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Heat-addled mutated thoughts

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I have not been the chattiest blogger in the world, lately. Bad blogger, bad, bad, bad blogger! Try to type "bad blogger" a number of times that not turn "bad" into "blad." I did it twice. ("Blad Blogger" sounds like the emo nephew of Dracula.) It's been over 100 degrees here the last two days. Blame any weirdness below on the heat.


Well, I've been quiet because I've been kind of angsty lately and I really don't like to subject people to my angst. I'm semi-finished with my angst, and I've basically decided, what's better -- to be someone who has a few things that I'd like to have, but don't, but in order to get them you have to be positively glacial, or to be sort of person who animals, little kids and old people tend to like. I guess it's best to just accept my gifts in the form of a trusting animal, smiles from little kids and conversations with old folks. And everyone else in between. I not a cold bitch, so I don't get the cold bitch acoutroments. End of story.


I'm going to try to brew up a good batch or two or three of sangria tomorrow. I associate sangria with the 4th of July. Now, WTF? A Spanish wine for an American holiday? It's just a summertime thing.


And what is it when you go to the pool and you see the man with his bald head, bobbing just above the water, and then he emerges from the pool, it is revealed that his body is one of the hairiest things you've seen? As in, more hair on the guy's back than on most men's chests, not to mention all the hair on the legs and the chest and arms? I know it's testosterone doing its thing, but it always amazes me. Not that I have a thing against a nice hairy chest or hairy arms or legs, for I like secondary sexual characteristics, but when the back is almost solid hair, I do draw the line. I'd be getting out the waxing strips and using them on the fellow. But it would be like trying to wax a Grizzly! It would be like pulling carpet! Jeez, and guys like that would clog up your drains all the time, and no one would be able to figure it out, because they have a cue-ball head. Where is that hair coming from?


You can see what I was looking at and pondering at the pool today! :lol:

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I've read your post a few times and yes, either you're a bit addled or I am (which is entirely possible :P). Are you saying that you are an ice queen bitch or that you're not, but if you were you would have some things you don't have now?

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:P I think I was addled and being very cryptic! There's a very specific circumstance in my life right now that I know wouldn't work for me because I'm not an ice princess. I was feeling rather negative about it, but I don't any more. I wouldn't have any fun not being myself, and we do know that FUN RULES! :P Being a Banana Republican is just not my style, and besides, I'd have to wear french manicure toenails! :ack:

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Of men and waxing: before we left the ER last Wednesday, one of the nurses suggested that The Mister try to remove all of the little stickers and tabs they had placed all over his upper body in order to hook up all the monitoring equipment.


I've never seen him wimper so much in my entire life (and this includes all the myriad kitchen accidents to which he is prone). My response, naturally, was explosive laughter followed by a smug "NOW you know what it feels like. Image that along your friggin' BIKINI LINE, buster... and be thankful and grateful." :P


Glad you didn't go the way of "The Clackers" (imagine a stampede of stillettoed heels). We like you better the way y'are.

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