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Review Format for Emphemeris




A comprehensive guide to the ERS including measurements for review: Grading Criteria, Review Categories, Review Format, etc.

It is a format that I created to provide consistency throughout my reviews from 2016 onwards.

Review Format

Reviews will follow specific review formatting and will be based on several grading criteria in using the following format and colour scheme:

Title: (Description)

| Initial Notes | Wet | Dry | Verdict | Other Recommendations |

Initial Notes
: Otherwise known as "in the bottle/imp". This criterion notes initial thoughts about the scent in relation to listed notes and components; prior to contact with any skin chemistry reactions.

This criterion describes thoughts about the fragile top notes; mainly scent reactions upon active contact with skin chemistry when wet.

: This criterion assesses the drydown, and comprise mostly the middle and base notes; the extent the scent has reacted to the author's skin chemistry.

: Grade class and Rank Listed in the following format: [several word summary]

Other Recommendations:
Similar BPAL scents that may appeal to those who like components found in the reviewed scent will be suggested here, based on my own personal opinion.

Review Categories

To simplify the process, reviews have been limited to three categories:

| Limited Edition | Permanent Line | General Catalog |

Limited Edition (LE
Scents that are available for a sensitive period of time or offered as a limited run with numerically specific units.

Permanent Line (PL
Scents that are available under the extensive BPAL catalog alongside the GC range but are not offered in 1ml samples. They often
do not have a fixed period of time they are available, but not part of the GC range

General Catalogue (GC)
Scents which appear as part of the general catalogue list.

Grading Criteria

The 2016 grading system for reviews takes advantage of the classical 1-10 scale and assigns a 'grade class' in the form of a letter.; the higher the number, the greater the overall rank and result.

| S+/S (10) A+ (9) A (8) A- (7) B+ (6) B (5) B- (4) C+ (3) C (2) C- (1) F (0) |

F-Class results are acquired by scents that do not appeal to me or react to my chemistry. It is important to note that this system is purely graded by the author's personal opinion and taken with half a grain of salt. As always, YMMV.
Reviews will rarely procure S-Class results as they reflect scents that transcend beyond my control to grade them any less. They are reserved only for scents I find are elite scents that rise above the rest in my opinion.

BPAL signature icon

Collection of Impressions in image form.

Scents I have written under this review system will have an attached signature icon for rotational use on the BPAL forum. The signature icon will describe the overall theme and feel of the scent, summed up as a picture. This is an alternate form of describing and rating; instead of simply indicating a colour, suggesting the mood/emotion, or writing an anecdotal memory the scent reminds me of, all scents which I review under this system will sum up my collection of thoughts into a single BPAL signature icon to represent my general impression.


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