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Some shallowness

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So, yesterday, one of the many people snapping zillions of pictures at my wedding brought over a collage style picture frame with the pictures in question in it... and it was sobering to see myself in a picture. Like, embarrassing. To the point where I've had enough. Eating habits must change this summer. Workouts must be performed regularly in the fall. I may be so drastic as to join a gym. I am tired of ze flab. It will be eradicated. I'm just not sure how I'll do this. It's all well and good to look at the pictures and resolve not to do it anymore, but I've got a serious addiction to combat. One day at a time? Should I try a twelve step program? Should I just cut it out of my life, cold turkey?


I really felt like I looked great at my wedding, but to see the photographs... appalling. :twisted:

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I was the fattest in my life on my wedding day. I look like a softly rounded Earth Mother or something. I don't really mind it looking back, but at the time I had a similar rude shock once the pictures started coming in (especially when my skinny, beautiful, so-nice-you-can't-even-hate-her-for-the-other-two-things cousin showed up with her crazy lollipop head and cute little dresses). Heck, my Maid of Honor wore a size four silver satin evening gown for the ceremony.


And I? Wore my chiffon silk muumuu looking empire waisted (still beautiful, but muumuuesque all the same) gown with flats. I was the roundest, shortest, shiniest (why did not one blot me, why?!?!) little bride ever. But I was also absolutely stupidly glowingly happy.


I hope that shows in your pictures too... because years from now? When you've changed our body and have started to get into the comfortable rhythms of being with your Mister (doesn't matter if you lived together before, marriage really does change everything) you'll look back at those horrible pictures and all you'll see is the happiness of everyone involved... especially you. :)

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