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BPAL Madness!
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I think I'm becoming a Bridezilla :twisted:


I keep having wedding related breakdowns, and I just want it to stop!


I snapped at Todd last night, and freaked out when he said that he oops'ed and didn't put a stamp on one of the response cards (I thought he had said 'some').


I really stressed out... there isn't enough time to relax or veg, and since my in-laws are coming to visit over the 4th, I won't have any days off until Labor Day.


I had been looking forward to the 4th, but now I'm not. Originally I had hoped to do all the invitations during the two days we have off, but now I have to be the hostess with the mostess for my in-laws.


It makes me tired and crabby just thinking about it.

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