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2017 Solstice Swap Q&A



Updated 11/18/17

Any Weenies you missed out on?
My wishlist is up-to-date (through Yule! OMG!)

Are you Amazon & Etsy Wishlists up to date? They are - Amazon definitely, although it is a little scattered, but anything on there is stuff I would still like. Etsy hasn't been updated in a while, so I'm not sure how much is still available, but anything on there that is not on my "I own this" or other specialized list is fair game.

How do you feel about animated films? I generally like them, but I am a bit...oversaturated on animation with a 7 year old in the house. And we have a TON of them.

Does anyone need any cosmetic or larger bags? I do really like the box bags, but I'm not sure what I would put in it. I would love something like a hand bag or shopping bag, though.

If I were to knit you something like fingerless mitts, do you like short or long over the fingers? To the wrist, mid arm, or to the elbow? Thumb or a thumb hole? Frilly or not? Preferred color? I prefer gloves a little past the wrist and midlength up my fingers. My armwarmers with a thumb hole and open fingers that I can bury my fists in tend to get the most use, since I'm usually wearing them when my Reynauds flares up and my office is freezing. Colors - dark. ;) Black, dark grey, peacock blue, red, dark green are colors I could acutally use. I have a couple of purple pair already. Not frilly.

Is there a book you've always meant to read, but never got round to it? There is a bunch on my various wishlists. The main thing I'm kind of jonesing for that I should really just buy myself is the Bitch Planet graphic novel.

If you've expressed an interest in candles, do you prefer unscented or scented and if the latter, what scents? No candles for me please!

Do you like windchimes or other similar tinkley noisemakers? I love windchimes, also holiday themed bell ornaments, sleigh bell sort of things are lovely.

Do you/would you like Christmas/holiday music? If so, any particular genres or styles? I think I touched on this in my questionnaire, but I LOVE holiday music, especially rock/punk/goth versions of classics.

Do you have a Goodreads? Is it useful for my stalking purposes? :lol: I do and it is and I know I addressed this in my survey. ;)

Are there any holiday movies or shows you would particularly love to get your hands on? I have a lot of holiday shows already, so I am probably set.

Would you prefer your nourishment to be literal (i.e., actual food) or representative? I don't have a strong preference, so whatever seems to sing to you is great!

In terms of actual food, are you comfortable with homebaked goodies so long as potential allergens are not involved? Absolutely!

Do you have favorite holiday foodstuffs? All the cookies! I bake fruitcake every year and then do a baking day with my stepmom where we make peppermint sugar cookies, coconut lime snowballs, and bunches of other noms. I welcome anything decadent, boozy (I love rum/whiskey balls, cocktails, etc), or any other specialty of your house.

Are you adverse to burning things as part of your sacrifice? No incense or anything like that please, but if it involves lighting paper on fire in a sink or something, that's fine.

So how do you feel about teas? Would you be interested in getting some for your "nourishment" part of your gift? If so, are there particular companies you love or have always wanted to try? Special varieties you like- holiday blends, or decaf or solid standards like Earl Grey or Sencha? I have an awful lot of tea, so I should probably pass, but I do love me some holiday blends and Earl Grey variations (or other things flavored and/or scented as such).

And what about tea accouterments, like rock sugar, nice honey (I have a fabulous apiary that is literally 6 blocks from my house!), a special spoon? Honey is always welcome in my house. I don't really need other items, though.

Or maybe coffee is more your thing? I have access to an incredible little shop that sells some of the best bean I've ever had (let me put it this way- even when I lived in Coffee Capital SEATTLE, I had bean delivered to me from this place!). If you like coffee, what kinds? (this place does AMAZING DECAF as well as the strong stuff!). And would you want your beans whole or ground (if ground, what grind do you like?) Coffee is always welcome! NO DECAF please, but anything else, including flavored, is great. I prefer whole beans, but can accommodate either.

Scented candle lovers: do you have a favorite store/brand? Aaaaah. Stop tempting me with candles! (I love them, I just have waaaaaay too many.)

Favorite/Least favorite bath products (e.g. do you like scrubs, bar soap, gel)? I don't have a tub right now, so nothing bath only. Otherwise, I like pretty much everything *except* non-cleansing scrubs. I just don't have the time to wash and scrub, so I need to combine that part of the process.

What sounds are comforting for you? Any that bring up good memories? Waves/water sounds, bird song that isn't too shrill.

Do you like and use christmas/other celebration decorations, baubles and the like? HO HO yes. :D We bought a new pre-lit tree this past weekend and I am seriously tempted to put it up this Sunday (normally we wait until the day after Thanksgiving, at least). I am not big into "country Christmas" motifs or overtly religious iconography, but bring on the Santas and snowmen and reindeer and silly animals in santa hats.

Last year, some of us that participated in this swap received singing bowls for our "sound" item. Would YOU like to receive a singing bowl? Sure! I might have to steal it back from my spouse, but that is totally fine. ;)

Would you mind receiving a pre-loved book (one in good condition)? Not in the slightest!

How do you feel about fruitcake, assuming that I can make it without any stated allergens? I love love love fruitcake and any other fruity holiday baked good (stollen, panatella, etc)

How about rum/whiskey/bourbon balls (these are no-cook, so the alcohol is still pretty potent)? Sure! I will probably make some of my own this year, but I love trying other people's recipes. All alcoholic holiday goodies are welcome. :D

What is your favorite store-bought holiday treat? I love those little Pepperage Farm gingerbread people, marshmallow santas, maple sugar candy, marzipan...the list, it goes on and on. ;)


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