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12 Days of Christmas swap answers



08 Nov
Do you have a wood-burning fireplace or fire pit, and if so would you like handmade firestarters or scenting bundles to throw on it? (think bundles of apple wood chips and cinnamon bark, or little wax/herb/paper bundles with a wick)
I do not, sadly. I have a gas insert and I miss the smell of the wood smoke.

07 Nov
If you said you liked candles/melts/incense/etc., what are your favorite scents for such things? Same as my scents for what I wear- easy peasy :)
Do you like to cook and would you be interested in cookbooks? If so, what kind? Gluten free
Do you like games (board/card), and if so what kind and for how many players? I love board games! and card games! and it can be for 2 to 200 players. All are good!
Would you be interested in:

- Dried honeycrisp apples Yes!

- Applesauce (with red hots for sweetness and cinnamon) Yes!

- Rose petal liqueur Yes!

- Blackberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, or Peach Jam YES!

- garlic dill pickles YES!

- raw honey from bees on our property Yes!

- Baked or homemade goods (rum balls, spritz cookies, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, fudge, cranberry bliss bars, chocolate topped toffee, zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, princess buttercups, chex mixes, trail mixes, etc.)
Feel free to request a certain type of favorite thing you like. I have a food handlers license and I will make sure everything is very sterile, I am ultra virgo about cleanliness. I will avoid allergens like the plague if you are allergic to certain things. I can do gluten free baked things and/or we could do sugar free if that is a must. This to me is awesome. I truly appreciate you going above and beyond when it comes to allergens. I cannot have wheat.

- handsewn project bags or makeup bags? We do different sizes, some with zippers, some with draw strings. I can get all kinds of fandom type fabric like Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hello Kitty, Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Mario Brothers, etc. I have some glittery bats, skulls, etc. too.
If you're interested, what size would you like and would you prefer drawstring or zipper? Zipper please!
What colors/theme? (most things that are on jo-anns web site, we can get locally.) I love all things dr who, Harry Potter, day of the dead, ravens. owls, foxes, octopuses, if you need to know more, ask :)

- yarn, roving, batts, fiber? I have a LOT of really nice "farty" or "snobby" yarn in semi-solids, self striping, and gradients. Or I can make batts with our drum carder. I have roving and wool too if you spin. Or I have some handspun yarn in different colors/weights as well. I really want to try my hand at spinning so this would be amazing! I also love to crochet and knit, so "farty" yarn would be a nice treat lol.

- any cross stitch items like a small wall hanging or bookmark? I'm learning cross stitch and might be able to get a project done. I'm hip with inappropriate phrases... Sure!

- if you said you'd want a knitted item, are there any particular favorite patterns you'd like -
ravelry bundle? You can take a peek at my ravelry library. My user name is witcharoo.

How about favorite colors for whatever you'd like? Jewel tones, and black.

04 Nov
Bath and Body works? just the handsoap (foaming preferably)

I'm going to San Diego next week. Are there any souvenirs from there you'd like? How about any little souvenirs in general that you appreciate receiving? I would appreciate anything my snow anbgel wouldl ike to bring, but I do like to collect patches and squished pennies from different places.

What's your shoesize? Would you like to receive socks? 7-8 and yes please life is too short for boring socks.

Stuff from The Netherlands, England, Germany, etc.: Yes Please! England especially. It is on my bucket list of places to see. I really really really want to go there. But, I know that both the Netherlands and Germany have great things to offer, so if my snow angel is headed there, I do collect patches ( or badges as some call them) of different places, so I would also love those as well.

Office supplies:
Yep :) I work at a boring old desk so anything to make it more my own is welcome.

Spicy, cheesy, or sour snacks:
Yes please! As long as there is no wheat in them it should be fine.

Would you like cooking ingredients, mixes, spices, oils, gadgets, etc.:
Yes I would :)

Soaps or bath gel?
I use gels more often than bar soap, but that doesn't mean I won't use it.

Candles, wax melts, incense?
Candles and wax melts, yes. Incense no. I love it but it bothers the hubs.

Jewelry preferences:
Silver/silver-toned, or copper/bronze (I don't have any allergies or sensitivities).

I try to avoid artificial sweeteners when I can.

Handmade items & homemade food:
Yes yes yes please!

Licorice? I used to love licorice, but I can't have it anymore since it contains wheat.

Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? If not, would you want some of their famous delicious treats? (Cookie butter - original or pumpkin spice!, sweet plantain chips, chocolate covered potato chips, etc) I do not have a Trader Joe's near me, but always watch with envy at the wonderful things that come out of that store lol. So yes, I would love some of their famous delicious treats. :)

Do you have any interest in Shakespearean swag (insult mugs, play themed lip balms, oodles of other possibilities) or general performing arts related goodies?
I love Shakespeare so this would be good for me :)
What is your favorite Christmas story - be it book, movie, cartoon - and if there are various versions, which is your favorite? I would say that my favorite Christmas story would have to be the Claymation Rudolph the red nosed reindeer because I remember vividly watching when I was small at my grandparents house. As I ot older it was definitely a Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation.

Do you have a preference for numbered packages or random selection? Whatever my Snow Angel's heart desires.

Do you have any external wishlists, Goodreads, or anything else that you might not have listed in your survey? No I don't but I am always interested in learning about new authors.

For books that are part of a series, do you have a strong preference for whether you receive them in order, assuming that any overarching plot is reasonably easy to pick up on and the main story is self contained? Obviously in order is usually best, but if it's a really good story, it should be fairly easy to pick up in the middles with no issues.

03 Nov
what kind of collector are you? And do you have a log or a list somewhere away from the forum of the things you love, hate or already own?
I have an excel spreadsheet that I chronicle everything I own and have tried- I also have notes on if I have already swapped it, just to remind myself that I have indeed tried a specific scent already.

02 Nov
Christmas decor?
We are hosting Christmas this year and the theme is cozy Chirstmas. So everyone will be coming in their pjs or comfy wear and I plan on using alot of knits and warmish things for decorating the tables with. My trees (yes, I have 2 every year) don't have a theme unless you called it colourful eclectic. I have all sorts of ornamets and bright colours and nothing matches and they look awesome :)

When it comes to makeup, what is your coloring? Fair, dark? Sensitive skin? Eye color? Hair color? Style....funky, natural? Any additional makeup info?
I am very fair, with hazel eyes, dark hair, styled any old way I want on any given day :) I wear lots of different colours when it comes to eyeshadows and as for any other additional make up info I am looking into foundations. I have always used just a powder but right now I am considering trying a liquid....

Is there any craft or hobby that you are interested in trying?
Right now I am really looking into spinning my own yarn. I want to get one of those kits with a top spindle ( the ones where the disk is at the top, not the bottom) and some roving and just give it a go. I wouldn't care if the yarn was dyed or not, I just really want to try it.

31 Oct
I love crocheting, it's my favorite hobby. Can I make you a scarf/cowl/sweater/lap blanket to keep you wintery-warm!?

I love crochet and you can make me any number of things, an aghan (although I pretty sure shipping would be horrendous), mitts, fingerless mitts, a scarf/cowl kind of deal, or whatever my swapper wants to make for me.

How do you feel about knit socks? (Plain stockinette, lacework, cables, etc). Are there any other hand knit items you'd especially like? (Mittens, fingerless gloves, hats, etc).

I cannot get enough of knit socks. The time it takes (for me anyway) to actually sit down and make a pair, well let’s just say I am in awe of people who can churn them out. You can do cables, lace, plain, whatever your heart desires. Anything else that tickles your fancy to make me would also be happily accepted J

How do you feel about amigurumi (i.e. little crochet toys), either characters from a fandom, wee animals, or as decorations?

I would LOVE some!! Fanbased would be most welcome (Harry Potter, Sherlock, Dr who, game of thrones, labyrinth, dark crystal, Nightmare before Christmas, Princess bride, and many more)

What kind of snacks do you like? Does dried fruit or crunchy dried vegetables sound appealing? Do you like (raw) honey? Jerky? Jam? What sort of local products do you like to receive as gifts? If you're familiar with products in the Pacific Northwest, is there anything specific you'd like to try?

All of them sound good. I just can’t do wheat though, that’s the only thing you need to watch out for. Other than that, I am very adventurous with food and will usually try anything once.

If there's one place you could go in the world, where and why?
England would be a place I would love to go to. I am in love with all of the history there. Ireland is second on the list, there are a few vying for third.

What sort of dollar store items do you always get a kick out of?
So, I don’t know if there is anything I get a kick out of per se, I like to browse the aisles. I do purchase some of my kitchen items from there (think tin foil, sandwich bags etc), and sometimes they have cook kitchen gadgets.

Do you like to receive plants or gardening stuff? Do you grow plants? What's your favourite flower, if you have one?
My favorite plants are lavender, roses, peonies, succulents, irises, marigolds, peppermint, in no particular order.

Favourite flowers to look at touch: pansies, peppermint, lavender,

Favourite flowers to sniff: Roses, peonies, daffodils, irises, violets,

If you had a custom perfume/beauty/bath product made for you, what would it be and what would the scent description look like? (everything from prose to the specific selection of notes)
A custom blend would probably be something smoky, with a hint of a sweetness coming from one of my favorite flowers, and ending with a whisper of parchment and ink.

I love drawing! Either fanart chibis on the tablet or portrait work in graphite pencil... but it's been a while..so I'd love to use this as an excuse to draw something for you! If you could commission an art piece, would you choose traditional or digital artwork- and what would it be of?

Traditional for sure because I would want to hang it up,a nd I would get lazy printing out a digital one. And whatever you are happiest drawing would be good for me J


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