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Head Shops!

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I confess: I love shopping at head shops. I am not a pot-smoker -- I've tried it a few times at parties and I suppose I enjoyed it, but that was years ago and to me all the trouble of buying it on the "black market" (that sounds funny to say) isn't worth the mild buzz it gives. Not that I'm into stronger drugs, I've never tried anything stronger, but I guess the allure of alternate realities isn't tempting enough for me. Give me some friends and some beer or wine and I'm having a great time.


But head shops are so cool, probably because of the whole dorm-room chic -- I love the bamboo curtains and band posters and black lights. Maybe because I never lived in a dorm or an apartment with roommates and didn't have the "real" college experience, because I lived at home the first 3 years of college and then moved out with my then-boyfriend and now-husband. I kinda feel like I missed out on the fun.


We have a great head shop near us, called "Puff 'n' Stuff." Hee! They actually have a decent beer selection (I :lol: Boddington's) and wine and cigars, but they also have the crazy pipes and rolling papers and accoutrements of the serious smokers. I love looking at all the stuff in the glass cases -- maybe because it's illicit, but some of these glass pipes are really beautiful. I don't even smoke cigarettes, but it reminds me of opium dens and lounging on pillows and thinking deep thoughts.

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"Puff and Stuff!" Hee hee! I love head shops too. The only BPAL I used to wear when I got started a year ago was Urd, and it's the quintessential head shop smell, IMHO. A lot of the head shops in my town have been harassed out of business (bummer), or they've morphed into head shop gifts/hippie clothing/incense, ect. without the smoking accessories. (At least on display, in the front...heh, heh..) The most retro/authentic one in my town called "Euphoria." :P The same people have owned it for over 25 years, and even though they've remodeled it and expanded it, it's still crammed as hell with stuff. I love to go there and just breeze around.


The question is, did you inhale? I'm allergic to pot, just being around the smoke makes my eyes swell up. Needless to say, I never hung out with stoners, I just stayed with garden-variety drunks. :ack:


Edited because in the last sentence, I typed "stones," not "stoners." No, I didn't hang out with the Stones, either. And besides, I would have hung with Aerosmith, had I made my career as a groupie.

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Yes, I inhaled, but don't tell anyone :P At least with my poor non-smoking technique, I inhaled as best as I could. It's not anything I'm dying to try again, but I do want a pipe, or one of those hookahs that everyone sits around.


I wish I had a big house and could do different rooms in themes -- one would totally be the Opium Den, with fabric on the walls, pillows on the floor and everyone could lounge.

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