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Winter Solstice Swap 2017



Are there decants that you wished you ordered but didn't? Things you wish you had ordered more of?
I haven't been able to afford Liliths yet, let alone Weenies or Yules... But I'm going to try to get Liliths before they go down. My wishlist is up to date with Weenies and Yules.

Are your Amazon, Etsy etc wishlists up to date?
They should be. Amazon has priority settings so please sort high to low; I wish we could do that with Etsy.

how do you feel about animated films?
I used to be way more into anime but I'm not really anymore. My son has stolen all of my Ranma 1/2 dvds. I still watch some disney and pixar movies occasionally. NMBC is love! I watch Coraline once a year or so. My current fave animated movies besides NMBC are Brave and How to Train Your Dragon.

Is there a book you've always meant to read, but never got round to it?
Sure, but I have them already. My amazon book wishlist is very up to date; the books I really want are marked as very high or high priority. I put lots of inexpensive kindle books on there too.

If you've expressed an interest in candles, do you prefer unscented or scented and if the latter, what scents?
Sorry, I've answered so many similar swap questions that I can't keep track of which is which anymore! I love beeswax pillars like the ones from Big Dipper Waxworks (not rolled beeswax, I prefer poured.) Candles with intent would be fine! I do prefer pillars over jars because wick placement is usually better in pillars. Scent wise I like things like Vanillas, spices (clove, cardamom, cinnamon in small amounts), woodsy, bayberry, smoky, incense, marshmallow, patchouli, resins, tobacco, lavender, geranium, sandalwood, rose, etc. and lean towards essential oil types of the scent. For example, I think the yankee candle lavender smells nothing like actual lavender. There are some candles on my etsy and amazon wish lists - there are some Witch City Wicks, Dark Candles, etc. that I have been lusting over but I can't justify spending monies on them.

Do you like windchimes or other similar tinkley noisemakers?
I would love some gargoyle windchimes. (I have some unicorn ones and some that I inherited from my grandmother. Most of the ones that I long after are probably too expensive.) I still kind of lust over a small gargoyle guardian bell (I think there is one on my amazon wishlist, they're meant to put on motorcycles.) If you were to find something cool like that, it would be great. I wouldn't say no to a tibetan singing bowl for my altar.

Do you/would you like Christmas/holiday music? If so, any particular genres or styles?
I already have a lot of Christmas holiday music from my favorite bands so no thank you.

Do you have a Goodreads? Is it useful for my stalking purposes?
I do have a goodreads but I don't think it would be useful for stalking purposes. My amazon would be more useful. (I like librarything better than goodreads but it still isn't completely updated because most of my books have been packed up for 15-20 years. Link is in my SW help.)

Are there any holiday movies or shows you would particularly love to get your hands on?
Maybe some of the nostalgic rudolph christmas animated movies? (Year without a Santa Claus)

Would you prefer your nourishment to be literal (i.e., actual food) or representative?
Totally up to you. Bath/body, food, whatever.

In terms of actual food, are you comfortable with homebaked goodies so long as potential allergens are not involved?

Do you have favorite holiday foodstuffs?
Last year I received a homemade christmas pudding and it was SO GOOD. I need the recipe! And then I bought some sticky toffee pudding from World Market and that was delicious too.

Are you adverse to burning things as part of your sacrifice?
Would rather not unless it's meant to be burnt (incense, candles, paper.)

So how do you feel about teas? Would you be interested in getting some for your "nourishment" part of your gift? If so, are there particular companies you love or have always wanted to try? Special varieties you like- holiday blends, or decaf or solid standards like Earl Grey or Sencha?
I have so much tea it isn't funny. I wouldn't ever say no to Mariage Freres though.

And what about tea accoutrements, like rock sugar, nice honey (I have a fabulous apiary that is literally 6 blocks from my house!), a special spoon?
I always love locally sourced honey. I could use a really large (32oz) teavana perfectea maker.

Or maybe coffee is more your thing? And would you want your beans whole or ground (if ground, what grind do you like?)
I'm good on coffee I think, unless you have a super special blend you want to share with me. I usually prefer whole bean but I am not sure I'll be able to find my grinder or my french press. The only coffee maker in the house right now is my dad's keurig.

Scented candle lovers: do you have a favorite store/brand?
Indie companies are love. I'd love to try Witch City Wicks or Dark Candles (there are some on my bath / beauty / fragrance amazon wishlist for a hint of what kind of fragrances I like.) I just ordered a bunch of candles from Sihaya and Co. because she was having a secret menu sale so I finally get to try those. I was hoping to get some for swapping but they aren't guaranteed to be mailed until the middle of december. Oops.

Favorite/Least favorite bath products (e.g. do you like scrubs, bar soap, gel)?
Favorites: shower gel, salt/oil scrubs
Least favorite: bar soap (because I make it and I have about 500 bars.)

No SLS or parabens, trying to avoid phthalates. My skin is uber dry from thyroid issues and also breaks out really easily.

What sounds are comforting for you? Any that bring up good memories?
Hoofbeats, saddle leather creaking, horse tails swishing, neighing. (Yes, I miss my horses.) I have lots of white noise generators on my phone and I use those to sleep when I'm away from home. At home I have a noisy air cleaner to provide white noise.

Do you like and use christmas/other celebration decorations, baubles and the like?
I used to buy a purple, iridescent, sparkly, or some kind of mystical creature (dragon, unicorn, grotesque) every year for my tree but haven't done that lately. My ex didn't really like having a real tree. I doubt we'll have a real tree this year either because I'm staying with my 70-something parents and they have a little fake tree that they like to put up. My mom already has all of the decorations she needs (and more.) I'm always sad that they don't have a fireplace - so no good place to hang stockings. (Yes, I still do a stocking for my kid who is almost 30 and for my parents, and they do one for me.) I have one of those aluminum trees with a disco light in storage somewhere with all of my Christmas decorations.

Would YOU like to receive a singing bowl?

Would you mind receiving a pre-loved book (one in good condition)?
I have a really hard time reading physical books because of my eyes. My contact prescription is too strong to read things. I do all of my reading on my ipad these days with either ibooks or the kindle app.

How do you feel about fruitcake, assuming that I can make it without any stated allergens?
We just made cherry almond fruitcake today! That's the only fruitcake I've ever had that I liked.

How about rum/whiskey/bourbon balls (these are no-cook, so the alcohol is still pretty potent)?
Heck yeah!! But I don't like walnuts.

What is your favorite store-bought holiday treat?
such a hard question. maybe the chocolate covered peppermint joe-joes from trader joes? I already bought a couple of boxes though and I had two boxes leftover from last year since R wasn't around to eat them all. (Amazing how much longer my treats last without someone else to eat them all.) I'm having a hard time thinking of winter holiday treats... I can think of valentine day treats (cupcake royale's "Death Cake") but the brain fog is blocking my thoughts right now. oh! I was going to buy some Sticky Toffee Pudding from World Market but they didn't have any so we might attempt to make our own this year. Most of the "store bought" stuff I used to get was from local bakeries/stores/grocery stores, I miss all of my Seattle stores.


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