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Switch Witch Q&A!



For my lovely Witch:

Here is a compiled list of wishlists to help you out! I apologize that my Etsy one isn't as organized as my Amazon ones are but here we go:

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/DeWinterCrochet/favorites?ref=hdr(I definitely peruse and add tons of things here on the regular)

Board Games: https://amzn.com/w/2HCP2V3C27XPN
Christmas 2015/General Wishlist: https://amzn.com/w/1BLDRQQWXKGSS
Clothing: https://amzn.com/w/3K6OHHUBT5JMO
Plushies: https://amzn.com/w/2PTAGIB7ON18N

Pinterest for a company called Look Human:

And all questions from the SW thread will be copied here too:

Do you like colouring?
I have colored pencils and books so I'm set on these
Can you list your wishlists please?
Above this! :D
If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get?
I don't use Lush a whole lot, but I'd be willing to try anything (I can't currently use bath bombs though :c )
Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies?
I always appreciate anyone's crochet/knitting work even though I crochet myself! I also enjoy crochet crafting supplies! handmade crochet hooks, cute stitch markers, yarn bowls, crochet/knitting bags etc (Edit: I know it's almost summer and I live in a place that gets to 115° but if you knit SUPER fast and could make an oversized sweater, I would be indebted to you forever, I don't know if it's allowed, but I'd be comfortable waiting past deadline for that. I can't ever find oversized sweaters that fit me and I always want to pick up knitting to make my own and never have the patience for it. I'd be willing to pay for materials and the pattern too.)
Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc?
I'm only allergic to the penicillin-class of medication, so I am safe to send all sorts of things to from any kind of house!
Do you like comics or graphic novels?
I haven't read any, but my fiance tries to get me into them. There's one inspired by Jim Henson that looks super awesome (because Jim Henson) so I'd like to give that one a try! :)
Nail Polish! Do you have a specific brand you like? Do you like/want to try Indie brands? What colors of nail polish do you wear?
I have lots of OPI but I'll take any brand-name polish. I love indie brands! A few of my favorites are KBShimmer, BearPawlish, EchoesPolish, GirlyBits Polish, and Bootie Babe Polish. I will wear any color of polish, yes really. I tend to not buy as many copper-colors, but I will wear them! :)
Do you use BPTP products? If so, which do you like, not like, want to try? And if not, are you interested in trying some, and which ones (scents or item types or both) most appeal?
I haven't yet! I do have the Blueberry Cream Pie perfume oil which smells FANTASTIC, and I'd like to try the HG but I just haven't taken the plunge yet. I would be interested in their perfume oils and HG's because I can't take baths currently.
Nail Wraps??
I'm not sure if I'd use these because I really love to use my nail polishes? But Nail Vinyls yes please!!! Twinkled T has a large selection of fantastic nail vinyls and I don't think I'd be sour about any of them. They're pretty inexpensive and I've always wanted to try more, I've only used them once at sister-in-law's house.
Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop?
Yes. I love tea, I like oolongs and genmaicha the best but I will drink and try any and all teas. Also yes to spices etc because I like to do crockpotting and to get different flavor combinations from other places would be super cool, I'm an omnivore so any kind of meat rub would be acceptable!
In Regards to loose/bagged tea:
I normally prefer loose tea, but if there's a bagged tea you really like, please share with me!
Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold?
Jalapenos/chili oil/spicy tuna is about the level of spice that I can handle. So on a scale of 1 - 10 I assume a 2 or 2.5?
Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc?
I used to have a Kindle but it broke, so right now physical books would be ideal. It'll make convincing my husband we need a bookcase even better!
Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five ;)
Ohh yes! Stuffed or crocheted would be cool! It's probably the one thing I'm not good at is amigurumi. Five animal/beasties....Octopus/Cthulhu, Sharks, Giraffe, Owls, Dragons
Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one!
I'm not sure if this counts, but I do use wax melt tarts, so any springy scents would be great. I normally buy from Yankee Candle, but if you know of a great person on Etsy, please show me someone who does it themselves by all means! :D
Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet?
I feel like I'm always buying toys for my Beebs, but if you see something super adorable I won't say no! :P As for supplies, I could use some extra bowls for when I feed her wet food.
Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests?
Pffffsh yes. I buy silly things all the time based solely on the fact that someone named it based on my interests! Interests a-hoy:
Star Trek:TNG
Doctor Who
Hannibal (tv series for things to buy but I liked the movies -obviously- ANTHONY HOPKINS UHYES)
Clue (Movie)
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
(will add more when I remember 'cause I'm having brain farts)
Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities?
Cheaper metals turn my skin green, and wool makes me a bit itchy like normal folks, but that's about it!
Would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail?
I actually would like some pretty note cards! I've been fairy-ing a lot for the events and always forget to put in little notes, so this would help me to remember and fellow forumites would get pretty little notes in their packages!
If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category:
Calico Jack
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

Rendezvous at the Bath
Mother Ghost
The Snow at Noon

HTF (at least for me they are!)
Thunder Moon
Kuang Shi
The Last Unicorn
Any places you would like gift cards from?
I'd really dig some Trader Joe's gift cards. I really love their sweets and their frozen tamales, and the tamales I know couldn't be sent through the mail, so a gift card would be amazing.
Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences?
I wear make-up on occasion but that doesn't mean I don't collect it! I like Geek Chic Cosmetics and NYX Cosmetics. Usually I wear black eye-liner and bright or dark red lipstick or dark purple lipstick. I also really dig chap stick/lip gloss/lip sticks. My lips are always dried out so any moisturizing lip product would be awesome. Eye shadows I'm not picky with color, I like them all.
Junk food and candy?
All of the yes. I'm always eating junk food or candy, no shame here. I'll eat anything sweet. Chocolate is fantastic, chocolate covered items are a plus, fudge is great, hard candy is awesome, gummies I like, sugar is my jam. I'd be totally stoked to get some local sweets or junk foods. I also love bacon. Oh and if you have any place that sells strange jerky ie: alligator, kangaroo, antelope etc I will take that too! (I won't eat candied bugs those please don't send me bugs ohgawnobugsplease D: )
Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books?
My husband and I actually have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video so DVD's aren't exactly my thing. I think the only DVD's I actually have that get real use are my copies of Clue, Labyrinth, and One, Two, Three (with James Cagney it's an old movie). Oh and Eddie Izzard DVDs but otherwise I don't collect the DVD's because I'd never open them. I'm not sure about fan books, or how I'd feel about them.
Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)?
Oh yes, I know a handful of things are wishlisted on Amazon, but I could always use more dishtowels. Green or teal colors preferred (or HALLOWEEN ONES OMG) but I'll take any colors really, I'm too lazy/eclectic to care :P
Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything?
I do like plants but we don't have any yet. I have no outdoor room for plants so seeds wouldn't work. I'm really digging these succulents I keep seeing, and I have a handful of succulent planters on etsy I like (esp the dinosaur ones ahahaa) I get nervous about most plants though because I have my cat and she likes to nibble on -everything- so they would need to be cat-safe plants
If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ?
All of these options? For example, I've purchased nail polish just because it was called Oubliette (terrible darrrrrk oubliette!) So if it's based off one of my interests I'll love it for sure :)
Are you in need of BPAL storage?
Good god yes! Right now I'm using a sewing storage kit and it's much too small so I can't use the lid and I'm just hiding them in my drawer. I'd like a real, proper storage solution to my beautiful smellies but I never know what to get. Show me the ways of good storage! I would love some storage from you for my BPAL!
Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts?
I love candles and wax melts. Love them. The more I can make my house smell like pretty smells and less like boy smells the better. I love 'em but after working hard all day he smells like butt. lol!
BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? Purses (big, small, medium), storage type bags, totes, re-usable grocery bags, make up or craft supply bags . . . anything? And if so, please give as much info as possible about type, color, use, fabric, etc
Purses would be cool, I normally like giganto ones, but small ones are nice too (My etsy favorites has purses by a lady I really like, her fabrics are too cute!) I also definitely need craft bags as I have so. much. yarn. I've linked to a pinterest which has a few from Look Human I like, and I think I have also favorited a few on etsy that are more traditional craft bags :)
What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern! ;)
The style from that specific site: Big Slouchy Messengers. I'll be returning to college here in the summer and could use a nice messenger bag for school supplies.
If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family?
I've taken a few different tests and back in the day they kept coming out Gryffindor, now they come out Ravenclaw. I've always wanted slytherin though because I love green and I'm all dark and twisty :P
Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that?
I love handmade things because I make handmade things! I also think having a journal to log my medical stuff might be helpful so yes!
What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user?
I love all animals and this etsy user makes such gorgeous little sculptures that I would be okay with any of them. That being said, snow leopards are my favorite animal and I'd be super happy to get that too.
Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection?
Uhm, all of it? XD I've never used any of their product but it all looks super awesome.
Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]?
I'm pretty open to all music, but I don't listen to music as much as I used to.
Oh dear Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme?
I like green tea-tea but the flavor tastes weird. Sakura flavor is awesome, I also like plum wine flavor. Cherry blossom decorations/jewelry are totally awesome too :)
Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send?
Depends! My amazon wishlist has most of the sizing already put in, but if you've found something you think I'll really like somewhere else I'm a size 16 in pants and my bust is a 40D so probably the biggest girl size they have if it's a girl size (unless it's a super baggy item, then I can probably do Large) and if it's a guy's style garment then probably 2X or 3X just because I like to cut them up and make them into girlier shirts.
It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! :yum: Name a famous crush or five :D
I'm asexual, so for me I don't really crush on celebrities. I do have an appreciation for Benedict Cumberbatch for playing an asexual (I have fears that they'll change that and it makes me sad) But for example, my dream encounter with Bendyback Crumblecake would be to drink tea and have him read to me. lol

Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list
Pine Woods - Korpiklaani
Tormilind - Metsatoll
Fly - Blind Guardian
Stardust - Xandria
Rasputin - Turisas
Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those?
I'd definitely be up for one of these! Plain edge though, my cat might think the fancy trims are cat toys!
I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug?
Dragons, always dragons. :D
If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get?
Part of me wants to say "buy things for the house" because we still need things, but if it was a self-splurgy thing? New Clothes.
Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines!
I live in Southern California so we don't have a traditional Fall/Winter here. The lowest it gets is 35 degrees sometimes. So for me fall/winter/spring are all one kind of season and then there's just unbearable summer lol. I think "spring" to me is hearing the birds in the morning/afternoon and the cherry blossom trees growing their flowers (we have one right outside and it's already started)


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