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Solstice Swap Answers



Question 1: If I made some ephemeral art that was meant to be burned as the sacrifice, would you have a safe place to do that (a fireplace, a backyard, a bbq grill lol)? Nothing big, maybe 6 inches tall.

I have places to safely burn things, but I don't know how I would feel about burning someone's art, regardless of intention. :umm: I could give it a shot, though?

Question 2: Would you want something from this website for your "light"? They're local to me and do beautiful work and I get a 20% discount. ha ha So if you see something you love, speak up. http://www.curiouscustoms.com/homey/

I think that the cloud wall sconce and the patterns on the sun and waterwave lanterns are beautiful, but I would not want anyone to spend that much on anything for me. If those came in a nightlight, that would be awesome.

Would people want a relaxing CD or a recording of the rainforest, or are people looking for things like mix CDs or something from a favorite artist.

I'd love a relaxing or contemplative CD. I have a lot of nature ambiance CDs already, so maybe not so much that. Mix CDs are always welcome, or music recommendations. Someone mentioned windchimes in the thread, and-- as awesome as they are-- my habitat eats them. We get really high winds out here on kind of a regular basis, so any wind music thing would have to live indoors.

Would you, Snowflake, be interested in getting a bracelet or pendant necklace as a "charm" for banishment or protection or shifting energy or brining in luck? If so, what's your preference (bracelet, necklace pendant), size (wrist size, chain length), what metals to you prefer (copper, sterling silver?), and what colors /stones do you have an affinity for?

I am always interested in shiny things, especially jewelry shiny things. Anything that also has properties is a welcome bonus.
Wrist size is average? 7", I think. I prefer necklaces be either really short or really long. Midlength things tend to either bounce on-- or become wedged in-- my cleavage. :blink: Yes, I have been clocked in the teeth by my own necklace on occasion. So many sad pandas.
I like copper and brass, silver is great so is gold. I like the metallic color that is somewhere between brass and rosegold. The list of beloved stones would be *really* long, but apatite, moonstone, labradorite, fluorite, unakite, kabamba jasper, carnelian, chalcedony, sugilite, prehnite, bloodstone, clear quartz, and opals are just a few. I like blues and greens a lot, and things that look like clear water droplets, or milky and translucent stones. Stones are awesome, and seashells, and metal, and colored glass, gum wrappers... I'm a magpie.


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