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BPAL Madness!
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I received my first ever order from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab yesterday, and it was well worth the wait. I'm sure many people have stated the exact same sentiment and many people will continue to share the feeling for years to come.


I dipped my toe into the pool by ordering 6 imps to start my collection and see if the oils would agree with me. In the past, essential oils have served to give me a massive headache by smelling off or like vintage perfume gone wrong. Some have only reminded me of strong incense at head shops, so I didn't know what I was getting into.


I ordered: Loup-Garou, Antony, Thorns, Ultraviolet, Envy, and Y'hai-Nthlei. I received frimps of: Obatala, Ogygia, Lilith, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat.


Yesterday I wore Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat after getting the oil on my fingers. The cap was stubborn and when it came off, a few drops of oil came out onto my hands. I did noticed that the scent remained strong even after washing dishes by hand a couple of times during the course of the evening.


Today I decided that Loup-Garou was the way to go. So far it is my favorite, with the strong eucalyptus kick that I adore. I put a couple of drops onto a piece of cotton ball and stuffed it down my bra after rubbing some in the crook of my elbow and on my wrist. I honestly believe that it has done wonders for relieving stress and anxiety associated with being around my family members today.


My son wore Antony today. He will be 8 years old next week and I asked him if he'd like to wear some "cologne" today. I told him it smelled like "leather and heroes" and let him sniff the bottle. He asked to wear some so I put a drop on a cotton ball and rubbed it on his chest, to his delight.


I'm ready to order more!


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