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In an Ani mood

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Yeah, I read the Bronte sisters and Thomas Hardy, and I like to quote poetry every now and then, but I also listen to Ani DiFranco and I'm in an Ani mood these days. Not that Ani isn't poetic, in her own 20th/21st century way. And anyone who started their own recording label called Righteous Babe Records has to be alright.


Right now I'm listening to the "reckoning" disc of the "Reveling/Reckoning" double CD set. I was driving around last night singing along to "So What" and I looked over at the car in the lane next to me, and there was a teenaged girl, singing and doing upper body dancing as she drove. I thought, damn it, I miss the surly grunger days. In the town that I live in, there's way too many perky teenagers, but I was in suburbia and the closer I get to downtown, the closer I come to finding surly youth. However, a lot of them tend to sit around outside coffee houses and sing folk songs with people closer to my age, and I find it rather confusing.


Back to Ani. A few years ago in "Jazziz" magazine, in response to the question "What is your guilty pleasure?" Ani replied: "FUCK GUILT." That was my New Year's resolution that year. It worked. (I wasn't raised as a Catholic, so maybe it was easier for me.) Then a year later, I did a spin on that and made my New Year's resolution "FUCK 'WHAT-IF'S.'" I realized late last week just how well that one took, because I spent some time around someone who was spinning "what-if" scenarios, that to me, were no more than fantasies about something that was painfully impossible. I realized how I simply never go there, or if I do, I pull myself back. (Hell, I don't even fantasize about Bob Schneider, and that would be a sweet diversion!)


But as a result, I have a bit more of an Ani DiFranco attitude, which is to jam reality right back in my face. It makes for an interesting life, I'm not missing as much, except for when I'm so sulky that I'm not really paying attention. :twisted: Better to be looking around than your head in the clouds or up your ass, right?


But even then, almost in spite of everything I've said above, I'm still a romantic. I've yet to figure that one out.

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An "Ani" mood -I love it! I have those days too, most of the time I listen to NPR or quiet folksy stuff...but there are some days when only angry angsty Ani will do. I particularly like the song that starts out something like "I'm a pixie, I'm a paper doll...a chipper cheerful free-for-all" - somedays that describes me to a tee.

-Although, out of context it doesn't quite make sense until you read the rest of the lyrics!

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Having been raised by a catholic martyr guilt-tripping mother, I'm totally on the "FUCK GUILT!" bandwagon. And when you figure out your reality/romance contradiction, maybe you can help me figure out how I manage to be both the most cynical person I know and the most optimistic person I know (not at the same time, of course). :)

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Having been raised by a catholic martyr guilt-tripping mother, I'm totally on the "FUCK GUILT!" bandwagon. And when you figure out your reality/romance contradiction, maybe you can help me figure out how I manage to be both the most cynical person I know and the most optimistic person I know (not at the same time, of course). :)


:pics: I too am told that I'm "bubbly" and "optimistic." And often that occurs when I'm in the middle of an Ani mood, and I think, WTF?? My theory is that you get so far on one end of the spectrum, that you go around the bend and come out on the other side!


And seriously, I think there's a true romance and hopefulness in life, just as there's a lot of crap in life, and if you're realistic, you're going to address both sides. You try to bring out the good, all the while knowing the really bad stuff is lurking around the edges. I don't do the Christian thing, but once I watched a TV sermon where the minister of a very progressive/liberal church in this town talked about his philosophy of life. He's not especially preachy, and I'll always pause to see what he has to say when he's being more generally philosophical. And in this sermon, he said that his philosophy is to enjoy people, hope the best from people, look for the good in people, but cut the cards yourself. I thought, dude, you're cool.

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