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Under Pressure

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(After Snarky was schooled, she has always preferred the Queen song containing that famously ripped of Vanilla Ice lyric, though the sting of plagerism has faded over time to be replaced with a kind of dorky nostalgia too.)


The Mister collapsed at work yesterday. By the time the ambulance got there, he was awake, aware, and talking. He walked to the ambulance on his own steam. The ER doc couldn't positively pinpoint the cause, though stress and anxiety are likely candidates.


After a couple hours of observation (and another one waiting impatiently to be discharged) Snarky was able to take him home. They had cheesy Mexican food and wandered around Trader Joe's and bought up supplies for a near-future (possibly before the Fourth, as the Snarks are an impatient bunch) cookout on their newly discovered charcoal grill.


The Mister will take off of work today, but is already antsy about not keeping up with his landslide of work. Snarky tried (half-heartedly) to obtain something for him to work on when she stopped by his office yesterday to pick up the car.


His boss, hopefully finally Seeing the Light, refused to let her take anything, and strongly urged The Mister to stay at home and rest through the Fourth.


Snarky knows that this grand statement is partly spurned by genuine concern, but she also knows that The Mister will just get all the more agitated because now his boss's unable-to-delegate and/or assign-work-realistically "management style" will push all the pressure onto the other already loaded-down PMs in the office. Which gives him stress.


And Snarky is trying ever so hard to minimize the stress. Like some kind of frightened, over-protective mother hen. The Mister is a grown man, but Snarky can't help but remember seeing him with wires and tubes and bustling be-scrubbed attendants.


No matter how many episodes of "House" or "Gray's Anatomy" she'll see... nothing will inure her to that sight. Ever.

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Eek! :) I don't follow the blogs, but a friend was kind enough to PM me that she'd seen this, since everyone knows Brian and I are "real-live" friends with you guys. Please keep us updated on how Mr. Snark is doing! I wish I had some advice on how to get him to slow down, but, as a fellow Type-A person, I know how hard-headed we all are. (a friendly :pics: to all the overachievers, self included). Maybe this will be a wake-up call for him?


Argh, that must have been so scary for you. I'm glad he seems to be better. Feel free to PM any time.




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Oh no! :) I'm so sorry to hear this, and I'm glad that your Mister is home and under your care. I am friends with someone who is the type Who Cares Too much, and I always worry about him flaming out.


(Sending you my yoga teacher relaxation talk or my general goofball distraction technique, or maybe a bit of both!)


I hope that you both take care of yourselves this weekend, and if you can get the Mister to consider being gentle with himself, that would be grand. :pics: to both of you.

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Oh. my. god. Just tell him to start looking for a new job already. Sit him down on his butt with a nice glass of iced tea and Monster.com and make him do it!


It's not Mr. Snarky's fault his boss can't manage his way out of a brown paper bag. And as for his coworkers, if they have two brain cells to rub together to make a spark (which I'm assuming they do), they will all also eventually get the hell out of dodge, he doesn't need to worry about them. There is no such thing as a moral obligation to stay in a job that is killing him!


That whole waiting until Labor day thing needs to be scrapped, I think colapsing and going to the hospital is a big honking neon sign saying, "start looking NOW!"

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Dear Snarkity,


I've enjoyed reading your blog, but am so sorry to hear about this happening to you and Mister. Stress takes a huge toll on our bodies and on minds, and I hope you can be good to yourself too during this time, anyway...it is so hard to see someone we love in any kind of pain.Well, just thinking about you guys,and hope for better.take care, marilyn :) :) :pics:

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(Snarky's gonna break from her third person rule for a bit here.)


Y'all! :sniffle: I am not an emotional forum participant, probably because most of my forum time is at work and if I were to ever really :pics: or :) or any of that I wouldn't be practicing my office monkey ninjitsu for very much longer...


But I honestly teared up reading all of your comments here and the PMs I've received. I'm sorry I'm not responding to each and every one of you, but really... despite my mutant ability to tear up at every single LDS commercial and horribly formulaic rom-com movie I am thought of as a bit of a stoic most of the time. You all really, really touched me.


Thank you so much for your kind thoughts, advice, commiseration, and support. I will do my best to convey my personal thanks as I find the time over the next few days.


The Mister stayed out of work today. He's doing much better. I took some time off of work today and we went farmers' marketing and nursery window shopping (plants, not babies).


He's whipping up a batch of Moosewood sweet potato quesadillas and home made salsa right now... so I think he's pretty much feeling back to normal.


Tomorrow he's going to try to go to work, but his boss and his co-workers have already hinted that they will forcibly block him from entering his office if he does.


Even if he doesn't get out of that company ASAP (which I'm sort of pushing for), he's already aired the idea of talking with the co-presidents to get moved to a different department where he can learn a little more about the basics before having to jump in to project management like he did a year ago.


As unsure as our financial future is now (and really, it's not that bad... we've got a small cushion saved up for emergencies, and as much as we would hate to, my parents are always ready to help out if necessary - a luxury of which we've never indulged but it's good to know it's there) I have a crazy, hopeful faith that it will work out in the end... that by the end of this, he'll finally have found a place that feels as "home" to him professionally as our lives together feels personally. And then maybe I'll get my "click" moment too.


Thank y'all, again, for everything. :)

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