory of an old charcoal grill. The Snarks enjoyed beef kabobs, roasted corn, and 'taters, followed by more-or-less successful dark chocolate s'mores for the Fourth. Unfortunately, they could not motivate their lazy behinds into making a nice pitcher of Sangria but there's plenty of time for that yet. :lol:

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Tee hee! I love the way the little emoticon fit so beautifully at the end of your entry! And I wish I could just walk over to your house and give you a bottle of sangria. The scorched fence mayhem and resulting lack of sleep severely blunted planned sangria intake. My frig is awash in bottles of the brew!

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I have a mental image of darkity as Ms. Magoo, talking to lampposts and hatracks :P Mine's pretty fuzzy for far-away things (is that nearsighted?).


Boss Lady got lasik a few years ago and it didn't really work out. From what it sounds, one eye is a bit better but another is the same. So she needs glasses anyway! Why bother?


Anyway, grilled food and sangria sound yummy. When do we eat?

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Valentina, some of Snarky's fondest memories are tied into summer evenings and jugs of well-steeped sangria. She hopes you'll be able to find the time (and relaxation) to enjoy your creation soon (and you can raise a glass to her in spirit) (soda speak).

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I have a mental image of darkity as Ms. Magoo, talking to lampposts and hatracks :ack: Mine's pretty fuzzy for far-away things (is that nearsighted?).


Boss Lady got lasik a few years ago and it didn't really work out. From what it sounds, one eye is a bit better but another is the same. So she needs glasses anyway! Why bother?


Anyway, grilled food and sangria sound yummy. When do we eat?


Come to think of it... Snarky does get an awfully squished up face when she does try to see things sans specs. Oh dear. :P (<--- the closest she could find to squishy face)


Snarky has considered Lasik for a while, but is very skittish about the procedure due to results such as your Boss's. The technology just doesn't seem quite there yet.


The weather has taken a sudden sharp veer into autumnal territory, but once Summer reasserts herself, Snarky will definitely fire up the grill once again (mmmm... grilled pineapples and pizza and tuna steaks and.... :P) and begin her bucket 'o 'gria.

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I had an awesome experience with Lasik. I went from -5.5 in one eye and -6 in the other to 20/20 vision. Not to sound like an infomercial, but it radically changed my life!


That said, my parents paid through the nose (it was my college graduation present) to have it done by the top corneal surgeon in the region (coincidentally, he was also our family eye doctor - we had started going to him when his practice was much younger and he hadn't "made a name" for himself yet)


Although there are some procedures that go bad that no one could have expected, the rate of problems is *much* lower for surgeons who are more experienced, affiliated with established corneal surgery programs, etc. The $500/eye people who advertise in the paper are *far* more risky. Partially because the conditions aren't the same as having it done in a serious surgical center, and partially because they are less likely to honestly tell you if you are not a good candidate for the procedure.


Before I got mine done, I had at least two different apointments where they mapped and measured and re-checked my eyes. My doctor was always very clear with me that if he saw any red flags, that he wasn't going to do the surgery, and would strongly suggest I not go anywhere else. In the end, I was a good candidate, and it went off without a hitch.

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Antimony, your positive Lasik experience is giving Snarky something to chew on. Thank you! If/when she ever considers getting this done... she would definitely want to save up for the best possible surgeon/facilities/etc. No chop shops for these peepers!

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Antimony, your positive Lasik experience is giving Snarky something to chew on. Thank you! If/when she ever considers getting this done... she would definitely want to save up for the best possible surgeon/facilities/etc. No chop shops for these peepers!

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Ok- I know Lasik is getting popular, and at one point I thought about it, but (of course you're all younger here anyway) but when you're around 40ish and you would still need reading glasses with the lasik. Even though I trust the eye doc, I would still be scared, cause he said there was a chance that Id be more sensitive to sunlight,( and I already seem pretty sensitive to glare and sunlight....so um-just take that into consideration. It turned out for me I would still need reading glasses-oh well.Nighty night all

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Ok- I know Lasik is getting popular, and at one point I thought about it, but (of course you're all younger here anyway) but when you're around 40ish and you would still need reading glasses with the lasik. Even though I trust the eye doc, I would still be scared, cause he said there was a chance that Id be more sensitive to sunlight,( and I already seem pretty sensitive to glare and sunlight....so um-just take that into consideration. It turned out for me I would still need reading glasses-oh well.Nighty night all


Hm... all food for thought. Thanks for your input! Snarky plans to make a pretty extensive and honest pro/con list if/when she gets the funds and consultations together for this.

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Yup. Needing reading glasses is caused by the cornea becoming less flexible in your old age. Has nothing to do with the shape of the cornea, and so lasik won't fix it.


Although I didn't have extra light sensitivity, my eye doctor still insisted that I live in sunglasses when I'm outside. Honestly, I just don't see that as such a hardship.


More than sunlight sensitivity, be aware that there is a chance of losing some of your night vision. In my case, I had really bad starbursting when I wore glasses, because I had to have the high-refractive-index lenses. Now, I have halos around lights at night, but they are actually less of a problem to me than the huge starbursts were before I had surgery.

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Hi Antimony,


Just joking, but I cant be in old age:) :P it would seem more corneaas should get more flexible with age, I mean the other parts of me are seeming to!:)


Am currently wearing much lighter pair of glasses, and just got contacts once again>Cheers!

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