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Hello dear Witch!

Thank you again for the lovely card! I agree, I myself wouldn't have the patience for something like tatting. I envy those that can!

For your question about handmade crafts and local festivals: it's difficult for me to say without seeing or knowing what will be there. But, I do love hand crafted items. I appreciate the unique nature of things that are created and crafted with love and intention. While i can't think of anything in particular (Wait...maybe something), if you see something that matches my interests or colors that is handmade I'm sure I'll love it.
If I’m honest. I’d love the idea of a handmade ceramic coffee mug, but my significant other says I’m not allowed to have more mugs unless i get rid of one. (But it’s not like he’s going to notice a new one. HAH!). I love many of my mugs, but I don’t have many that are wide or very big. I also have a current obsession with mug cakes (gluten free of course) and there are only two mugs in the house that are wide enough to make them in. So, do what you will with that information. :) I also looooveee the idea of hoods and capes, but in Florida, there’s not much opportunity to wear them. :(

One thing I have been thinking that I would like more of lately is form fitting, long tees. Being in Florida, tshirts are the best for our hot weather(and I am allowed to wear them at work). BUt it's really hard to find tshirts that look nice. I've been really wanting more long, tissue style tees that are fitted for women and in pretty colors. Nothing bright, but muted shades of blues, greens, purples. And of course, grey/black. :D
That will probably be difficult to find and I don't want you to go out of your way. I just bring it up in case you see something.

To address NanoWrimo: Yes!
Heheh. That is, i'm going to try to do it this year! The last time I tried Nano was in 2014, but my beloved German Shepherd passed away on Nov 14th. And then last year i had cancer. >.<
I was successful in 2013 though! Although I made it to 50k words, the story/novel wasn't finished! (About 1/3 of it got cut anyway). So this year I want to do a modified Nano, where I don't start something new, but aim to finish the story from 2013. There's no set word count for me, although reaching 50k again would be nice.

I love the Nano theme this year too. ^_^

Sorry if these answers are super long. I am not concise as a writer. :/

I hope you're doing well Witch! I love hearing from you. Thank you! <3


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