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Weenie SW 2014 help&answers



Here are the copious lists and links:













And questions answered below:




I like it as a vegetable(mashed, fried, seeds) or in zucchini-bread-like recipes, as a decorative(thought I do lean more towards Spooky/Elegant/Halloweenie/realistic/fairytale, and not country/Americana/primitive), and pumpkin spiced things only as the occasional home fragrance(candles, spray,etc.).

I don't eat pumpkin pie or pumpkin spiced baked goods-- whether it's psychosomatic or because it has Allspice, pumpkin pie makes my throat close. :eek: The one exception to the 'no pumpkin spice foods' thing is Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, which I do really like.

BPAL pumpkin containing perfumes tend to go very buttery and cloyingly sweet on me, so probably no to those as well. There have been a couple of exceptions, which I can track down if you really want me to, but I'm fine without pumpkin perfume. ;)


How do people feel about canned good (pickles, salsa, etc) and vegetal baked goods (squash bread, zucchini bread)

I feel like those sound delicious. I don't, personally, like dill pickles(or dill anything ,really-- except the plant, which is pretty-- though I would totally give dill pickles to my dad, who does like them), but sour pickles or pickled things, and breads, jams, jellies, chutneys, etc. all sound great!



3. Trading Post wants?

I've got public wishlists on both the BPTP and BPAL websites, under 'Usagi'. Of the top of my head, things that I would really like to try testers of are Nectar atmo., Chorion atmo., Passion Flower bath oil, or Phlox bath oil.

4. What direct sellers do you not like and would prefer not to get things from? And also feel free to list any retail brands you really don't like.

I'd prefer to not have any Smashbox, Mary Kay, or anything not cruelty-free. I'm also not big into the mass market straight-to-you-by-representative things, like Avon, Pampered Chef, Party Lite-- not that they don't have cool stuff. I've just bought their stuff and found myself not using it.

5. How about y'alls coffee and tea preferences?

I rarely drink coffee, and I try to only have decaf. I do have access to a Keurig machine. I prefer white, green, herbal teas and fruit tisanes. Black tea and coffee mix drinks(like Pumpkin Spice Lattes) are reserved for special treats. Caffeine doesn't seem to want to be my friend. :(

6. Do you cook? Would kitchen accessories make you happy?

Yes, and bake, too. Kitchen gadgets are great. Seasonal themed things-- forms, sprinkles, spices, recipes-- would be especially lovely.


7. How do people feel about creative endeavours? Would you like to receive one? Or supplies to make your own? What do you like? Drawings, stories, poems?

I would love your creative endeavors. Even if you don't think you should because you aren't a "professional" or whatever, anything you took the time to make me would be awesome and loved.

Craft supplies are always welcome.


8. What culture or country (doesn’t have to be modern) do you feel an innate connection with? What about it makes it special to you?

Ancient cultures- Geek Minoan, Mycenaean, Pictish, Celtic, proto-Celtic, Germanic, Norse, Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician; all that good stuff.

Modern Cultures- Japan; they just have a unique and interesting combination of old, new, and modified foreign extraction. They've also got marimo, Akitas, wagashi, and anime/manga, which are all awesome, too. ;)

I feel an innate connection towards things about people who are between two cultures-- how, somehow being a bit of both really makes you kind of neither, and you have to consciously select which aspects to present. It seems to reflect the struggle that everyone goes through, trying to find a place in the world-- only with being in between worlds, you realize it more actively.

9. Is there any sort of art commission you would like: cartoony, pin-up, fantasy, realistic, etc? If so, what subject would you like drawn (a picture of you, a character, a loved one or pet)?

Maybe not pinup, but sure on the rest? I like fantasy and maybe naturey stuff. I really don't like how I look, so maybe not a self portrait-- unless you wanted to make a me that looked nothing like me, which could be awesome-- and I would rather not have loved ones, as those would one day have to be put away because of sadness. I would rather be able to display your art all the time.

I apologize. I had slightly more coherent answers to questions before I erased my own post because I am a *genius*. :blush:


10. What do you find yourself doing for fun in your free time? What are your main hobbies and interests?

Watching Youtube, gardening, spending time with the plants, drawing, reading, writing, sleeping, crochet; I just started art journaling.

11. Table-top gaming? If yes, what kind, edition, etc? Gaming accessories you long for?

Kind of? I don't play, but I like the stuff that goes along with it-- fancy, many sided dice, world-building/character books (I have Changeling, Mage: the Ascension, Vampire: Dark Ages, Code of the Harpers, Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home), little figurines. That kind of stuff is really fun to browse through.


12. DVD movies or games that you wish would magically appear in your hands? Can they be used, through Amazon?

Used is fine. I have a bunch of stuff on various wishlists that I would like to have copies of-- physical or digital. As far as things that would appear right now, that I could watch this second... Movies: The Raven, Stonehearst Asylum(which is not out yet, but looks awesome), and, maybe Waxworks I&II-- because I am trying to get my Halloween on early, and haven't seen either in a *while*.

Games, I would probably need to buy new consoles for most of the ones I've been eyeballing(and that is so not happening). Among that list are Rise of Nightmares and Silent Hills(not out yet). As far as what I could actually play, Katamari, Some kind of hidden object/puzzle game, Skyrim, Oblivion, another Harvest Moon game? I've borrowed Tree of Tranquility from my best friend, but I'm not really playing right now. My husband won't make me lunch, and I was disappointed. LOL

13. What kind of snacks or candy from other countries/states would you like to try?

Candy is awesome! I'll try anything that isn't an allergy or dislike(or bugs, I really have no desire to experiment with crunchy garden denizens).


14. Do you have a favorite internet meme, character or pop culture fandom?

Umm... Slenderman? Pewdiepie? I got nothing. Someone mentioned Sailor Moon, though. I love Sailor Moon(but haven't watched the new show yet; bad fangirl).

15. Do you have a Facebook profile (or other social media) that you are comfortable linking to aid your witch in stalking? Please note whether you are willing to add BPALers as friends.

I put all my social media links in the spreadsheet, which is linked(I think) in TwilightEyes sig.. Fair warning, though. I am an incredibly boring Facebook stalk. I repost stuff-- mostly with baby animals, and send photos from my garden to Facebook. That's about it. But you are welcome to add me.


16. Anybody interested in something from RCCC, whether it's con-exclusive merch or from a particularexhibitor or artist?

If you see something there that you think I would like, chances are, I will.

17. How important to you is regular contact / chatter with your witch?

Other than knowing, at the beginning, that I have a Witch(so that I am not needlessly annoying other participants with answering questions in my usually verbose manner), contact level is up to my Witch. Whatever you are comfortable with is totally cool with me. PM and chatting on a daily basis is cool. If you want to be a ninja Witch that's okay, too. Anything in between is just fine. So long as you are comfortable and have fun.


18. Do you like puzzles/riddles/treasure hunts and that sort of thing?

I do. My current interest is hidden object/puzzle games, like those from Big Fish.


19. If you were to receive music, would you want a physical CD or digital versions?

Either would be fine.

20. What’s a current problem/annoyance you have that could be remedied but you haven’t had time to address it?

Not enough time/money/space? I don't know... Needing to get things organized in a fashion such that it will stay organized with minimal maintenance.

21. How do you feel about having some sort of trinket to carry around for good luck/wishes? i.e. a small figurine, symbol, card, coin…

That would be lovely.


22. Are you superstitious about anything? Any things you can't have in your house for that reason--bad associations?

I don't think so? *knocks on wood* ;p Oh, no Spongebob. I just don't like it, and it also reminds me of someone I am not particularly fond of. And, dead things, or anything made with fur.

23. For the vegetarians and vegans: How do you feel about things (say, marshmallows or gummy candy) made with vegan gelatin or other typically-animal-derived-but-not-in-this-instance products?

I am neither Vegan nor vegetarian, but I would *love* to try gelatin-free marshmallows. I also like puddings made with carrageenan instead of gelatin. I don't know about gummies. Are they as sproingy as traditional gummi bears? I had some vegan ones a long time ago and they were sadly squishy.

24. Ok, so we've covered pumpkin. How do you feel about the other fall classic – apples?

Apples are awesome! Apple scent, apple flavor-- except for having a slight dislike towards poor apple Skittle. It's only because they replaced lime, which was my second favorite flavor. Y U take my lime? It was an odd marketing decision, in my opinion, but the school kids seem to like it, so I guess it works.

25. Do you have any fabric or skin-contact aversions?

I don't do fur, and prefer more natural fibers in general. But fur is the only thing I don't do.


26. How do you feel about Christmas/Yule ornaments?

Christmas/Yule ornaments are great.

27. How do you feel about Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty accessories (including mugs, cups, etc)?

She's okay. I'm a bigger fan of Miffy/Nijntje. As far as mass-marketed merchandise of cuteness type stuff, I like San-X Sentimental Circus, and specifically Shappo the Ringmaster rabbit.


28. If you had a week free where you could learn anything, with no financial restrictions, what would you want to study?

Is this a magical week where I could literally learn anything by the end of it? At least one of every major language group, and reading all the ancient scripts, plus animal and plant telepathy-- if there were a couple of days left over. Oh, and possibly playing folk harp and piano well, being able to sing at the same time. Why set the bar low, if it's a magic learning weekend, right? I didn't say 'breathe under water', I could have.

29. Do you enjoy poetry? Who are your favorite poets and what type of subject matter do you like?

Yes. Favorite poets include W.B. Yeats, Nuala ni Dhomhnaill, and Shel Silverstein. Does Tori Amos count? She writes her own lyrics, and I really like many of them. As far as subject matter, I like fun stuff, nature and fantasy, and also people thoughts.

30. Would you enjoy receiving something related to a favorite Disney character?

Sure. Favorite Disney Princess is Ariel, and I like Scuttle, Sebastian, and Flounder as well. I can't think of other characters right now, but there are probably a lot of them. I was big on Disney as a kid.

31. How do you feel about cute things as decorations or accessories? (Example: Would you enjoy this stationery - or do you prefer elegant/creepy/neutral stuff?)

Cute things are awesome. That store has Sentimental Circus! :squee: I also like elegant-creepy. I'm not sure what that would be, specifically, but it sounds awesome.

32. What is something you'd really like to receive from your witch? Please be as specific as possible - no, "Oh whatever she thinks is fine!"

I would like something that was personal to them-- maybe a craft or something they picked out with me in mind. I realize that this sentence basically translates to 'whatever my Witch thinks is fine', and I apologize, but it's true.

33. Go to your music source of choice - on random or shuffle setting if possible - & share with us the 10 most recent songs/artists.

I'll trump that. Here are several that were recently liked on Pandora, plus the ones that I have just listened to while answering these questions:

Danza Kuduro- Don Omar

Take a Hint- Victorious cast

All about the Bass- Meghan Trainor

Young and Beautiful- Lana del Rey

Do What U Want- Lady GaGa

Give it Up to Me- Sean Paul

Darkest- Tokimonsta

Black Widow- Iggy Azalea

Monster- Skillet

Wicked & Wild- Cecile

Mr. Brightside- the Killers

Making Christmas- NMBC soundtrack

Obedear- Purity Ring

Teardrop- Massive Attack

Mas Maiz- N.O.R.E.

Shalott- Emilie Autumn

Aim for the Head- Creature Feature

34. Tarot cards, rune stones and/or other divination tools yay or nay?



35. Do you have a Celeb crush? or someone who you just can't get enough of....other than your SO

Not really? Hugh Jackman is adorable, if I had to pick someone. He sings and dances. There are some actors that I really enjoy watching in their roles and am that much more likely to see a movie if they're in it, like Gary Oldman or Mila Jovovich


36. Glitter? are you okay with it, or hate it like the plague?

Glitter is awesome.

37. If there was another time period other than now that described your style/aesthetics, what would it be?

All time periods I could live in need to include flushing toilets. They just do. I could live in a magical steampunk(or just straight up magical) world with flushing toilets.

Okay, I just totally read that question wrong. But it's staying. Everyone must know the importance of flushing toilets. I also don't do well without some sort of bust support.

I have strange needs.

I like magic fantasy ancient world/or otherworld aesthetic?


38. If you had to pick one or two quotes to live by, what would it be and why?

I don't knoooooow! :cry2:

'If today were perfect, there would be no need for tomorrow' is a nice thought, but I don't know how much of a rule to live by it would make.

I just read one from Ralph Waldo Emerson a couple of days ago, which went ' to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.' It reminded me of my best friend, whose mother is some extension of Evil Incarnate. Again, though, I don't know if it really reflects me or is a goods rule to live by. I will try to think about this question and come back to it with something reasonable.


I thought of something!

"It matters to this one."

"Those who don't believe in magic, will never find it." ~Roald Dahl

I don't completely agree with the second one, because life is full of people stumbling upon magic, and believing after the fact. But I really like the sentiment.



39. Do you prefer physical books? CD books? eBooks? If eBooks do you have preferred format, kindle/nook/kobo/PDF/ePub/ect? eAudio?

I prefer paper books, but have a strict policy of never turning down a book. Ebooks and all will take me longer to read, though ,as I have no ereader and will need to read them on my computer.


40. Smut! Yes or no? If yes, what kink, er, kind?

Sure! Paranormal. I don't even know what qualifies as a kink anymore. I don't appreciate non-con. Other than that, so long as it's humanoid on humanoid, it's all good?

41. Ebooks! Yes or no?

Sure. I have a strict policy of never turning a book away.

42. If you were to get a custom bottle from House of Gloi made for you what notes would create your perfect blend?

Hmm, I did this a while ago, but it turned out being much better suited to my best friend(which did work out, because her men do not like her favorite BPAL, and the HoG might be preferable). I like the idea of red musk/sweet cream/cardamom/Tonka, red musk/orange blossom/ Tonka/cardamom, or red musk/dragon's blood/fall leaves/tonka.


43. If your witch were to take a photograph (or paint or whatever) of something just for you, what would it be? Landscape? Flower? Critter? Something to illustrate a favorite quote?

Plants, animals, artistic rendering of a favorite quote, or a landscape(nature as opposed to cityscape).


44. What is your favorite Halloween animal or other symbol/decoration?

Bats. It would be a toss up between bats and black cats, but my furbaby died this spring(<--edited because that made it sound like he ran away), and it really hurts-- his little brother is still here, but he has also been ill this year. It's a year of loss and medical foofooness for our family.

So, bats. I also like skeletal trees and elegant spiderwebs. Halloween stuff, in general, is awesome.

45. Makeup, especially of the indie variety. Nail polish, nail wraps, eyeshadow, lipstick/gloss, etc. Y/N? Specific preferences (color, finish, product, brand, etc.)?

Yes! All of those kinds sound good, though I would prefer stayput lip products(stains are great). No talc, where possible, and as many #-free on the nail polish. I'd love to try a Rainbow Honey mystery bag, or any loose eyeshadows. for nails, translucent jellies with glitter flakes or mylar, or glitter sand, are my favorites. I'm currently searching for a really good vivid, fiery orange metallic,lustre, or shimmer liner or shadow.

46. How do you feel about profanity and off-color humor?

Trollfucker is my favorite cussword. I don't use profanity overly much, but I'm not terribly bothered by it. Off-color and/or black/macabre humor are fine, though I don't appreciate discriminatory humor.

47. I make hairsticks...would you like/use them?

I would love them. I just cut my hair really short this spring, so it might be a while before I could use them(though I could technically put one side up, since the cut is asymmetrical), but I would still enjoy them.

48. Does anyone here LARP? If so, what kind of LARP? And what kind of character do you play?

I don't. But I will totally wear "cosplay" type things for normal. I like quality wigs, interesting accessories, and pretty clothes.

49. Would you completely freak out if I sent you a chocolate covered scorpion or some other food oddity? This includes things like 'bacon powder' from thinkgeek.com.

Please, no bacon chocolate. I didn't like it. It may just be that it was maple bacon, but I think I generally just don't appreciate bacon in my dessert foods. I wouldn't freak out if you sent me a chocolate covered scorpion, but I probably wouldn't be thrilled. Tasting bugs is not really on my bucket list.

Unusual foods, however, could be cool. My father is currently in love with pickled brussel sprouts(aka "frog balls").

50. This has kind of been covered, but, are you ok with receiving canned jam (from a veteran jammer!) and if so, what flavors would you like and not like?

Yes. I love jam. Perhaps not blueberry, but currant or tart marmalade, raspberry, or apple butter?

51. Let's talk nail polish. What colors do you love? Hate? Which brands are you dying to try? Have you ever used indies? Do you like glitter? Any textures to avoid (glitter, sand, etc)?

I love colors. I like glitter. I like glitter sand! I'd love to try Rainbow Honey. My only real experience with indie polish is from the lovely Forumite sth0, who made me some gorgeous polishes. I prefer all the possible frees.


52. How do you feel about getting a special Halloween plushie?

That's sounds lovely.

53. I'm in Japan, anything specific you might want from the land of the rising sun?

I like Japanese candies and snacks, San-X sentimental Circus(Shappo is my favorite), general cute things, Sailor Moon,Free!(Iwatobi swim club), and tons of other stuff. But please don't stress or go out of your way for it, dear Witch(if it's down the street from you, awesome, though). I've got Gardena and Little Tokyo around two hours away(I may or may not be heading there to do some shopping for my Witchee), so if I'm particularly desperate for furikake or something, my sad butt can make an effort and drive down there.


54. Are there any GC scents that you know you love, but for whatever reason, keep putting off buying bottles of?

Liz, Love-in-Idleness. There may be a couple of others on my Forum wishlist.

55. I know not everyone likes Lush products, but if you do, which Lush items would you like to get from your Witch?

I like Lush. Sandstone soap, fresh face masks(Brazen Honey), or maybe a massage bar(After 8:30)? I *love* the scent of Honey, I washed the Kids and would totally use it as hand soap, despite the SLS.

56. Is there anywhere (in the US) that you are dying to get away to? Also when would you be able to get away. Would this even be something you were interested in? If so, go look at the Southwest sale for routes and dates and times.

What a lovely thought!

I'd love to visit New Orleans, the Florida Keys, the Arboreal Rainforest, Kauai, and Salem for fall leaves and history. But I don't really have funds to be staying anywhere right now, so it would be a sad trip of flying to the airport, and then flying home again.

57. If you are ok with receiving t-shirts, what size are you, do you prefer tissue tees, normal crew tees, babydoll etc?

I am. I wear M or L, usually. but I own a sewing machine and have scissors, so anything works. Tissue tees are nice; I prefer longer tops, and a v or scoop neck, because my chest does not need to look any larger than it already does.


58. THINKGEEK! Who loves it - do you have a wishlist on there?? What are some things you are jonesing for on there for under $20?

I have never purchased anything from ThinkGeek. Umm, the telescope ring, gyroscope, Hobbit journals, lumivolt, "no admittance except on party business"-- and a couple of other things that are out of stock-- look really cool.


59. Zombies, yes or no?

Real zombies, like people who have been zombified, are very interesting, from an anthropological perspective. Horror zombies are okay, but not my super fabulous monster fandom.

60. Would you like arm warmers/fingerless gloves? If so, what length? just beyond the wrist, almost to the elbow, full sleeves?

Sure. full sleeve sounds awesome, but the other two lengths are great, too. * *note, I have many fingerless gloves and do not wear them as often as I should, so don't worry if this wasn't in your plans.


61. Do you feel a particular affinity for a specific animal/s?

Bats, cats, hedgehogs, otters, seals... dolphins used to be on that list, until a fourth grader asked me if dolphins were really rapists-- I, of course, told them 'no'. But then I went home and found out it's kind of true. It was like someone shot my unicorn. :(

62. Anyone have any Paintbox Soapworks loves?

My favorite scent from her is Big in Japan, and favorite product is sorbetto. Soaps are great, too. The lotion was nice, but not really hydrating enough for my sad, parched skin- perhaps as a frequent use hand lotion?

Scents that I haven't tried but currently top the list, include the Bee's Lament, Candy Floss, Whiskers, and Pink Sand.


63. How would you feel if your witch or a minion of your witch showed up in person at your house with goodies? Thrilled? Annoyed? Completely creeped out?

Foremost, I would feel bad that they had driven out to bumblemoo, only to roast and have nothing to do. Second, I would apologize for the state of the house. It is a mess right now. :blush:

Hopefully, someone would be home, to let them in and offer a glass of water, because it's hot. I don't think I would be creeped out or annoyed, though-- just a bit at a loss, which is fairly normal.

64. Do you have a ravelry account? Tell me about your yarn obsessions.

orihime is my ravelry ID. I'm not on there very much, but have tons of potential projects hearted-- some for me some for others. I like yarn? I especially like really soft yarn, like bamboo or silk. I don't have anything against acrylics, so long as they are soft, too. I am a yarn hoarder, though I plan to use some of it for my Witchee and my Pumpkin in the 13 Nights swap. :thumbsup:


65. Sock Dreams, yay or nay?

Sure! Here is a slightly outdated wishlist: http://www.sockdreams.com/_users/wishlists/f442d13393feac2

Though, it isn't like socks go out of favor, right? I'll add a couple of new things, just in case. Also, a lot of the nylon-type ones(like the kitty and bunny tights) are on eBay for about $2-5.... :sideglance: not that sockdreams isn't *absolutely awesome*, just gotta make those sock dollars stretch

66. Knitted items like scarves, shawls, dishclothes....yay or nay? Favorite fibers? Favorite colors?

Yes to knitted items. Favorite colors are probably favorite knit colors also? Bamboo silk, super soft cotton, and that acrylic that is like ultra soft fluffy mohair(don't remember what it's called) are favorites.

67. Is your Amazon WL up-to-date?

In as much as a list that big can be, I believe so? I will go check again, just in case.

68. If you were to receive handmade caramels, would it matter if they were made with raw cream (unpasteurized)?

All cream is good cream.


69. Would you enjoy getting a sampling of quality incense taken from various sources? Are there types of incense you know you don't like? Would you want a burner for loose incense and a few charcoals to get you started with that, or would you rather stick to simpler types?

Definitely, yes. I have never tried the charcoal incense kind. It sounds awesome.


70. I know we already had a question about needed kitchen accessories, but what about spices?

Spice are made of love. I'm always up for good ground ginger and paprika, recently discovered the amazing joy of vanilla bean paste(best cookies and puddings ever?), and would love to try unusual or new-to-me spices and seasonings.


71. Would you like handmade stationary or cards? How about a quill pen?

I like stationary, I like pens. I don't know how good I would be with a quill pen, being left-handed, but you never know until you try, and they look awesome.

72. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being "gimme that ghost pepper!" and 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" Where is your heat tolerance?

Hmm, probably somewhere between a 3 and a 5? Picante, but not so spicy that I can't taste the food. I like putting sambal and Louisiana Hots sauce in sauces, soups, and on foods, and order curries 'medium'. No Ghost peppers.


73. What is your favorite type of Halloween candy?

Traditionally, that would have been mini boxes of Dots. Now, I don't know... Cadbury's Scream Eggs! This is a thing, and I have not made it up, right? Did I just dream that there were Halloween Cadbury eggs? I know they're real! :cry2: Other than that, the creepy things jelly gummies; haven't seen those is a long time, though.

74. Do you need or want any cosy footwear, like fluffy slippers, or slipper socks etc?

Sure, those are nice. I'm usually barefoot a lot, though, and run through things like that unfortunately quickly. I got some MJ slipper socks one Christmas, and had worn holes in them by March? Maybe, secretly, I am a descendant of one of the Twelve Dancing Princesses.

75. What do you most look forward to each Fall?

Girasol's answer to this was very affinitive-- only I have no tiny, adorable humanoid. :( The changing of the weather, and the cooler breezes and golden quality of light are something I look forward to every year. And Halloween, although Halloween has been becoming progressively more disappointing every year, and making the world a sadder place. I get why people don't trick or treat anymore, but it's still sad.

Anyway, I like golden days, and cool nights.

76. What gadgets do you use in your everyday life and would you like a cool case for them - with your favourite fandom or artwork or saying?

Right now, I use an Amazon Fire phone. It came with a free year of TV, and that was a good deal. Before that, I was dead set on getting a Samsung Galaxy Note IV, to replace my aged Note I. I still may get the IV at a later date. I love my Fire Phone, but it lacks some of the functionality that I want for use at work.

I'd love a case or protective decal for my Fire phone, though. There is not so much awesomeness available for them. I've also got a HP Pavilion g7 laptop, and would enjoy decals or cases for that as well, if you were so inclined.


77. Are there any beauty accessories you need or would like? For example make-up brushes, facial brushes or eyelash curlers.

I will always take more makeup brushes-- especially small, angled liners, stipplers, and foundation brushes. I have the oldest tweezer ever, but it works pretty darn well, so I don't really need one. Cotton pads/balls, clips or bands to hold my hair back while washing my face, and spoolies are also good?


78. Would you be disappointed to get one big box, or would you prefer a bunch of little ones? And would you be disappointed if your witch actually had it together early and sent it to you sooner than later?

I would not be disappointed, at this point, even if I get no box, because Witch, you are fabulous and amazing, and heartwarming and all that good stuff. So, anything else is frosting and completely up to you.

79. Stores are putting out their halloween PJs and undies! Would you be happy to get any in a package? And if so, what size? For PJ pants, do you like cotton or flannel?

Woohoo spooky pants! I would be happy for underthings and pajamas, either or both. I do XL(or bigger, seriously, float me in fabric) for pajamas, and a size M/6 in underpants.


80. Do you like M&Ms?

I'm not vehemently opposed to them, but I don't find myself eating them very often.


81. How about wax melts?

I don't have a burner, but, sure? I can figure something burny out.

82. Would you like a subscription for Spotify?

I don't do Spotify? I have free Pandora, and lots of music through Amazon prime, so I think I'm good.

83. What scents from the Lillith update would you like to try?

All of them! :lol: but you did already cover that in your wonderful emails, dear Witch, and there's no need to get any of them for me.

84. Would you be interested in receiving a box of sugar cube skulls?

These look really cute, but I bet I could make them at home--I may even already have a skull tray....

85. Skin care routine? Fave cleanser? Toner? Moisturizer? What about body lotions? Any particular brand or scent? Lip balms? Yay or nay?

This, you also covered, but if you need more info, I can make a *really* long list of all the things I have tried and what was and wasn't awesome, in my quest for the ultimate skincare trouting routine. Always up for more alcohol-free toners, or those hydration mist things(I realize it's essentially aerosolized mineral wat, but my skin is *that* dry). Currently loving 100% Pure lotion. It's light, but moisturizing.


86. Is there anything you would like from Salem MA (mugs, keychains, postcards, etc.or witchy supplies like incense, candles, books)?

I like anything. It's somewhere I want to go, one day, preferably in fall. I'd love to see pictures you've taken, especially if the leaves were turning.

87. Would you be interested in any of the items in LisaNut's etsy shop?

Oo, knitwear! Okay, the Find Your Way Home hat is sooo cute, and--even though I shouldn't add to my hoard of scarves-- scarves, or the adorable armwarmer/wristlets.

88. Spiders (as in cute knit kind) yes or no?

Yes, I like spiders. My best friend has a phobia of them, so I have a basic understanding of the horror associated with them(as in 'oh my god, she just ran out into traffic to avoid a Daddy Long Legs?!!') but I do not, personally, suffer from this. Spiders can be really cute, even if the Black Widows sometimes piss me off and make me paranoid for the furbabies.

89. Pillows (the mostly decorative type)?

If it's huggable or headrestable, I'm for it.

90. Any kind of bags - big, small, medium, purse, grocery, etc?

I like those reusable grocery totes that fold into tiny bits(but I may be picking up a bunch at the Daiso this weekend, while shopping for my Witchee). I like totes, though, so yeah.

91. Is there anything special coming up in your life?

No? I suppose if I get through the Holiday season with some semblance of sanity intact, it could be cause for celebration?

I am, one day hopefully soon, going to get that Etsy shop going, because the stuff needs to be in loving homes and not packing boxes-- plus it could be an opportunity to test whether loved ones and children are just being overly kind saying that I'm a good artist. :lol: I'm heavily inclined to believe the overly kind idea, but-- who knows-- maybe I can sell little chibi ATCs and fantasy pictures now that I have some Copics and don't flake out on coloring things... Yessss......


I don't know if either of those things qualifies as special, though-- Unless you mean "special", as in you're a special snowflake, Usagi. I am a Special Snowflake, dammit! I am a made out of high-powered blue raspberry Koolaid snowflake! :dance: *adopts manly action hero pose*


Today was a long day. Why, Puberty, why??? They were such adorable little kids. Where did the drama and defiance come from????


92. Which one scent would you want from each of the following updates: Metamorphosis, Lilith and GC?

Hmm... just one? I'm going to do either/or on the first two, although you should certainly not feel that you need to get decants of any of them for me(I am secretly inundated with lovely things I have yet to test).

Metamorphosis: this one is hard! Most of them sound amazing--except for one note that is likely to amp of FUBAR on my skin. Okay. Either Question Mark or Giant-Yucca skipper(partially because yuccas are part of our desert :P).

Liliths: Ghost Houses of Goofballs?

GC: Liz (or, if it needs to be an impable, Love-in-Idleness)

93. Are you interested in anything from NYCC?

Sure! Is this a BPAL question?

94. Would something from the Tokyo Game Show (e.g. postcards, fans) possibly interest you?

Sure! Free! Iwatobi Swim club/Eternal Summer (especially Makoto-related :heart:), Sailor Moon, any random swag goodies that would fall into my billion and a half fandoms would be totally appreciated and loved.

95. Would you enjoy any of these couple rings? Or anything from the same store's Halloween collection?

No on the couples rings, yes on the other things, especially cuffs or keychains or floating locket things. I like the Nightmare Before Christmas sayings, like "I am the Shadow on the moon at night", and the Beetlejuice one "Never Trust the Living"

96. If you imbibe at all ... preference between: wine/beer/cocktails and then glassware and/or bar-ware? cocktail gadgetry? Books on the subject/recipes? would you want sample bottles of local/regional/small batch craft spirits if they were home decanted and labeled?

I don't drink, but any sort of liqueur for cooking might be awesome.

97. Would you like some chai, lemon, rose water or other flavored sugar cubes?

Rose water sounds amazing, but others flavors are probably awesome, too. :smilenod:

98. Jamberry nail wraps?

I've never tried them, but, sure! Seasonal sounds cool!

99. If you had to choose one currently available book (used-but-obtainable counts if you do used) costing $20 or under for your Witch to buy for you, what would it be?

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern-- because I have wanted to read it since before it came out, and somehow continuously gloss over the fact that I want to get it.


100. Are there five things under $25 at Birchbox you would like?

1. Avene Thermal Spring Water spray yo' face thingie (seriously, it is so good)

2. 100% Pure body cream in Pink Grapefruit

3. any 100% Pure nail product(except the colors 'Jam' and 'Forever', because we have those)

4.Harney &Sons Dragon Pearl Jasmine Tea

5. ClariSEA charcoal detox exfoliant

101. Do you want anything from the Fatherhood update at the Post?

I don't know; that probably means 'no'?

102. Street art! Into it? Not into it? Meh?

Some of it is gorgeous adorable, or arresting. Some of it is just kind of meh.

103. If you could only pick one note that you love (e.g. Vanilla, Orange, Lavender, Rose) & you could only wear/have perfume, etc in that note, what would it be?

A. That would be so sad.


B.either that exotic musk that I swear is red musk but have not found which one yet-- I just smell it in random locations and on strangers occasionally and think 'mmm'; could be a chemistry issue, and I will thus never have it. *soooob* Or some form of citrus scent, like yuzu, mandarin, or bergamot-- or citrus musk. Is that a real thing?

104. What are you interested in from the NYCC exclusive list?

Don't think I even really considered.... maybe I will wishlist testers for later aftermarket acquisition, but no real dire need. Thank you, though.


105. Most anticipated "Weenie blends?

Hi, lovely Witch! We discussed this. Totally good there. :thumbsup:

106. Caffeine or no? And is this a health or preference?

Try to avoid caffeine, mostly due to it being the likely culprit behind some fairly painful health things. But I do drink caffeinated tea-- green and white, mostly. I've also been on a 'OMG the Pepsi has real sugar!!!' kick over the summer. Don't normally drink soda... kind of paying for that now.-__-' Whatever, real sugar Pepsi.

107. Are you interested in anything from the MAC Rocky Horror or the e.l.f. Disney Princess make up collections?

I love both Rocky and Ariel, but from the MAC update, only the polishes really strike me(and*honestly* don't need to have more; especially if it means someone risking life and limb to get them during a crazed fan rush), and only really like the packaging on the Ariel ELF. Ariel is my favorite princess, I'm kind of biased. :P


108. I pass this shop every day, If you were my witchee would you like a custom chocolate bar? What would you choose? Plain, white or milk and with what?

55% dark, with raspberry, orange zest(or candied orange, I can't remember what it said), and popping candy.


109. Would you like to try chocolate covered Turkish Delight or flower flavoured things (Rose and Violet chocolates)?

Heck yes.



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