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Fall 2016 Switch Witch Questions



How do you feel about knitted stuff? Fancy? Plain? What types of things do you like to wear?
I like knitted stuff! Scarves, fingerless gloves, arm warmers . . .

I'm into beer. How 'bout you? Styles? And booze?
Not as crazy about beer. I love cider, but I'm trying to avoid it due to the sweetness. I'm still down with the hard stuff, though, especially rum, vodka, and tequila.

How do you feel about caramel? Salt or no? With chocolate or without?
God, I adore caramel, salted, chocolatey . . . You name it. Sadly, I love it too much, and I can't have much with my new eating plan. I can smell the stuff, though, and I love anything that smells like caramel apples!

Would you be interested in home made food items?
- garlic dill pickles
- blackberry jam
- dried honey crisp apples
- applesauce (with or without red hots)
- elderberry syrup (with honey and apple cider vinegar - great for immune boosting)
- honey from our bees
- rose petal liquor (made with our own rose petals and everclear but diluted down a bit so it doesn't knock you over)
- baked goods of your choice, what do you like or dislike?

Garlic dill pickles--these are a freebie for me; send them on!
Blackberry jam--again, the sugar issue :(
Dried honey crisp apples--I could totally work with these.
Applesauce--can't right now.
Elderberry syrup--not sure?
Honey--again, I could work with it.
Rose petal liquor--holy cow, that sounds cool.
Baked goods--pretty restricted due to dietary limitations. Breads, cookies, etc. are out, sadly.

Would you be interested in project bags/pouches? I usually make flat bottom round pouches with a pocket inside and a drawstring. Possibility of embroidery if we still have the huge commercial machine.

I do like these!

Are you allergic to any fiber or do you know what kind of yarn you prefer? (merino, merino cashmere, merino cashmere silk, 100% silk, 100% cashmere, merino nylon, BFL, BFL silk, etc. Or do you like acrylic?)
No allergies. I wouldn't want a super-fuzzy head covering, as the little bits can get stuck in my contacts, but otherwise no restrictions at all.

Would you want a quilted pot holder?
I've moved into a new place, and I had to toss a lot of old kitchen stuff. So I actually need stuff such as potholders, kitchen towels, etc.

Do you have any preferred flavour of shortbread?
Can't do it, sorry :(

Is there anything you'd particularly like to get from the UK?
Yes, a plane ticket to join you there!

Anything from Japan?

Reuse shipping materials?
Sure, I try to reuse too.

Harry Potter?
Since the very first book. I'm going to throw a Harry Potter birthday party for my nephews in a couple of weeks; wish me luck.

Hibiscus Seeds?

Does anyone like fleece character hats? Like these: http://wonderlandonl...like-fleece-hat? What kinda characters would you like to see?
Not really for me.

Do you like things with Pumpkin (or Pumpkin Spice?)

Love socks. Would like some more striped socks, Halloween socks . . . Once i received a gift card from Sock Dreams; I used it all on gloves, though. Love their fingerless gloves.

Anyone a nail polish fan? What colors interest you?
Yes, but I'm very hard on my nails. I like polishes that involve minimum upkeep and can stand getting knocked around. I really liked the Halloween colors at BPTP last year, but I missed them.

Halloween decor style?
All of it. The more classical/Romantic stuff may stay up all year. Really love retro stuff too, as well as anything in candy corn patterns. Love candy corn, although I'm doing my best not to EAT any of it!

Candles/Wax Melts?
Yes, use them often, especially in the kitchen. I managed to break my tart warmer/oil burner, however. I've been meaning to get a new one for ages.


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