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Garden pictures, a couple of days late.

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I'm sure no one noticed that I'm late with my update this week... And to make it worse, some of the pictures are terribly out of focus.


I took these pictures of a bloom on my rose last week - The bloom is about 1.5 inches across: (There are a total of 7 unopened buds on the plants)




This are the plants again on sunday. It's blury, like I said, but you can see a bunch of buds opening:



See my strawberry plants putting out runners:



Although the picture is blury, you can see what a behemoth my tomato plant has become:



Finally, my morning glories/moonflowers have made it as high as the railing... I don't expect blooms for another month or so, but I hope once they grow into a space with more sunlight, they'll grow faster:


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What a beautiful rose! I love the color, and it's such a perfect, tiny little thing. Fiddling around with flowers and plants is the most soothing thing in the world.

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